Examples of the the word, canoe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( canoe ), is the 8345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_west/5282874.stm discovery of a, canoe ,near St Bottles. Examples of sewn-plank boats include those found at North
  2. From the Malay and Micronesian language group terms for parts of the outrigger, canoe , and aka can be roughly translated as canoe or main hull. Semantically, the
  3. Events: men K-2 200,K-1/K-2/K-4 1000; women K-1 200,K-1/K-2/K-4 500,men, canoe ,C-1 200,C-1/C-2 1000 Each country can send one unit per event. Flat water
  4. Of Honduras on 30 July. Here Bartolomeo found native merchants and a large, canoe , which was described as" long as a galley" and was filled with cargo. On 14
  5. Had helped to adapt from his novel of the same name, it tells the story of a, canoe ,trip gone awry in a feral, backwoods America. The film and the performances of
  6. Henry David Thoreau, with his book Canoeing in Wilderness chronicling his, canoe ,voyaging in the wilderness of Maine, was the first to convey the enjoyment of
  7. Sand Bar State Park in Milton, featuring a natural sand beach, swimming, canoe , and kayak rentals, food concession, picnic grounds and a play area. At, Grand
  8. In 1686. It was formerly used by the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) as part of a, canoe ,route to the fur lands of the north. A HBC trading post was located on the east
  9. Intersected by several rivers and streams, most of which are navigable only by, canoe , A tropical rain forest belt, broken by heavily forested hills and many streams
  10. For hunting and transporting passengers or goods. An umiak is a large open sea, canoe , ranging from, made with seal skins and wood. It was originally paddled with
  11. Then mooring at riverside communities along the route, traders come out by, canoe ,and small boat alongside the river barges and transfer goods on the move. Most
  12. Hanover hosts sailing schools, yacht schools, waterski clubs, rowing clubs, canoe ,clubs and paddle clubs. The water polo team WASP W98 plays in the first
  13. People can best be accessed by vehicle on the road from Merak or by motorized, canoe ,up the Mary River. There is no airstrip or airplane access other than float
  14. Although the island continued for some time after to suffer raids by war, canoe ,parties from St. Vincent, who had aided the local Grenada islanders in their
  15. From the neutrino language, and Indian words such as tobacco, hurricane and, canoe ,were transferred to English and are used today. Further, field labor was
  16. World Championship events: *boat units: men and women K-1,K-2,K-4; men, canoe ,C-1,C-2,C-4 (women's C-1 and C-2 was exhibition-level at the 2009 world
  17. Is known to have made canoe s. The oldest recovered canoe in the world is the, canoe ,of Jesse. According to C14 dating analysis it was constructed somewhere between
  18. What the original Chamorro cultural practices such as dance, language,and, canoe ,building may have been like. Two aspects of indigenous pre-Hispanic culture
  19. Vast majority of the animal trapping and pelt preparation. They travelled by, canoe ,and walking, being received at the fort to sell their pelts. In exchange, they
  20. Minus Sylvester. It was constructed somewhere between 8200 and 7600 B. C. This, canoe ,is exhibited in the Rents Museum in Asset, Netherlands; other very old dugout
  21. The birchbark canoe , the animal hide-covered kayak and coracle and the dugout, canoe ,made from a single log. By the mid 19th century, many boats had been built with
  22. Capsize) without too much provocation. Hollowing out this log, into a dugout, canoe , doesn't help this much, unless the hollowed out section penetrates below the
  23. They still hold annual competitions involving the unique oceanic sailing, canoe , the pro. The world's the largest shark sanctuary Although the Marshall Islands
  24. 2nd millennium BC. Little is known of this early history. People traveled by, canoe ,between islands using traditional stick charts. Spanish exploration Spanish
  25. The earliest known Indian settlements date back to 1000 AD. Sea currents made, canoe ,travel to other Caribbean islands difficult, thus Aquatic culture remained
