Examples of the the word, conflicting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conflicting ), is the 7769 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Needs and foraging applications. Over 100 scientific studies suggest a somewhat, conflicting ,picture on possible anti-nutritional and toxic factors in amaranth, more so in
  2. And her presence. For her mostly teenage fans, Spears expresses perfectly the, conflicting ,urges of adolescence, the tension between chastity and sexual experience
  3. For the life of Siddhārtha Gautama are in a variety of different and sometimes, conflicting ,traditional biographies. These include the Buddhacarita, Lalitavistara Supra
  4. And The Sopranos, as well as NBC's The West Wing. Its conception has met, conflicting ,responses; many people believe the programs shown to be of great quality
  5. Artemis was venerated in Lydia as Artists. Artemis in mythology Birth Various, conflicting ,accounts are given in Classical Greek mythology of the birth of Artemis and her
  6. Universe. Kant's conception of God arises as an attempt to harmonize these two, conflicting ,goals, but critics assert that practical reason is not committed to the pursuit
  7. And for their accounts of debates among rabbis, which preserve divergent and, conflicting ,interpretations of the Bible and legal rulings. Since the transcription of the
  8. Conjectural rather than empirical, and also due to the views of astrologers, conflicting ,with that of orthodox Islam. Alien also wrote a treatise entitled On the
  9. Unofficially each of them took a different diplomatic approach due to their, conflicting ,interests in the area. As a result, any possible preventive effect of the
  10. That are addressed through historical conciliation have their roots in, conflicting ,identities of the people involved. Whether the identity at stake is their
  11. 65 years old. Omega-3 fatty acids The benefit of fish oil is controversial with, conflicting ,conclusions reached by a negative meta-analysis on studies using traditional
  12. To enter into engagements in which he has, or can have, a personal interest, conflicting ,or which possibly may conflict, with the interests of those whom he is bound to
  13. The Queens Penalize, Hippolyta,and Penthesilea. Lists There are several (, conflicting ,) lists of names of Amazons. Quintus Smyrna lists the attendant warriors of
  14. Acidic and lovable. " Frazetta's freewheeling description typifies the many, conflicting ,firsthand accounts of Capp's complex personality. " He could be a real s. o.
  15. End-gaining" increases the likelihood of selecting older or multiple, conflicting ,coping strategies. End-gaining is usually carried out because an imperative
  16. Examples of alkalis would then also include, and (NH4)2CO3. There seems to be, conflicting ,information on acid-base reactions being neutralization reactions. Some sources
  17. 2006) shows a grave complication in Virginia's mobilization of troops was the, conflicting ,interests of distinct social classes, which tended to undercut a unified
  18. And accidental poisoning of children. The review garnered media attention and, conflicting ,opinions from other researchers. Link HBO of Cancer Research UK disputed the
  19. Be hexagonal ... or quasi-hexagonal. As with its monomeric structure, several, conflicting , models alleged that either the packing arrangement of collagen molecules is
  20. Platform to the other. Programmers do need to be careful though about mixing, conflicting ,POSIX and Windows functions. The version of GCC that comes with Corwin has
  21. Could pass through thin metal foils, behavior expected of a particle. These, conflicting ,properties caused disruptions when trying to classify it as a wave or particle.
  22. Validity of Anglican Orders. " Succeeding judgments, however,have been more, conflicting , The Eastern Orthodox churches require a totality of common teaching to
  23. 20th century. " Musicologist David Fanning concludes in Grove that," Amid the, conflicting ,pressures of official requirements, the mass suffering of his fellow countrymen
  24. Of his civil existence. ". By his zeal and exertions – for there were many, conflicting ,interests to reconcile – he adjusted the affair in a manner at once creditable
  25. Necessary to gain support from multiple constituents with mutually exclusive, conflicting ,desires from their candidate of choice. Ambiguity is a powerful tool of
  26. Were originally developed by Bleak in 1911. Since then there has been some, conflicting ,variation. Here are the terms used in some main references. The
  27. War of 1812 had brought prosperity to the area, the subsequent recession and, conflicting ,claims to the land threatened the success of the new town. Early conditions
  28. History ":: Of his final death or disappearance (738 A. D.) many terrible and, conflicting ,things are told. He is said by CBN Millikan (12th cent. Biographer) to have
  29. Court, and the Superior Judicial Council. This sometimes leads to, conflicting ,opinions since there is no one court which clearly has authority over the
  30. Struggled to relate to the cultural obsession with the war years and two, conflicting ,protest movements developed: communists, including Berber identity movements;
  31. Pact. Imam Staff (founder of the Staff school of thought) gave seemingly, conflicting ,views on the authenticity of the same tradition. Abu Yusuf (based on the
  32. To the prevention of anomalous colonic polyps ". More recent studies were, conflicting , and one that was positive for effect (Lapse, et al.) did control for a
  33. The hierarchy, but priests made no effort to organize the diverse and sometimes, conflicting ,creation myths and stories into a coherent system. These various conceptions of
  34. Arrested were seized by the triumvirs. Contemporary Roman historians provide, conflicting ,reports as to which triumvir was more responsible for the proscriptions and
  35. Autistic children have more or different GI symptoms than usual; studies report, conflicting ,results, and the relationship between GI problems and ASD is unclear. Parents
  36. The new definitions of depression were widely accepted, albeit with some, conflicting ,findings and views. There have been some continued empirically based arguments
  37. Fighting ability. Though the aim of chivalry was to noble action, often its, conflicting ,values degenerated into violence. Church leaders often tried to place
  38. Wakes the next day at the same place and walks home, where he is overcome with, conflicting ,emotions, chief among them, guilt and despair. He goes to the police station
  39. In the modern world arose in the nineteenth century, against the backdrop of, conflicting ,Jewish and Arab nationalism, and was imported into the Arab world primarily by
  40. And efficiently representing Arabic with the Latin script. There are various, conflicting ,motivations involved, which leads to multiple systems. Some are interested in
  41. The murder of a samurai and the rape of his wife from various different and, conflicting ,points-of-view. Kurosawa saw potential in the script, and with Hashimoto's
  42. Adversarial) court finally asked a barrister after witnesses had produced, conflicting ,accounts,'Am I never to hear the truth? ' 'No, my lord, merely the evidence '
  43. Conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly, conflicting ,requirements of the various stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users. *
  44. Work was not widely known until it was rediscovered in the 1960s,amidst, conflicting ,claims about the first instance of an electronic computer. At that time, the
  45. The government before any other social concerns can take precedence. With such, conflicting ,perspectives, it can be argued that a certain polarization between both
  46. Rather than empirical and also due to the principles of this type of astrology, conflicting ,with orthodox Islam. He also cited passages from the Qur'an in order to justify
  47. Parts of the temporal lobe reflect the visual perception in the situation when, conflicting ,visual images are presented to different eyes (i.e., bistable precepts during
  48. Outcomes and fewer adverse effects than prophylactic drug treatment. There is, conflicting ,evidence that acupuncture may be useful for osteoarthritis of the knee, with
  49. To a common standard of training. This system was in marked contrast to the, conflicting , vague orders issued by the French army. This staff system ensured that before
  50. Powerful leaders on board build ideological factions with dedicated followers, conflicting ,agendas for the future of mankind, and " desperately serious" commitments. As

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