Examples of the the word, objectiveness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( objectiveness ), is the 9345 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Strong bias problems exist, despite Anna's frequent attempts to establish her, objectiveness , Nevertheless, she manages to leave disguised traces of criticism of a father
  2. Seat aptitude test to be conducted by the school in order to determine students, objectiveness ,and tendency towards learning process in boarding school that often associated
  3. With echoing the official stands of their respective governments and that ", objectiveness ,was being sacrificed for ideology. " Armenian military commanders were eager to
  4. Of speech and until they remember the essence of their profession - honesty, objectiveness , and unbiased stand ". Digital television In 2007 and 2008 experimental DVB-T
  5. Of the author's career and reputation. Historians consider the accuracy and, objectiveness ,of the primary sources they are using and historians subject both primary and
  6. De Monte-Carlo in 1963. This series was distinguished by its accuracy, objectiveness , as well as its serious and thoughtful delivery. He finally received the award
  7. Made by: The report claims that great care was taken to ensure the accuracy, objectiveness ,and also fairness to the parties involved. However, its content does not
  8. About the facts happened in and outside Spain during the war objectively. His, objectiveness ,is proved by the respect used with regard to both parties. Doubtless, the work
  9. Industry executives on its board. ” The paper’s blog also questioned Dozen’s, objectiveness , reporting,“ But as an executive (Dozen) whose fortunes are tied to
  10. He recognized that the only means by which to achieve scientific, objectiveness , was by disclosing each scholar's own individual subjectivity. The inclusion
  11. Objective criteria to direct and limit the death sentencing discretion. The, objectiveness ,of these criteria must in turn be ensured by appellate review of all death
  12. Dynasty and the trans Saharan trade. His works are noted for the relative, objectiveness ,with which they are presented. For each area, he describes the people, their
  13. Self-effacing in his public life, and he often referred to himself with naive, objectiveness , as" funny Touch;" but those who knew him well reported that he" gloated

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