Examples of the the word, marathon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marathon ), is the 6535 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cycling competition Vattenfall Classics, the Hamburg Marathon, the biggest, marathon ,in Germany after Berlin, the tennis tournament Hamburg Masters and equestrian
  2. From Juventus F. C. fans. *1985 – Amputee Steve Onto completes cross-Canada, marathon ,at Victoria, British Columbia, after 14 months. *1988 – U. S. President Ronald
  3. Race circumnavigates Hamilton Harbor or Burlington Bay. Although it is not a, marathon ,distance, it is the longest continuously held long distance foot race in North
  4. Promoter Leo Seltzer to formally change his Roller Derby spectacle from a, marathon ,roller skating race into a full-contact team sport, an innovation which was
  5. At all Olympics since. Generally, in the Summer Olympics, the women's, marathon ,marks the midway point of the games, while the men's marathon is the final
  6. 1940 – Opinion Louis, Greek runner, winner of the first modern Olympics, marathon ,(b. 1873) *1942 – Jimmy Burke, American baseball player (b. 1874) *1945 –
  7. Brennan (Deutsche Derby flat racing). The Hamburg Marathon is the biggest, marathon ,in Germany after Berlin's. In 2008 23,230 participants were registered. World
  8. 20 km de Lausanne),the Tour de Romandie road cycling race, marathon ,(http://www.lausanne- marathon .com/2006/html/index_en.htm website) and
  9. Champions tour took place between 25 – 27 June. The Monaco Marathon is the only, marathon ,in the world to pass through three separate countries, those of Monaco, France
  10. The women's marathon marks the midway point of the games, while the men's, marathon ,is the final event and is incorporated into the Closing Ceremonies. The
  11. To sign him. * August 23, 1989 - The Expos and Dodgers engaged in a 22-inning, marathon , the longest game in Expos history. It eventually ended when Rick Dempsey
  12. The Dogma Movement. Annual events * Copenhagen Marathon,Copenhagen's annual, marathon ,event * Copenhagen Fashion Week takes place every year in February and August.
  13. Blue, which was largely conceived in a Swiss chalet during a two-week writing, marathon , The band's 1978 world tour featured an elaborate" spaceship" set and laser
  14. The series started airing on Spike TV on September 29, 2008 with a weeklong, marathon , TBS also began airing the show shortly after, acquiring the show in fall 2008
  15. Is the home for one of the toughest footraces in the world, the Namibian ultra, marathon , The most famous athlete from Namibia is certainly Frankie Frederick's, sprinter
  16. Song Contest 2006. The Hungary holds the record for the longest Karaoke, marathon ,with multiple participants for an event organized at the Honey Grill Restaurant
  17. TV Guide and said that the Sci FI Channel had planned to do a Lost in Space, marathon ,while promoting a new movie. Harris was to appear in the planned TV movie, Lost
  18. Is the first wrist-spinning off-spinner in the history of the game. He bowls, marathon ,spells, yet he is usually on the attack. His unique bowling action begins with
  19. Of the Mishna is probably Milton Steinberg's novel As a Driven Leaf. Notes A, marathon ,is a distance race of 42.195 km (26 miles 385 yards). By extension, in
  20. The Isle of Wight Marathon is the United Kingdom's oldest continuously held, marathon , having been run every year since 1957. The course starts in Ride, passing
  21. Of activities some 12 hours after the first athlete had been murdered. American, marathon ,runner Frank Shorter, observing the unfolding events from the balcony of his
  22. And organization. Academy including conference, KDE e. V. general assembly, marathon ,coding sessions, BOFs (birds of a feather session) and social program. Boys
  23. The UK there is one death per 116,000 flights, a risk comparable to running a, marathon ,or playing football for a year. Launch techniques include foot-launching
  24. Marathon has been held each year since 1977 except for in 1987,when a half, marathon ,was run in its place. The Chicago Marathon is one of five World Marathon Majors
  25. Bassoonist, conductor and composer (d. 1996) *1913 – Gérard Côté, Quebec, marathon , runner (d. 1993) * 1913 – George L. Street III American Navy Submariner (d.
