Examples of the the word, mesh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mesh ), is the 8343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Following public release of the software,the, mesh ,of UUP hosts forwarding on the Usenet news rapidly expanded. Upset, as it
  2. The sub-interval width. Let I xi−xi−1 be the width of sub-interval i; then the, mesh ,of such a tagged partition is the width of the largest sub-interval formed by
  3. Or Kinked in Japan *International Meshing Roundtable, International congress of, mesh ,and grid generation. *Interrupt, in computer science is used to disable
  4. Values at point locations, which are connected by lines to form an irregular, mesh ,of triangles. The face of the triangles represent the terrain surface.
  5. A bib which protects the neck. The mask can usually support on the metal, mesh ,of penetration resistance on the bib. FIE regulations dictate that masks must
  6. Concentrations of acrylamide and a cross-linker, producing different sized, mesh ,networks of polyacrylamide. When separating larger nucleic acids (greater than
  7. A 4-cycle (square) has girth 4. A grid has girth 4 as well, and a triangular, mesh ,has girth 3. A graph with girth four or more is triangle-free. Cages A cubic
  8. Resistance on the bib. FIE regulations dictate that masks must withstand on the, mesh ,and on the bib. Some modern masks have a see-through visor in the front of the
  9. Mesh, it is given a digital skeletal structure that can be used to control the, mesh , This process is called rigging. Various other techniques can be applied, such
  10. This standard is composed of two parts: low-rate SPAN mesh and high-rate SPAN, mesh ,networks. The low-rate mesh is built on IEEE 802.15.4-2006 MAC, while the high
  11. To allow a flame to propagate through them and ignite any firedamp outside the, mesh , The first trial of a Davy lamp with a wire sieve was at Hepburn Colliery on 9
  12. Developed and demonstrated concrete spray technology used in conjunction with, mesh ,covered wire forms as a viable means of producing large scale, load bearing
  13. University and sponsored by US Steel (rebar),the Johnson Wire Corp, (, mesh , ) and Portland Cement Company (concrete). The ability to build large complex
  14. Great as the body's exterior surface. *200,000–500,000. This fibrin creates a, mesh ,onto which red blood cells collect and clot, which then stops more blood from
  15. Via UDP, XML metadata, source exchange (also known as" the download, mesh ,") and parallel downloading in slices (swarming). There are efforts to
  16. The domain to be mesh ed is specified as a coarse simplicity complex; for the, mesh ,to be numerically stable, it must be refined, for instance by using Ruppert's
  17. Is digitally modeled and manipulated by an animator. In order to manipulate a, mesh , it is given a digital skeletal structure that can be used to control the mesh .
  18. Was released in May 2003. Several standardized and proprietary networks (or, mesh ,) layer protocols run over 802.15.4-based networks, including IEEE 802.15.5
  19. Of black work embroidery. In canvas work threads are stitched through a fabric, mesh ,to create a dense pattern that completely covers the foundation fabric.
  20. Gin was a wooden drum stuck with hooks which pulled the cotton fibers through a, mesh , The cotton seeds would not fit through the mesh and fell outside. Whitney
  21. Acid gives a 95 % graphite product with a flake size ranging from 10, mesh , down. Garret son Beckman" Garry" Trudeau (born July 21, 1948) is an American
  22. Sized or screened),with the coarser flake size fractions (below 8 mesh ,8–20, mesh , 20–50 mesh ) carefully preserved, and then the carbon contents are determined.
