Examples of the the word, mainland , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mainland ), is the 6941 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Unserved leftover rice to good use. It typically uses more soy sauce than the, mainland ,version. * Ginger beef — 生薑牛肉 Tender beef cut in chunks, mixed with ginger and
  2. Treaty ended the Oregon Boundary Dispute; with Britain ceding all right to the, mainland ,south of the 49th parallel north. Washington Irving, a prominent American
  3. Land mass. For example, Scotland has more than 700 islands surrounding its, mainland ,which constitute an archipelago. Archipelagos are often volcanic, forming along
  4. With its important obsidian production were probably still connected to the, mainland , The present coastal arrangement appeared c. 7000 BC, with post-ice age sea
  5. The sea was easier than travelling across the rough terrain of the Greek, mainland ,(and to some extent the coastal areas of Anatolia). Many of the islands are
  6. Of ships. For example, Ulva reticulated and Alva fascia ta travelled from the, mainland ,to Hawaii in this manner. Mapping is possible for select species only:" there
  7. Dana us from Egypt, and Plops from Anatolia each gained a foothold in, mainland ,Greece and were assimilated and Hellenized. Ellen, Graikos, Magnis, and
  8. Resources. In exchange inmates would be granted return passage to the Indian, mainland , or the right to settle on the islands. The penal colony was eventually closed
  9. Caribbean islands difficult, thus Aquatic culture remained closer to that of, mainland ,South America. Europeans first learned of Aruba following the explorations of
  10. In a very short period of time. Volcanoes There are four volcanoes on the, mainland ,of Antarctica that are considered to be active on the basis of observed
  11. Cabot's 1497 expedition. Cabot is believed the first Western European on the, mainland , In the event, the adjective American subsequently denotes the New World's
  12. In the war. The Spartans were of the view that, with the liberation of, mainland ,Greece, and the Greek cities of Asia Minor, the war's purpose had already been
  13. Initiatives will proceed. Transport Being centrally located on the Australian, mainland , Adelaide forms a strategic transport hub for east-west and north-south routes.
  14. Islands, or chains of islands, are actually extensions of the mountains on the, mainland , One chain extends across the sea to Chaos, another extends across Europa to
  15. Haplotype D, which is also found in Tibet and Japan, but is rare on the Indian, mainland ,and elsewhere in Asia. However, this is a subclade of the D haplogroup which
  16. Acupuncture in Japan and Korea, and to a certain extent Taiwan, diverged from, mainland ,China in theory and practice. In European countries such as the UK almost half
  17. Only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut Alaska, meaning " the, mainland ," or more literally," the object towards which the action of the sea is
  18. The era of James Cook, Tasmania and New Zealand were not visited by Europeans –, mainland ,Australia was visited, but usually only by accident. Later life On 2 November
  19. After Philip was assassinated. Philip had brought most of the city-states of, mainland ,Greece under Macedonian hegemony, using both military and diplomatic means.
