Examples of the the word, ambient , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ambient ), is the 9348 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Up to 50 percent faster in concentrations of 1,000 ppm CO2 when compared with, ambient ,conditions, though this assumes no change in climate and no limitation on other
  2. Melting point and boiling point for an actinide. Whereas it is paramagnetic at, ambient ,conditions, it becomes antiferromagnetic upon cooling, and other magnetic
  3. Are still used; depending on volume of the pour, the concrete mix used, and, ambient , air temperature, the cooling process may last for many months after the
  4. And Gemini programs. The pressure before launch was deliberately greater than, ambient ,in order to drive out the nitrogen-containing air and replace it with pure
  5. In surreal, broken language, various bizarre feelings and situations, set to, ambient ,music interspersed with short clips of other songs. Common recurring sketches
  6. In Japanese, Bạch HO in Vietnamese and Backhoe (백호, by a bull. Blue Jam was an, ambient ,radio comedy program created and directed by Chris Morris. It aired on BBC
  7. Torsion energy, is low compared to the thermal energy of an ethane molecule at, ambient ,temperature. There is constant rotation about the C-C bond. The time taken for
  8. Combustion temperatures for coals are around (for inlet air and fuel at, ambient ,temperatures and for \lambda = 1.0),around for oil and for natural gas. In
  9. The fluid, the conditions under which it is being solidified, and also on the, ambient ,pressure. While the cooling process usually results in the generation of a
  10. Unit is greater than the rate of heat transfer from the building into the, ambient ,environment. Additional cooling capacity can be supplied by increasing the size
  11. Metals. Between two crystalline forms of curium, the cm is more stable at, ambient ,conditions. It has a hexagonal symmetry, space group P63/MMC, lattice
  12. Of several micrometers) electrically heated up to some temperature above the, ambient , Air flowing past the wire has a cooling effect on the wire. As the electrical
  13. Decreases with increasing temperature, and when americium is heated at, ambient ,pressure, at 770 °C it changes into a FCC phase which is different from team
  14. Known as the threshold of hearing, is nine orders of magnitude smaller than the, ambient ,pressure. The loudness of these disturbances is called the sound pressure level
  15. Varieties not dependent on any particular way of embedding the variety in an, ambient ,coordinate space; this parallels developments in topology and complex geometry.
  16. Through a series of unsettling, dreamlike sketches with a soundtrack of, ambient ,music. This was followed by a 'remix' version, Jaaaaam. In 2002,Morris
  17. Silver, and tin, to form amalgams (an alloy in a soft paste, or liquid form at, ambient ,temperature). Amalgams have been used since 200 BC in China for plating
  18. 62.1–2007 ventilation rates may result in indoor levels up to 2,100 ppm above, ambient ,outdoor conditions. Thus, if the outdoor ambient is 400 ppm, indoor levels may
  19. In affected developments *BS 8494 for detecting and measuring carbon dioxide in, ambient ,air or extraction systems *BS 8888 for engineering drawing and technical
  20. Radio 3,entitled Why Bother?. Morris followed this with Blue Jam, a late-night, ambient ,music and sketch show on Radio 1,which was later reworked for television as
  21. Surface with water, thereby protecting the concrete mass from ill effects of, ambient ,conditions. The pictures to the right show two of many ways to achieve this
  22. Metallic elements (up to U, without Tc and Pm),28 are allotropic at, ambient ,pressure: Li, Be,Na, Ca,Sr, Ti,Mn, Fe,Co, Sr,Y, Zr,Sn, La,Ce, Pr,Nd, (
  23. Object. The perceived color is then further conditioned by the nature of the, ambient ,illumination, and by the color properties of other objects nearby, via the
  24. Molecular/ionic properties are such that dissolution is preferred under the, ambient ,conditions. Synthesis is the major aspect that separates chemistry from physics
  25. This ideal, largely because of noise minimization problems. In theory, ambient ,noise is limited by quantum noise (caused by the quantum movements of ions).
