Examples of the the word, memorize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( memorize ), is the 9347 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Made him appreciate Shakespeare's work. He was a very hard worker and would, memorize ,all the locations of Pittsburgh's businesses and the faces of important men
  2. Formula corresponding to the definition, and (ii) the following" easy to, memorize ," definition of the curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates,e.g. in
  3. He wrote the following for his grandson: Shogi Effendi then set out to, memorize ,a number of prayers, and chanted them as loud as he could. This caused family
  4. Understand Howard himself. Howard had an almost photographic memory and could, memorize ,long poems after only a few readings. After Howard bought a car in 1932,he and
  5. War). Pilots were extensively schooled about their targets, and were forced to, memorize ,every single detail. They rehearsed the attack numerous times on dummy runways.
  6. Be understood better if we examine the whole belief system. A person who can, memorize ,long texts or songs, and play an instrument, may be regarded as the beneficiary
  7. Before regular schooling. Here, boys and girls are taught about the Qur'an, and, memorize , it. Some parents specifically choose this early schooling to offset French
  8. Can memorize positions shown for a few seconds almost perfectly. The ability to, memorize ,does not alone account for chess-playing skill, since masters and novices, when
  9. Said attainment. For example, if one wishes to concentrate on a god, one might, memorize ,a system of correspondences (perhaps chosen arbitrarily, as this would not
  10. Of any town in the world today is about 50,000.... But when people are asked to, memorize ,what word goes with which abstract visual symbol scribbled on clay, or papyrus
  11. It. This depends upon repetition of a pattern that is short enough to, memorize , The alternation of the strong and weak beat is fundamental to the ancient
  12. Christian Wagner decreed that all high school students in Hesse were to, memorize ,the three stanzas. On 7 March 1990,months before reunification, the
  13. Laborers at the camp (known as Sonderkommandos). These Jews were forced to, memorize ,the song by nightfall of their first day at the camp. The melody for the song
  14. Are modeled after the manual style of learning with flashcards: items to, memorize ,are entered into the program as question-answer pairs; when a pair is due to be
  15. A reputation for being difficult on the set, often unwilling or unable to, memorize ,his lines and less interested in taking direction than in confronting the film
  16. In Spanish, and one in either French or German. The actors would phonetically, memorize ,the foreign-language scripts a few lines at time and shoot immediately after.
  17. The sheer ability to anticipate moves. De Groot showed that chess masters can, memorize ,positions shown for a few seconds almost perfectly. The ability to memorize
  18. Memorizing a passage from Don Juan, suggesting that perhaps his own attempts to, memorize ,poetry inspired him to study memory in general. Standard Hindi, or more
  19. Information and produced analytical reports; when they were not able to, memorize ,effectively they recorded information on microfilm and hid it in their shoes or
  20. Vocal production. Violin students learning the Suzuki method are required to, memorize ,each composition in a fixed key and play it from memory on their instrument
  21. Because some monks were unable to read, they would either have to, memorize ,the psalms or perform other prayers and prostrations in their stead. Thus the
  22. In place, interfering with the enemy's movement. To do this, it is vital to, memorize ,the location of all the opponent's Bombs as they are identified. By keeping
  23. Poetry in English, offered by his mother to the first of her children able to, memorize ,it. This story may be true, or it may be a myth intended to illustrate the
  24. The army, the Old Corps, and the rivalry with Navy that all plebes must, memorize ,during cadet basic training. During plebe year, plebes may be asked, and are
  25. In eye surgery),he increasingly focused on writing poetry, since he could, memorize ,an entire work in progress. His poems embrace the same wide range of interests
  26. 19). She remembered having a photographic memory as a child, making it easy to, memorize ,songs, as well as get her through school tests. She got her first taste of
  27. And mathematics. By the age of six, he could exchange jokes in Classical Greek, memorize ,telephone directories on sight, and display prodigious mental calculation
  28. Of the Three Character Classic and A Hundred Family Surnames, then went on to, memorize ,the other classics, in order to ascend in the social hierarchy. Scholarship on
  29. Move to draw on the popularity of the work. The magic system, in which wizards, memorize ,spell that are used up once cast (and must be re- memorize d the next day)
  30. Hidden dozens of books in the ventilation shafts of his own house, and tries to, memorize ,them to preserve their contents, but becomes frustrated that the words seem to
  31. Forgotten (cannot be consciously accessed). To test this, Ebbinghaus would, memorize ,a list of items until perfect recall and then would not access the list until
  32. Regard gender as an integral part of each noun. A frequent recommendation is to, memorize ,a modifier along with the noun as a unit, usually a definite article, e. g.
  33. To high variance and poor generalization. The learning algorithm is able to, memorize ,the training examples without generalizing well. This is called overfitting.
  34. Was considered by friends to be acetic, and astounded them with his ability to, memorize ,lengthy reams of poetry with ease after one or two readings. Elsie Burns, who
  35. Kept somewhere safe, burned,or buried in a remote location. Many Muslims, memorize ,at least some portion of the Quran in the original Arabic, usually at least the
  36. Explains:" Narration (with the teacher as narrator) leads the students to, memorize ,mechanically the narrated content. Worse yet, it turns them into“ containers
  37. Down passwords on paper Historically, many security experts asked people to, memorize ,their passwords and" Never write down a password ". More recently, many
  38. Students are taught the rules and the exceptions, they are not instructed to, memorize ,words. Memorizing sight words and high frequency words has not been found to
  39. It is the purest Gospel. It is well worth a Christian's while not only to, memorize ,it word for word but also to occupy himself with it daily, as though it were
  40. Shortened to" saber de cor ", and,later, to the verb" Deborah ", meaning ", memorize ,". Culturally relative An idiom is generally a colloquial metaphor—a term
  41. Things down, so we can use it when we need it, instead of taking the time to, memorize ,or encode it into our minds. # The environment is part of the cognitive system.
  42. Of the alphabet keys. Other early word-processing software required users to, memorize ,semi-mnemonic key combinations rather than pressing keys labelled" copy" or "
  43. Numbers may be perceived as having fortuitous patterns, making them easier to, memorize , when represented in one base or the other. The first few digits of the decimal
  44. However, requires careful consideration of the relevant human factors. Humans, memorize ,by association, so it is impossible to simply replace one memory with another.
  45. Public key cryptography e.g. ssh. The necessary keys are usually too large to, memorize ,(but see proposal Pass maze) and must be stored on a local computer, security
  46. Evaluate order of operations under prefix notation, one does not even need to, memorize ,an operational hierarchy, as with infix notation. Instead, one looks directly
  47. Bruce Schneier recommend that people use passwords that are too complicated to, memorize , write them down on paper, and keep them in a wallet. Password cracking
  48. Characters. Chinese characters. Students learning English using this method, memorize ,the appearance of words, or learn to recognize words by looking at the first
  49. Granger is the leader of a group of wandering intellectual exiles who, memorize ,books in order to preserve their contents. His acceptance of Montag is
  50. To the 67,890th decimal place of without an error. There are many ways to, memorize , including the use of" pairs ", which are poems that represent in a way such

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