  20. Coast. It has a population of 2,700. Its area is. Chill is attached to the, mainland ,by Michael Davits Bridge, between the villages of Gob a Choice (Chill Sound
  21. of the Central African Republic, Sudan and Congo, near the town OBO.: Africa (, mainland ,) *Northernmost Point — Ra's Ben Hakka (Ra's all Ahead) (Cape Blanc)
  22. Cleopatra's main force from their supply routes at sea, Octavian landed on the, mainland ,opposite the island of Corpora (modern Corfu) and marched south. Antony and
  23. Fuji. The chain of volcanoes extends to Mount Spur, west of Anchorage on the, mainland , Geologists have identified Alaska as part of Wrangell, a large region
  24. To the four islands which lay off the city's coast until becoming part of the, mainland ,in 1525. Al-Jazair’IR is itself a truncated form of the city's older name جزائر
  25. Coastal migration that brought the ancestors of the Andaman to the Indian, mainland , the Andaman Islands and further afield to Southeast Asia. Some anthropologists
  26. The rest are mainly divided between Bengali, Hindi and Tamil people from the, mainland , The Andaman is a collective term to describe the peoples who are the
  27. Exiled to the island of Terceira in the Azores for seven years, returning to, mainland ,Portugal shortly before he died at Sinatra in 1683. His trial is the base for
  28. Is known without qualification as the Acropolis. Although originating in the, mainland ,of Greece, use of the acropolis model quickly spread to Greek colonies such as
  29. On Crete, the Mirabelle, Almyros, Souda and Chalía bays or gulfs, on the, mainland ,the Morton Sea to the west, the Sardonic Gulf northwestward, the Penalties Gulf
  30. The official Olympic Games, open in Athens. *1912 – Tsinghua University, one of, mainland ,China's leading universities, is founded. *1912 – Pravda, the " voice" of the
  31. Through the Council Tax. Average Band D Council Tax is the eighth lowest in, mainland ,Scotland at £966 (2003/04). The current Chief Executive of the Council is
  32. Preserve traces of the migration of Aphrodite's cult from the Middle East to, mainland ,Greece. In the most famous version of her myth, her birth was the consequence
  33. Species include: *Acanthus Alissa (Tree of Heaven) – northern and central, mainland ,China, Taiwan,arguably the best known species. Acanthus vilmoriniana is a
  34. Bloch, has instead put forth the suggestion that the real-life Achaeans were, mainland ,pre-Dorian Greeks. His conclusion is based on his research on the similarity
  35. The autumn of 892 or 893,the Danes attacked again. Finding their position in, mainland ,Europe precarious, they crossed to England in 330 ships in two divisions. They
  36. A traditionally nomadic people of northern Sakhalin Island and the adjacent, mainland , with whom the Ainu have long-standing cultural interactions. Mitochondrial DNA
  37. Japanese actor and director Takes hi Piano, Hong Kong filmmaker John Woo and, mainland ,Chinese director Zhang You, who called Kurosawa" the quintessential Asian
  38. The parish's main Gaelic football pitch and two secondary schools are on the, mainland ,at Poll Rather. Early human settlements are believed to have been established
  39. And Dardanelles straits, and separates Anatolia from Thrace on the European, mainland , Geography The Anatolian peninsula, also called Asia Minor, is bounded by the
  40. S., often called" the Lower 48. The capital city, Juneau,is situated on the, mainland ,of the North American continent, but is not connected by road to the rest of
  41. Had severely threatened the stability of Darius's empire, and the states of, mainland ,Greece would continue to threaten that stability unless dealt with. Darius thus
  42. At the moment there is a dispute between historians on when Vespucci visited, mainland ,the first time. Some historians like German Arciniegas and Gabriel Camaro
  43. Vessels, caused the island on which was Fort Penn to be connected with the, mainland ,by a mole. The lighthouse which occupies the site of Fort Penn was built in
  44. In Urdu, Kashmiri and some other languages of Pakistan and India) and, mainland ,Southeast Asia (Burma, Thailand,Laos, Cambodia; but not Malaysia or Vietnam)
  45. Let found the newly created floating island of Demos, which was neither, mainland ,nor a real island, so she gave birth there, where she was accepted by the
  46. From Africa via the Arabian Peninsula, along the coastal regions of the Indian, mainland ,and towards Southeast Asia, Japan and Oceania. Genetic analysis indicates that
  47. A nurse of Ares. Founding of Thebes One of the roles of Ares that was sited in, mainland ,Greece itself was in the founding myth of Thebes: Ares was the progenitor of
  48. Presence of Y-chromosome haplogroups O, L,K and P, which places them between, mainland ,Indian and Asian populations. Given the insularity of the Andaman, this has
  49. And Malaysia also adhere to Hinduism. Buddhism has a great following in, mainland ,Southeast Asia and East Asia. Buddhism is the religion of the majority of the
  50. Wife. Her various cults were portals of a uniform socialization, even beyond, mainland ,Greece. Epithets In the Iliad (4.514),the Homeric Hymns, and in Hesiod's

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