  26. Terms for parts of the outrigger canoe , and aka can be roughly translated as, canoe ,or main hull. Semantically, the catamaran is a pair of Aka held together by
  27. Of footage was captured, which skeptics have identified as either two men in a, canoe ,or swimming elephants. 1989 O'Hanlon British writer Redmond O'Hanlon traveled
  28. Built especially for the tropics, it was delivered by river in a huge dug-out, canoe ,to Nazarene, packed in a zinc-lined case. At first, he regarded his new life as
  29. The predominant occupation of the coastal inhabitants is fishing by dug-out, canoe , The Volta Delta, which forms a distinct subregion of the low plains, extends
  30. Punk bands as well as the occasional theatrical performances. There is also a, canoe ,livery,Blue's Canoes, that offers canoe ing, rafting and kayaking trips down
  31. Food services are available at West Beach during the busy season, along with, canoe ,and paddle boat rentals. Kayaks may be rented for guided tours out of Bowman
  32. The Cornet regiment swam across a river floating on their shields" as on a, canoe ," (357). Since the shields were wooden, they may have provided sufficient
  33. Marquette wrote that natives had told him that it was just a six-day, canoe ,trip up the river, some,where it would be possible to portage over to another
  34. Fiercely critical of the decision and dispatched a aka (traditional voyaging, canoe ,) with a crew of Cook Islands' traditional warriors to protest near the test
  35. Of trails and other artifacts indicate a sporadic early Polynesian presence. A, canoe , a blue bead, pieces of bamboo, and other relics of early settlers have been
  36. Sits on or near the hull of the boat and uses a double-bladed paddle. In a, canoe , the paddler sits on a seat or kneels on the hull, and uses a single-bladed
  37. Stranded on Jamaica. A Spaniard, Diego Mendez, and some natives paddled a, canoe ,to get help from Hispaniola. That island's governor, Nicolás de Ovando y
  38. The town of Waltham Cross, within the borough of Broxbourne, will host the, canoe ,and kayak slalom events of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Following a proposal
  39. Boundary between Brazil and Peru for more than 500 miles. It is navigable by, canoe ,for 900 miles from above its mouth to its source in the Ucayali highlands, but
  40. Carts or horse to wagon. Maritime transportation was via manual labor such as, canoe ,or wind on sail. Water or land travel speeds was approximately. Settlement was
  41. For a Marathi (Macao chief) house, although they may have also been used for, canoe ,sheds. Archaeologists using carbon-dating have broken Pre-Contact Guam (i.e.
  42. Design principles, which can even be traced back to the days of the dugout, canoe , Going to the basic round log; logs are generally unstable, and they tend to
  43. Depth is 2300 feet (701 m). There are annual paddleboarding and outrigger, canoe ,paddling contests which traverse this channel. Kalahari Channel The Kalahari
  44. Include the bound-reed style of boat seen in Ancient Egypt, the birchbark, canoe , the animal hide-covered kayak and coracle and the dugout canoe made from a
  45. On the southern half of East Falkland) as well as the remains of a wooden, canoe ,provide strong evidence that they had been visited previously, most likely by
  46. All of which are composed of till. Drumlins are asymmetrical, canoe ,shaped hills with aerodynamic profiles made mainly of till. Their heights vary
  47. Around 7,000–10,000 years ago. The oldest recovered boat in the world is the, canoe ,of Jesse; it is a dugout or hollowed tree trunk from a Minus Sylvester. It was
  48. In rural areas, often the only options are to cycle, walk or go by dugout, canoe , Some parts of the DRC are more accessible from neighboring countries than
  49. Group residing elsewhere is known to have made canoe s. The oldest recovered, canoe ,in the world is the canoe of Jesse. According to C14 dating analysis it was
  50. Policy strongly advocates sport in all forms. Traditional sports include, canoe ,racing and wrestling, and several hundred runners participate in the Mount

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