  26. Coexists with layers or masses of opal, jasper or crystalline quartz due to, ambient ,variations during the formation process. Other forms of agate include Lake
  27. By several times, especially in the city's center. Responsibility for, ambient ,air quality monitoring in Bishkek lies on Kerry State Agency on
  28. Alkaloids contain oxygen; those compounds are usually colorless crystals at, ambient ,conditions. Oxygen-free alkaloids, such as (orange). Most alkaloids are
  29. In an unusually fast sound conduction speed in beryllium – about 12.9 km/s at, ambient ,conditions. Other significant properties are high specific heat (1925
  30. Of 1800–2200 °C. As to the α and β phases, they might both coexist at, ambient ,conditions with the β phase being more stable. Compressing boron above 160 GPA
  31. By oxidation of Sabine (SbH3) at −90 °C. Above this temperature and in, ambient ,light, this meta stable allotrope transforms into the more stable black
  32. The ionization potential of a neutral berkelium atom is 6.23 eV. Allotropes At, ambient ,conditions, berkelium assumes its most stable α form which has a hexagonal
  33. Inside a compartment, and the evaporator (which absorbs heat) in the, ambient ,environment (such as outside),or merely running a normal air conditioner's
  34. Appearing blue as a result. If the holes are closed, the gas will only mix with, ambient ,air at the point of combustion, that is, only after it has exited the tube at
  35. A negligible role. This stems from the limitation of the biological pump by, ambient ,light and nutrients required by the phytoplankton that ultimately drive it.
  36. Guarantees that a continuous function on a closed subset always extends to the, ambient ,topological space. Just as with the regular functions on affine space, the
  37. Stability is superior to that of diamond. *Rhenium dioxide can be produced at, ambient ,pressures, but is rather expensive because of rhenium. The hardness of ReB2
  38. Levels up to 2,100 ppm above ambient outdoor conditions. Thus, if the outdoor, ambient ,is 400 ppm, indoor levels may reach 2,500 ppm with ventilation rates that meet
  39. Evaporation; they lowered the temperature of the thermometer bulb to while the, ambient ,temperature was. Franklin noted that soon after they passed the freezing point
  40. To reset the degassing circuit by allowing the PTC resistor to cool to the, ambient ,temperature; switching the display off and immediately back on will result in a
  41. Inner hatch, until the excess cabin pressure (16.7 psi absolute,2 psi above, ambient ,) had been vented. Emergency procedure called for the command pilot to open the
  42. Hot acetonitrile. The form II is only stable at 100 K and reverts to form I at, ambient ,temperature. In the (unambiguous) form I, two salicylic molecules form
  43. Proven effective in reflecting up to 50 % more light than asphalt and reducing, ambient ,temperature. A low albedo value, characteristic of black asphalt, absorbs a
  44. Slightly weaker than those found in sheets, and are readily attacked by the, ambient ,water molecules. However, in more hydrophobic environments such as the plasma
  45. The most hazardous compound is hydrogen cyanide, which,because it is a gas at, ambient ,temperatures and pressure, can be inhaled. A respirator must be worn when
  46. Unnaturally restrictive to require that a regular function always extend to the, ambient ,space, but it is very similar to the situation in a normal topological space
  47. Heating, α-berkelium transforms into another" metastable" phase (that is at, ambient ,temperature it gradually converts back to berkelium). This phase has a FCC
  48. In fluids such as air and water, sound waves propagate as disturbances in the, ambient ,pressure level. While this disturbance is usually small, it is still noticeable
  49. In his film Someone To Watch Over Me). Along with Angeles' compositions and, ambient ,textures, the film's sounds cape also features a track by the Japanese
  50. Be difficult to achieve. Phosphorus oxide in high concentrations interacts with, ambient ,moisture to produce phosphoric acid. Crystals of BPO4 can also precipitate from

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