Examples of the the word, ombudsman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ombudsman ), is the 9343 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Editor, or sometimes just editor * Readers' editors, sometimes known as the, ombudsman , who arbitrate complaints * Wire editors, who choose and edit articles from
  2. Could only be removed with the Congress's approval. It also created the, ombudsman ,position, as well as a board to propose new judicial candidates. His tenure
  3. Adopted this new spelling policy in September 1997 after that publication's, ombudsman ,discounted the issue earlier in 1997. The Star had always avoiding using
  4. Stars and Stripes enjoys is safeguarded by Congress to whom an independent, ombudsman , who serves the readers' interests, regularly reports. In addition to its
  5. And accountability among its members, ISKCON encouraged the establishment of an, ombudsman ,organization, ISKCON Resolve. There have been also allegations in relation to
  6. The stability in law, the government India is on the path to introduce an, ombudsman ,law which is being deliberated in the parliament. Legal acts Cellos case and
  7. Compliance with his rulings, yet the level of compliance is very high. The, ombudsman ,primarily relies on the power of persuasion and publicity. Cases It is a right
  8. And advising all state economic activities. The Parliamentary Ombudsman is an, ombudsman ,responsible for public administration. It can investigate any public matter
  9. Directors, and elected to serve for 3.5 years. Each director serves as an, ombudsman ,for various kingdoms and society officers. The Bod, as it is called, is
  10. Expressed support for restoring religious values. For example, human rights, ombudsman ,Suisun Bay Bakir-Ulu noted," In this era of independence, it is not surprising
  11. Of power, failure to reply, refusal of information or unnecessary delay. The, ombudsman ,can not investigate the European Court of Justice in its judicial capacity, its
  12. Ombudsman In 1973 the position of mediated de la Republican (the Republic's, ombudsman ,) was created. The ombudsman is charged with solving, without the need to a
  13. Peru has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction. In 1996 a human rights, ombudsman ,'s office (defense del pueblo) was created to address human rights issues.
  14. The courts or within the military. The Ombudsman for the Armed Forces is an, ombudsman ,responsible for the military. The Ombudsman for Civilian National Servicemen is
  15. Reaching a certain age (Subarticle 2). Law determines the competence of the, ombudsman ,and the way he proceeds; delegation is allowed (Subarticle 3). His competence
  16. Cartoon used in UK schools The UK prisons, ombudsman ,recommended to prison governors that Cartoon rehabilitation programs not be
  17. Corporation of New York and the Charles H. Reason Foundation conservative, ombudsman ,William Schulz. Frontline has also come under fire for their pro-nuclear power
  18. Juárez and Chihuahua. In November 2005 BBC News reported Mexico's human rights, ombudsman ,José Luis Soberness as saying that 28 women had been murdered so far in 2005.
  19. Chapter of the League of Women Voters. The Altadena Town Council acts as an, ombudsman ,group to express to county, state and federal agencies the will and wishes of
  20. Misconduct ". () Remit and powers Any EU citizen or entity may appeal the, ombudsman ,to investigate an EU institution on the grounds of maladministration:
  21. Or three members of the latter),the judicial branch, the citizen branch (, ombudsman , public prosecutor, and controller general) or a public petition signed by no
  22. Media Matters for America. In mid-2004,the newspaper's then public editor (, ombudsman ,), Daniel Parent, wrote a piece in which he concluded that The New York Times
  23. Tribunal Stand). On the approval of the Sent, the Seem also appoints the, ombudsman ,or the Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection (Rzecznik Draw Obywatelskich)
  24. As the first dynasty to begin the unification of Norway. The king or his, ombudsman ,resided in the old Royal Court at Sæheimr, today the for Vest fold and one of
  25. The European Ombudsman (or sometimes Euro-Ombudsman) is an, ombudsman ,for the European Union, based in the Salvador de Madariaga Building in
  26. Rights Protection (Rzecznik Draw Obywatelskich) for a five-year term. The, ombudsman ,has the duty of guarding the observance and implementation of the rights and
  27. Jacob Sherman of Finland, was elected by Parliament in 1995. The current, ombudsman , Nikiforos Diamandouros of Greece, took office on 1 April 2003. Appointment The
  28. And actively participating in the international promotion of human rights. The, ombudsman ,is appointed for a period of 6 years by the President of the Republic in the
  29. Features The Star is the only Canadian newspaper that employs a public editor (, ombudsman ,). Other notable features include: * a community editorial board, whose members
  30. And campaigning for the establishment of an independent railway safety, ombudsman , Televise An Australian televise made in 1998,The Day of the Roses
  31. Bodies indicated by law; this indication can be delegated (Article 78a). The, ombudsman ,and his substitute are appointed by the House of Representatives for a certain
  32. Near the tollway. The Ontario government responded to complaints by hiring an, ombudsman ,to address 407 toll complaints. The first all-electric toll road in the eastern
  33. Of mediated de la Republican (the Republic's ombudsman ) was created. The, ombudsman ,is charged with solving, without the need to a recourse before the courts, the
  34. To charge for providing documents, whether the state government provides an, ombudsman , whether the document requestor must give a reason for wanting the documents
  35. March 26, 2007,despite strong backing of the Justice Minister, the country's, ombudsman ,and the Muslim Women's organization Mutualism that gathered 40,000 signatures
  36. From social security contributions for graduate entrants *Appointment of an, ombudsman ,to represent entrepreneurs dignified by fiscal or other authorities *Compulsory
  37. Of the Executive Branch, but his status is actively debated. Several, ombudsman ,offices exist in Hungary to protect civil, minority,educational and ecological
  38. Law is concerned) or judiciaries or private individuals or corporations. The, ombudsman ,also has no binding powers to compel compliance with his rulings, yet the level
  39. Born 1963),retired American football player * Kevin Murphy (Irish, ombudsman ,), appointed Ombudsman by the President of Ireland, serving from 1994 to 2003 *
  40. And President Barack Obama. In a November 19, 2008 column, The Washington Post, ombudsman ,Deborah Howell stated:" I'll bet that most Post journalists voted for Obama.
  41. A right of an EU citizen, in the EU treaties, to be able to take a case to the, ombudsman , (( OLAF) accounts for 9 %. These cases include a late
  42. Prosecutor general (" fiscal general" ), the " defender of the people" or, ombudsman , and the comptroller general. These officers, in addition to fulfilling their
  43. Served to confirm the earlier age of the original settlement. The king or his, ombudsman ,resided in the old Royal Court at Sæheimr, today the Jarlsberg Estate (
  44. The public it previously denied existed. However, the, ombudsman ,has a relatively low profile, particularly in the United Kingdom which was
  45. Law Reform Commission of New South Wales, the introduction of consumer laws,an, ombudsman , legal aid, health labels on cigarette packs, breath-testing of drivers, limits
  46. Dispute resolution procedures were established, with final recourse to a party, ombudsman ,and membership ballot. Policies determined by the unique participatory method
  47. Immunity. He does not receive or accept orders from any authority. The current, ombudsman ,is Jean-Paul Delegate. French law Basic principles France uses a civil law
  48. Lie to the superior courts of judicature. The 1991 constitution created an, ombudsman ,responsible for looking into complaints of abuses and capricious acts on the
  49. Widest sense. Canada The Information Commissioner of Canada is an independent, ombudsman ,appointed by the Parliament of Canada who investigates complaints from people
  50. Velvet Revolution of 1989. A 2005 report by the Czech government's independent, ombudsman , Osaka Motel, identified dozens of cases of coercive sterilization between

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