Examples of the the word, fearful , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fearful ), is the 8344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Coast to bypass the major French fortresses, followed by a march on Paris. But, fearful ,of unprotected supply-lines the Dutch and Eugene favored a more cautious
- Claimed that she had been having an affair with him all along. Elias, still, fearful , that he would one day be overthrown, consulted an oracle which warned him to
- That concepts are being forced upon them, they might become uncomfortable and, fearful , A barrier is created by a tone of threat in the classroom. Therefore, an open
- Damaged. Even in the absence of their amygdala, they still react rapidly to, fearful ,faces. Suppression of amygdala activity can also be achieved by pathogens. Rats
- By pathogens. Rats infected with the toxoplasmosis parasite become less, fearful ,of cats, sometimes even seeking out their urine-marked areas. This behavior
- Frequent attacks. However, under the advice of conservative colleagues who were, fearful ,that Eisenhower could lose Wisconsin if he alienated McCarthy supporters, he
- Americans. However, there is evidence that the elites and Quebec are much less, fearful ,of Americanization, and much more open to economic integration than the general
- She supports herself and her son by painting, while living in hiding, fearful ,of discovery. In doing so, she violates not only social conventions, but also
- In the Isle of Wight. A week later, on 23 August, it reported that 'A, fearful ,malady has broken out among the potato crop ... In Belgium the fields are said
- Die. The revelation coaxed him to take it upon himself to comfort many of the, fearful ,passengers, even moving to sit next to Byron Hummel (Daniel CERN),a young
- Who represents those who know what is being done is wrong, but are too, fearful ,to act. Bradbury notes in his afterword that Faber is part of the name of a
- Have provoked resistance and hostility amongst the republican-minded Romans, fearful ,of monarchy. In regard to the Principate, it was obvious to Augustus that
- Experienced less activity in the amygdala when they consciously perceived, fearful ,stimuli than when they unconsciously perceived fearful stimuli. In the former
- Like me, but instead of defense, earnestly to supplicate you not to judge that, fearful ,abandonment of your Word according to its deserts, from which in your wondrous
- Manitoba, centred on Winnipeg). The local people, including the Métis, were, fearful , that rule would be imposed on them which did not take into account their
- Had wanted more but the nervous Senate, mindful of the recent Spartacus revolt, fearful ,of Caesar's burgeoning private armies and even more fearful of his
- Became known as Red Clyde side, and in January 1919,the British Government, fearful ,of a revolutionary uprising, deployed tanks and soldiers in central Glasgow.
- Spartacus revolt, fearful of Caesar's burgeoning private armies and even more, fearful ,of his overwhelming popularity, imposed a limit of 320 pairs as the maximum
- Santiago Rodríguez, Benito Moncton, and Gregorio Peron, among others. Haiti, fearful ,of the re-establishment of Spain as colonial power on its border, gave refuge
- Realized that independence was bound to come eventually, but they were, fearful ,that revolution might lead to anarchy, tyranny or mob rule. In contrast, the
- Action had finally arrived. But Amadeus, doubtful of victory and now more, fearful ,of Habsburg influence in Italy than he was of French, had begun secret dealings
- To circle around and attack the French in the flank and rear. The French were, fearful ,of encirclement and attempted to flee. King John was captured with his
- Upon adolescents who as infants had been highly apprehensive, vigilant,and, fearful ,finds that their nucleus incumbent is more sensitive than that in other people
- God had created the world as a prison, and demanded from the" prisoners ", fearful ,obedience and worship. The Atari claimed that this god was in fact a blind
- They made their foes flee in horror because their swarthy aspect was, fearful , and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless lump, not a head, with
- Ravaged the island bearing the name of the latter by sending a plague or a, fearful ,dragon into it, by which nearly all its inhabitants were carried off, and that
- In the film. " Nonetheless, he admits that it was heavily influenced by the, fearful ,mood of Philadelphia, and referred to the film as" my Philadelphia Story ". It
- Consciously perceived fearful stimuli than when they unconsciously perceived, fearful ,stimuli. In the former case, they discovered the rostral anterior cingulate
- The Duke of Albany) of his elder son, David,Duke of Brotherly in 1402,Robert, fearful ,for the safety of his younger son, James (the future James I),sent him to
- More costly. During the delay, Marlow overhears the manager talking about his, fearful ,dislike of Kurtz, who appears to be a threat to the manager's powerful
- Gyrus and the inferior parietal / superior temporal gyri. Interestingly, fearful ,eyes, brows and mouth seem to separately reproduce these brain responses. Fear
- Executives shied away from mass advertising and other marketing ploys, fearful ,of repeating past mistakes. Commodore also retreated from its earlier strategy
- By his mother's" incestuous" relationship with Claudius while simultaneously, fearful ,of killing him, as this would clear Hamlet's path to his mother's bed.
- Aforementioned. Hindu Hinduism speaks of incest in abhorrent terms. Hindus are, fearful ,of the bad effects of incest and thus practice strict rules of both endogamy
- In the wake of the 11 July dismissal of Jacques Becker, the people of Paris, fearful ,that they and their representatives would be attacked by the royal military
- The Gianni king despite attempts by the Hittite king Suppiluliumas, now, fearful , of growing Assyrian power, attempting to preserve his throne with military
- And instinctive reactions of the individual Finns under most uncertain and, fearful ,conditions. The Social Democrats aimed at retaining the political rights of the
- I had a hero who could fly. His name is GORDON BANKS. From being a timid, fearful ,young boy he taught me that impossible doesn't exist. Unknown to him, he helped
- He enjoins Scarlett to drink with him. Not wanting Rhett to know she is, fearful ,of him, Scarlett throws back a drink and gets up from her chair to go back to
- Seven feet to accommodate gunboats. Confederate citizens as a whole were most, fearful ,of the Union. According to Winters," most Confederates had never before seen a
- Of Pharaoh; at Sinai they became God's servants. " Summary Egypt's Pharaoh, fearful ,of the Israelites' numbers, orders that all newborn boys be thrown into the
- Still mindful of the French invasion in the" Disaster Year" of 1672,many, fearful ,people clamored for the restoration of the stadtholder. William Beating
- And establishing influence over the people and society. The conservatives were, fearful ,of losing their long-held social and economic power. Both groups collaborated
- His fire chief to set off the city's air raid sirens. Many Chicagoans became, fearful ,and confused since 1959 was the height of the Cold War; however, they relaxed
- Demands of 1661; but when it came to Convocation the members, now more, fearful ,of William's perceived agenda, did not even discuss it and its contents were
- Have also been observed to be activated when individuals are presented with, fearful ,vs. neutral faces, namely the occipitocerebellar regions including the fusiform
- Circumstances. Cottar, a criminal remorseful enough to attempt suicide yet, fearful ,of being arrested, becomes wealthy as a major smuggler. Meanwhile, Dr. Room, a
- Broke out in numerous countries, beginning in France. King Louis-Philippe, fearful ,of sharing the fate of Louis XVI, fled to England. The oath of allegiance was
- And neither we cry, strike,nor tremble because we are sorry, angry,or, fearful , as the case may be. " Such experiments also have therapeutic implications (
- With Oliver Cromwell Parliamentarians grew suspicious of monarchist plots and, fearful ,that the group travelling with Fox aimed to overthrow the government: by this
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