Examples of the the word, endorse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( endorse ), is the 3726 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Role models can also help. If someone an individual respects is seen to, endorse ,a particular set of norms, the individual is more likely to internalize those
  2. Clique can somewhat be dated to the 5th century when St Theodore refused to, endorse ,the deposition of Nestorius by the Council of Ephesus (431),where Theodore
  3. When swimming the channel, though it would be difficult to convince the MCA to, endorse ,the trip. The CCA, CSA and CS&PF are the organizations escorting channel swims
  4. Approaches developed among various groups. For example, Arianism did not, endorse ,divinity, Ebionism argued that Jesus was an ordinary mortal, while Gnosticism
  5. Of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2001 ... We, endorse ,the conclusions of the IPCC assessment ...; Canadian Meteorological and
  6. An actor playing a role, which behaves in ways that they may not necessarily, endorse , Early Gangster themes The 1973 album Hustler's Convention by Lightning' rod
  7. As equating with 'contradiction '. Non-fundamentalist Christians and Jews, endorse ,Rudolf Otto's description of the sacred as 'mysterious tremendous et fascias '
  8. Device and an element of the fictional setting. It does not in any way, endorse ," real" fortune-telling or other supernatural concepts. Euro card is a European
  9. What church leaders feel are moral issues, and it has not been hesitant to, endorse ,such political change. Humanitarian services The Church of Jesus Christ of
  10. And the Union suggests that" The Conservative Movement thus appears to, endorse ,the notion that changing societal norms can supersede the proper application of
  11. Vice-presidential decree; Ahead went on national television in the morning to, endorse ,No boa as his successor. The military triumvirate that was effectively running
  12. The (conditional) value of others to an individual, and who readily, endorse ,empathy for others, have argued the exact reverse from Rachel's, that it is
  13. Activity. This remark was often mistakenly attributed to Hegel. Fichte did not, endorse ,Kant's argument for the existence of Noumea, of " things in themselves ", the
  14. Singer stopped being accepted as an expert witness after the APA declined to, endorse ,the DIM PAC report. See also Brainwashing controversy in new religious movements
  15. To rent a meeting hall where at least 500 of his supporters could assemble to, endorse ,his candidacy, as is legally required. With the deadline expiring on that date
  16. Andalusia as a" national reality" ( realized national),but does not, endorse ,that formulation. Article 1 of the earlier 1981 Statute of Autonomy defined it
  17. Equal Rights Amendment, first introduced in 1923. One of the few socialists to, endorse ,the ERA, she warned that protective legislation for women would mean only
  18. On 4 November Charles-Jean-François Depot wrote to Burke, requesting that he, endorse ,the Revolution. Burke replied that any critical language of it by him should be
  19. Organised the summoning of the Assembly of Notables. But the Assembly failed to, endorse ,Calonne's proposals and instead weakened his position through its criticism.
  20. To bring emancipation to the slaves. However, many Union soldiers did not fully, endorse ,the idea of shedding their own blood for African American slaves, whom they
  21. Tories to his side by making concessions but failed because he still refused to, endorse ,the Test Act. His forward forces had gathered at Salisbury, and James went to
  22. In 2008 from his point of view, in contrast with the latter who declined to, endorse ,either major candidate on the grounds that he wanted the church to be less
  23. Here at the island he had visions of seeming past lives, though he refused to, endorse ,any theory of what they meant beyond linking them to his unconscious. Towards
  24. Adverts to advertise specific or general products. The use of celebrities to, endorse ,a brand can have its downsides, however. One mistake by a celebrity can be
  25. III was still capable of siring an heir, but now the Hate Four refused to, endorse ,Amalia as king unless his marriage to Agnes was annulled. The hostility to
  26. Programs against malaria in Brazil, India,Eritrea, and Vietnam does not, endorse ,any single strategy but instead states," Common success factors included
  27. The Emperor carried out his earlier statement: everybody who refused to, endorse ,the Creed would be exiled. Arius, Theonas, and Seconds refused to adhere to
  28. Christianity Eastern Orthodox Christianity does not officially condemn nor, endorse ,capital punishment. It states that it is not a totally objectionable thing, but
  29. From the late 1970s to present, indicates that the CPC has transitioned to, endorse ,economic neoliberalism. The CPC's current policies are fiercely rejected as
  30. Which all lawsuits regarding the relocation were dismissed, and the Colts would, endorse ,a new NFL team for Baltimore. On November 6,1995,Cleveland Browns owner Art
  31. Welcome from the literary community at first, due in part to the reluctance to, endorse ,it buy Anne Carroll Moore, the retired but still powerful children's librarian
  32. Church did not opine on the evolution of animals other than humans, nor did it, endorse ,a particular theory of creationism. Soon after the 1909 statement, Joseph F.
  33. Of James Rachel's," Ethical egoism ... endorse s selfishness, but it doesn't, endorse ,foolishness. " Ethical egoism is sometimes the philosophical basis for support
  34. Followed the 1933 Arlozorov murder when Dora and Shmuel refused to, endorse ,the Labor movement's anti-Revisionist calumny and participate in
  35. A prime example of the classic controversy: vandalism vs. art. Art supporters, endorse ,his work distributed in urban areas as pieces of art and some councils, such as
  36. Of James Rachel's," Ethical egoism ... endorse s selfishness, but it doesn't, endorse ,foolishness. " Ethical egoism is sometimes the philosophical basis for support
  37. Cathedral of Rome, thus the 'home church' of all Christendom),he decided to, endorse ,Francis' order. This occurred, according to tradition, on April 16, 1210 and
  38. Being agreed one day later, which under party rules needed 66 % of members to, endorse ,it at a special convention. On 13 June 2007,Green members in the Mansion House
  39. To the bridge is named after him). On June 12,the Santa Rosa Chamber voted to, endorse ,the actions of the" Bridging the Golden Gate Association" by attending the
  40. Gave the agreement to murder Schneider because the General had refused to, endorse ,plans for a military coup against Allende. As part of the suit Schneider's two
  41. Such as socialist economic tradition as well as cultural characteristics that, endorse ,paternalist behavior on the state’s part, meaning that people have a habitual
  42. And murdered a child had visited the NAM BLA website. Although the ACLU does not, endorse ,NAMBLA's message, its defense of the group has been widely criticized.
  43. Anarchy. The liberal establishment, fearing a socialist revolution, started to, endorse ,the small National Fascist Party, led by Benito Mussolini. In October 1922 the
  44. C. Fremont. Douglass was disappointed that President Lincoln did not publicly, endorse ,suffrage for black freedmen. Douglas believed that since African American men
  45. Germany it was one of the symbols of the March Revolution of 1848. In order to, endorse ,its republican and liberal tradition, the song was chosen for national anthem
  46. Groups in order to avoid persecution and because the Drupe religion doesn't, endorse ,separatist sentiments, urging the Drupe to blend with the communities they
  47. Stores in her local urban area of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Some store owners, endorse ,her work and encourage others to do so as well. " One of the pieces was left up
  48. The North American Cartographic Information Society (NAZIS),declined to, endorse ,the 1989 resolution, though no reasons were given. Some cartographers
  49. In Table A (as it was then) seemed to contradict this approach rather than to, endorse ,it. Election and removal In" most" legal systems, the appointment and removal
  50. S most reliable source of information on climate change and its causes, and we, endorse ,its method of achieving this consensus.; Canadian Foundation for Climate and

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