Examples of the the word, substrate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( substrate ), is the 9342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Enzymologist William P. Decks, refers to a scenario where an enzyme lures its, substrate ,towards it through electrostatic forces exhibited by the enzyme molecule before
  2. Deposition of the metal, annealing,or by plasma etching of a metal layer. The, substrate ,is heated to approximately 700 °C. To initiate the growth of nanotubes, two
  3. The number of dopamine molecules inside the synaptic vesicle. Amphetamine is a, substrate ,for a specific neuronal synaptic vesicle uptake transporter called VMAT2. When
  4. Oxidize to the corresponding aldehyde or ketone. In the thiol-yne reaction the, substrate ,is a Thiel. Hydrohalogenation gives the corresponding vinyl halves or alkyl
  5. To synthesize vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (i.e., perpendicular to the, substrate ,), a morphology that has been of interest to researchers interested in the
  6. Carried out by an amino acyl tRNA synthase. This aminoacyl-tRNA is then a, substrate ,for the ribosome, which catalyzes the attack of the amino group of the
  7. A fourth means involves the moisture-aided diffusion of the glue into the, substrate , followed by hardening. Failure of the adhesive joint There are several factors
  8. Pure. Briticisms in English Some have argued that Celtic has acted as a, substrate ,to English for both the lexicon and syntax. It is generally accepted that
  9. Is tightly regulated by allosteric mechanisms, by feedback effects, and by the, substrate ,concentration dependence of individual enzymes within the glycolysis and
  10. All food before it hits the bottom. They prefer subdued lighting with a rocky, substrate , like gravel. It is recommended that the tank mimic their natural environment
  11. Affinity for ethanol, thus preventing methanol from binding and acting as a, substrate , Any remaining methanol will then have time to be excreted through the kidneys.
  12. That the thermal expansion coefficient can be tailored to match diverse, substrate ,materials. Beryllium compounds were used in fluorescent lighting tubes, but
  13. The properties of the water so that it would break down the enzyme's specific, substrate , such as a solution of Atheist breaking down ATP. Furthermore, life itself was
  14. Cysteine) in the active site is oxidized to a sulfuric acid by the peroxide, substrate , Over-oxidation of this cysteine residue in peroxiredoxins inactivates these
  15. Chiefly used as an ingredient in desserts throughout Asia and also as a solid, substrate ,to contain culture medium for microbiological work. The gelling agent is an
  16. It occurs. In some cases, an actual chemical bond occurs between adhesive and, substrate , In others, electrostatic forces, as in static electricity, hold the substances
  17. Carl Jung are the innate universal psychic dispositions that form the, substrate ,from which the basic symbols or representations of unconscious experience
  18. Of AMP. The inhibition of PFK by ATP is unusual, since ATP is also a, substrate ,in the reaction catalyzed by PFK; the biologically active form of the enzyme is
  19. Industry to produce thin films. In a typical CVD process, the wafer (, substrate ,) is exposed to one or more volatile s are also produced, which are removed by
  20. Typically car injectors). Then the precursor vapors are transported to the, substrate ,as in classical CVD process. This technique is suitable for use on liquid or
  21. Ratio, and because CVD is capable of growing nanotubes directly on a desired, substrate , whereas the nanotubes must be collected in the other growth techniques. The
  22. In addition to its direct antioxidant effects, ascorbic acid is also a, substrate ,for the redox enzyme acerbate peroxidase, a function that is particularly
  23. 18 mm length on a Firsthand ET3000 carbon nanotube growth system. During CVD,a, substrate ,is prepared with a layer of metal catalyst particles, most commonly nickel
  24. Languages of Western Europe. And noun case markers. * the Ligurian, substrate ,hypothesis proposed in the 19th century by d'Arbors de Joubainville, J. Poorly
  25. Catalase is an unusual enzyme since, although hydrogen peroxide is its only, substrate , it follows a ping-pong mechanism. Here, its cofactor is oxidized by one
  26. They consist in measuring the force needed for tearing an adherent layer from a, substrate ,or for tearing two adherent layers one from another. Whereas the structure is
  27. CVD (AA CVD) – A CVD process in which the precursors are transported to the, substrate ,by means of a liquid/gas aerosol, which can be generated ultrasonically. This
  28. Nanotube base, depending on the adhesion between the catalyst particle and the, substrate , Thermal catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon has become an active area of
  29. Been influenced. In the case of Aragonite and Gascony, this has been through, substrate ,interference following language shift from Aquitanian or Basque to a Romance
  30. By ATP synthase. The pyruvate generated as an end-product of glycolysis is a, substrate ,for the Krebs Cycle. Glucose In the mitochondrion, pyruvate is oxidized by the
  31. That exists in two possible conformations, only one of which binds the second, substrate ,fructose-6-phosphate (F6P). The protein has two binding sites for ATP - the
  32. And other catalysts) including temperature, pH,concentration of enzyme, substrate , and products. A particularly important reagent in enzymatic reactions is water
  33. Molecules called extracellular matrix adhesion molecules also provide a sticky, substrate ,for axons to grow along. Examples of these molecules include lamina
  34. Adherent. In this case the adhesive remains intact and is still bonded to one, substrate ,and remnants of the other. For example, when one removes a price label
  35. Cleft. Amphetamine, unlike dopamine transporter inhibitor cocaine, acts as a, substrate ,for DAT and slows reuptake by a secondary acting mechanism through the
  36. From the surface can be rate determining. Analogous events associated with, substrate ,binding and product dissociation apply to homogeneous catalysts. Although
  37. Called the lysosome. Glycolysis generates a net two molecules of ATP through, substrate ,phosphorylation catalyzed by two enzymes: PGK and pyruvate kinase. Two
  38. Only of ATP, turns over its own body weight in ATP each day. ATP is used as a, substrate ,in signal transduction pathways by kinases that phosphorylate proteins and
  39. Layers of a few nm to some tens of µm thickness deposited upon an underlying, substrate , So-called structure zone models were developed to describe the microstructure
  40. CVD reactor. Dense millimeter-tall nanotube" forests ", aligned normal to the, substrate , were produced. The forests' growth rate could be expressed, as: H (t) = _o (
  41. And main religion (Roman Catholic Christianity). Of course, the ", substrate ," of Angolan culture is African, mostly Bantu, while Portuguese culture has
  42. Experimental studies of the phenomenon require a clearly defined state of the, substrate ,surface and its contaminant density etc., upon which the thin film is deposited
  43. Peel tests measure the fracture resistance of a thin layer bonded on a thick, substrate ,or of two layers bonded together. They consist in measuring the force needed
  44. And then regenerated by transferring the bound oxygen to a second molecule of, substrate , Despite its apparent importance in hydrogen peroxide removal, humans with
  45. Behaviour. This behavior had a profound and irreversible effect on the, substrate ,which transformed the seabed ecosystems. Before Cambrian, the sea floor was
  46. Moisture curing adhesives cure when they react with moisture present on the, substrate ,surface or in the air. This type of adhesive includes cyanoacrylates and
  47. A machine. Mechanisms of adhesion, the attachment between adhesive and, substrate ,may occur either by mechanical means, in which the adhesive works its way into
  48. Between the water molecules of the solution and individually operating on the, substrate , no more mysterious than a factory full of machinery. The properties of the
  49. Also enabled Naomi to make the first transistor on a flexible and transparent, substrate , Large structures of carbon nanotubes can be used for thermal management of
  50. Mechanical means, in which the adhesive works its way into small pores of the, substrate , or by one of several chemical mechanisms. The strength of adhesion depends on

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