Examples of the the word, license , in a Sentence Context

The word ( license ), is the 3723 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. GPL). The original Artistic License was written by Larry Wall. The name of the, license ,is a reference to the concept of artistic license . The terms of the Artistic
  2. Where alternative medical practices are sufficiently widespread may, license ,and regulate them. Edward Ernst has said that in Austria and Germany
  3. Use BWK AWK in order to avoid the GPL, a more restrictive license than the BSD, license , *mark is a very fast AWK implementation by Mike Brennan based on a byte code
  4. On Spain. *1901 – New York becomes the first U. S. state to require automobile, license ,plates. *1915 – World War I: The Battle of Gladioli begins—The invasion of the
  5. Commercial retail pricing to qualifying students and teachers, with a 36-month, license , available. The student version of AutoCAD is functionally identical to the full
  6. License 1.0 Whether the original Artistic License is a free software, license ,is largely unsettled. It was criticized by the Free Software Foundation as
  7. As" new AWK" or hawk. This implementation was released under a free software, license ,in 1996,and is still maintained by Brian Kernighan. (see external links below
  8. S Parties festival * Airline Transport Pilot License, a type of pilot's, license ,* BAE ATP, a British Aerospace turboprop passenger aircraft designed for the
  9. Version of BASIC dubbed" Apple soft. " Apple reportedly obtained an eight-year, license ,for Apple soft BASIC from Microsoft for a flat fee of $21,000,renewing it in
  10. Transfer taxes. A part of the revenue collected from certain state taxes and, license ,fees (such as petroleum, aviation motor fuel, telephone cooperative) is
  11. S Iceless Role playing' Rite Publishing has recently (May 2010) secured a, license ,from Iceless by Design to use the rules' system in the creation of a new
  12. Most commonly to the original Artistic License (version 1.0),a software, license ,used for certain free and open source software packages, most notably the
  13. To the Apple soft dialect of BASIC from Microsoft; Tech was the first cloner to, license ,it. The Laser 128 proved popular and remained on the market for many years
  14. Versions of FreeBSD use BWK AWK in order to avoid the GPL, a more restrictive, license ,than the BSD license . *mark is a very fast AWK implementation by Mike Brennan
  15. Immediately offered to lease the premises. The airline then procured a liquor, license ,and began operating the lounge as the" Admirals Club" in 1939. The second
  16. Audio metadata file Software license s *Adaptive Public License - an Open Source, license ,from the University of Victoria *ARMS Public License, license of ARMS Research
  17. Their own good, and their meaning is not clear. " The FSF recommended that the, license ,not be used on its own, but approved the common AL/GPL dual-licensing approach
  18. Law). However, this left undisturbed the finding that a free and open source, license ,nonetheless has economic value. Artistic License 1.0 Whether the
  19. By producing the 40M Nimrod based on the Luftvärnskanonvagn L-62 Anti-II, license ,acquired from Sweden. Germany followed later with their" flatlander" series.
  20. Education and a practicum (or internship) for practical experience to earn a, license ,to practice architecture. The practical, technical,and academic requirements
  21. Consensus-based development process and an open and pragmatic software, license , Each project is managed by a self-selected team of technical experts who are
  22. Sport harvesting of red abalone is permitted with a California fishing, license ,and an abalone stamp card. New in 2008,the abalone card also comes with a set
  23. European market called the ITT 2020 (Euro plus). This machine was built under, license ,from Apple. It has the same shape as the Apple II but a different color (matte
  24. An Open Source license from the University of Victoria *ARMS Public License, license ,of ARMS Research Operating System, formerly Amiga Research Operating System
  25. He was expected to follow in his fathers footsteps and even obtained his, license ,to practice law in 1764 before turning to a life of science. His education was
  26. And on the PPC Heron series based AmigaOne computers built by Eye tech under, license ,by Amiga Inc. AmigaOS 4.0 had been available only in developer pre-releases for
  27. Actions due to a head wound, though he is clearly quite sane and exploiting his, license ,so he can stay in the hospital and away from the war as long as possible. Franz
  28. Are manufactured in Taiwan made by third-party manufacturers under strict, license ,from AMD. Between 2003 and 2005,they constructed a second manufacturing plant
  29. And performed the ceremony of the coronation of King Charles I. His refusal to, license ,the assize sermon preached by Dr Robert Winthrop at Northampton on 22 February
  30. States the firm will still produce Intel chipsets, Intel had not granted the, license ,of FSB to ATI. On November 15, 2007,AMD announced a new chipset series
  31. Source code repository. This was cited as the reason that Discover revoked a, license ,allowing Linux developers free use of their Beekeeper product. Linus Torvalds
  32. Licensing With the release of Apache 2.0,the Apache Foundation changed their, license , Some Apache users did not like the change and continued the use of pre-2.0
  33. Him a middle name. As a joke, he wrote" Adam Lakers Corolla" on his driver's, license ,application. His driver's license still gives his full name as" Adam Lakers
  34. For Prohibition in the United States *Apache Software License, an open-source, license ,for software *Appalachian School of Law, a law school in Grundy, Virginia,USA
  35. 2005,and in December 2006 Amway was one of the first companies to receive a, license ,to resume direct sales. However, the law forbids teachers, doctors,and civil
  36. Capabilities and support for copy-protection, which enabled companies to, license ,users to run programs from a hard disk without worrying that their software
  37. An intimate knowledge of the workings of the hospital. He also has a" shooting, license ," certifying him as sporadically not responsible for his actions due to a head
  38. License 2.0 which has been approved as both a free software and open source, license , It has been adopted by some Perl 6 implementations, and has been used
  39. Bridge stated that, having not bought or owned Beekeeper and agreed to its, license , he couldn't violate it, and was merely analyzing the protocol ethically, as
  40. Philippine Airlines (PAL) was officially founded on February 26, 1941,its, license ,to operate as an airliner was derived from merged Philippine Aerial Taxi
  41. Police Department spokesman. Schwarzenegger did not obtain his motorcycle, license ,until July 3,2006. Schwarzenegger tripped over his ski pole and broke his
  42. The events of the mission with reasonable accuracy, though some dramatic, license ,was taken. Technical inaccuracies have also been noted. The film also depicts
  43. System, formerly Amiga Research Operating System *Orphic Public License, license ,of freely available on Debian and Gentoo () Other *Poverty threshold, the
  44. Adam Lakers Corolla" on his driver's license application. His driver's, license ,still gives his full name as" Adam Lakers Corolla. " Walter Reed Junior High
  45. To fly. Morales falsely obtained his Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), license , by showing hundreds of hours never flown, and he may also have falsified how
  46. This period, the pirates forged affiliations with Caribbean powers, paying a ", license ,tax" in exchange for safe harbor of their vessels. One American slave reported
  47. Which would hold them securely along with the owner's credit cards,driver's, license , business cards, and cash. Most also protected the LCD screen. Market reception
  48. Signed up software development companies to create NEW games under a strict, license ,agreement which imposed serious restrictions on what they were allowed to do.
  49. Airline companies are recognized with an air operating certificate or, license ,issued by a governmental aviation body. Airlines vary from those with a single
  50. Larry Wall. The name of the license is a reference to the concept of artistic, license , The terms of the Artistic License 1.0 were at issue in a 2007 federal district

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