  26. Hosted several MST3K marathon s on Comedy Central, including the" Turkey Day ", marathon ,in which the episode featuring Zombie Nightmare had its broadcast premiere.
  27. I'll Be There" ), with no breaks in between the songs. This 19-minute dance, marathon ,proved to be enormously popular, especially at dance clubs. All three songs
  28. American musician (Dave Matthews Band) * 1964 – Edit Series, Hungarian, marathon , runner *1965 – Wrist Novoselic, American musician and author * 1966 – Scott
  29. Celebrated his 40th birthday with a performance at Ford Field in Detroit. The, marathon ,concert featured Uncle Kracker, Peter Wolfe, Rev Run, Sheryl Crow, Cindy
  30. Membership, high standards and a notable junior team. The Great West Run half, marathon ,is run through the streets of Peter in late April or early May each year
  31. Surf conditions. Variants include planing surf craft, touring kayaks, and sea, marathon ,kayaks. Increasingly, manufacturers build leisure 'sit-on-top' variants of
  32. For Indianapolis, New Orleans and Atlanta (1975 –) Athletics *Zola Bud, marathon ,and long-distance runner (1966 –) *Llewellyn Herbert,400 m hurdles, Olympic
  33. Barmaid McCulloch describes the new act of worship as," a morning, marathon ,of prayer, scripture reading, and praise, consisting of martins, litany,and
  34. Karate may be considered as the conflict within oneself or as a life-long, marathon ,which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training and one's own
  35. Has social tennis and coaching. Cheddar Running Club organized an annual half, marathon ,until 2009. The Compact Disc (also known as a CD) is an optical disc used to
  36. Boston Irish slang describing the last man standing after an all-night drinking, marathon , He also claimed that it was a corruption of the French Canadian word "
  37. The time. To take advantage of the show's status, Comedy Central ran a 30-hour, marathon , of previous MST3K episodes during Thanksgiving,1991,including special promos
  38. Left the Games, as did some members of the Dutch and Norwegian teams. American, marathon ,runner Kenny Moore, who wrote about the incident for Sports Illustrated, quoted
  39. Metres 400 meters 800 meters 1500 meters 5000 meters 10,000 meters Marathon The, marathon ,was invented for the 1896 Olympics, and has been contested at all Olympics
  40. Swami Vivekananda, Indian philosopher (d. 1902) *1873 – Opinion Louis, Greek, marathon , runner (d. 1940) *1876 – Jack London, American author (d. 1916) *1876 –
  41. Built up a field. Many of the boats that sailed to Dunkirk were degassed in a, marathon ,four day effort by degassing stations. The Allies deployed acoustic mines
  42. Were then brought to the faculty for a vote. On May 7,1969,following a, marathon ,meeting with 260 faculty members present, the New Curriculum was passed. Its
  43. Italian football league – Serie A) The company also sponsors various, marathon ,and relay race events in Japan, such as the Hiroshima International Peace
  44. Fall apart,America's Sweetheart should be more fun than an Osbourne, marathon , " The album sold a disappointing 86,000 copies in its first three months, with
  45. Favourite for the gold at Rome in 1960 he was placed ninth in the 5 km and the, marathon ,and third in the 10 km. He lost again in the 1966 Commonwealth Games and in
  46. Middle distance runner, Olympic silver medalist (1974 –) *Josiah Thug wane, marathon ,runner, Olympic gold medalist (1971 –) *L. J. van AYL,400 m hurdles
  47. 903-7 declared. Brahman and Jack Singleton injured themselves during Hutton's, marathon ,effort, and with only nine men, Australia fell to defeat by an innings and 578
  48. More usually, the condition occurs in long-distance endurance events (such as, marathon ,or triathlon competition and training) and causes gradual mental dulling
  49. When he was needed for high-level meetings, and he was capable of world-class, marathon ,standards. Turing–Welshman bombe Within weeks of arriving at Bletchley Park
  50. Polar pushed the eventual tournament winner and world champion to a seven-hour, marathon ,before succumbing. She did not play at the 2006 Linear tournament because she

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