  23. Portability support, trace route and energy saving function, and the high rate, mesh ,supports multihop time-guaranteed service. Task Group 6 (BAN) This task group
  24. Smooth pipe, intended to make it more difficult to scale. It was reinforced by, mesh ,fencing, signal fencing, anti-vehicle trenches, barbed wire, dogs on long lines
  25. Enabling SPAN devices to promote interoperable, stable,and scalable wireless, mesh ,networking. This standard is composed of two parts: low-rate SPAN mesh and
  26. Future in Marvel Comics. Roughly a third of his body is a" techno-organic ", mesh , *The Ultimate Marvel version of Deadpool is a cyborg. *Bennie Abbot in the
  27. Made of glass that slides open and sometimes has a screen (a removable metal, mesh ,that covers the door). Australian doors are a pair of plywood swinging doors
  28. Lines of constant ψ and constant λ, divides the surface of the ellipsoid into a, mesh ,of squares (of varying size). The isometric latitude is zero at the equator
  29. Out between the cylindrical louvres just beneath the dome which were lined with, mesh ,to conceal their faces. For Doctor Who's 21st-century revival, the props were
  30. With the coarser flake size fractions (below 8 mesh ,8–20 mesh ,20–50, mesh , ) carefully preserved, and then the carbon contents are determined. Then some
  31. The low-rate mesh is built on IEEE 802.15.4-2006 MAC, while the high rate, mesh ,utilizes IEEE 802.15.3/3b MAC. The common features of both mesh es include
  32. Reduced biting rates. Similarly, protecting livestock shelters with fine, mesh ,netting or coarser material impregnated with insecticide will reduce contact
  33. Sized or screened),with the coarser flake size fractions (below 8, mesh , 8–20 mesh ,20–50 mesh ) carefully preserved, and then the carbon contents are
  34. Of two parts: low-rate SPAN mesh and high-rate SPAN mesh networks. The low-rate, mesh ,is built on IEEE 802.15.4-2006 MAC, while the high rate mesh utilizes IEEE
  35. Infrastructure, with potentially millions of fixed endpoints. Task group 5 (, mesh ,networking) IEEE 802.15.5 provides the architectural framework enabling SPAN
  36. Acts as a flame arrestor; air (and any firedamp present) can pass through the, mesh ,freely enough to support combustion, but the holes are too fine to allow a
  37. To do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced parametric functionality and, mesh ,modeling. AutoCAD supports a number of APIs for customization and automation.
  38. Of Lillian Gish are heavily diffused by the use of layers of fine black cotton, mesh ,placed in front of the lens. Heavy lens diffusion was also used on all the
  39. Access to the region. Cisco is testing new technologies in wireless ", mesh ," networking. Community and Cisco officially launched the first phase in
  40. For all ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that, for any tagged partition a, b with, mesh ,less than δ, we have: :\left | S - \sum_^ f (t_i)\Delta_i \right | <
  41. Or mine damp. Sir Humphry Davy had discovered that a flame enclosed inside a, mesh ,of a certain fineness cannot ignite firedamp. The screen acts as a flame
  42. Armour consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a, mesh , The term chain mail or chain mail is a 19th century coinage of by Sir Walter
  43. It consists of a single IN layer, which forms by self-assembly a highly regular, mesh ,after high-temperature exposure of a clean rhodium or ruthenium surface to
  44. Protein filaments). This network is organized into lining similar to, mesh ,called the nuclear lamina, which binds to chromatin, integral membrane proteins
  45. Wireless mesh networking. This standard is composed of two parts: low-rate SPAN, mesh ,and high-rate SPAN mesh networks. The low-rate mesh is built on IEEE
  46. Other medical applications below). *Strained honey has been passed through a, mesh ,material to remove particulate material (pieces of wax, propolis,other
  47. The cotton fibers through a mesh . The cotton seeds would not fit through the, mesh ,and fell outside. Whitney occasionally told a story where he was pondering an
  48. Initialization, addressing,and multihop unicasting. In addition, the low-rate, mesh ,supports multicasting, reliable broadcasting, portability support, trace route
  49. With spans ranging to. The form was then draped with layers of ¼-inch wire, mesh ,attached by twist ties. Concrete was then sprayed onto the structure, building
  50. Of the rectus abdominis muscle may be strengthened by a piece of surgical, mesh ,placed over the defect and sutured in place. Perforator techniques such as the

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