Examples of the the word, float , in a Sentence Context

The word ( float ), is the 3744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Navy ships With the Treaty Ports, the European powers and Japan were allowed to, float ,navy ships into China's internal waters. The British, US and French did this.
  2. Series of controlled devaluations of the peso, followed by a decision to let it, float , Colombia also entered into an agreement with the International Monetary Fund
  3. Is the Quandl family, which owns about 46 % of the stock. The rest is in public, float , BMW acquired the Hans Gas company based in Din golfing, Germany,in 1966. It
  4. Float. Since the pressure difference determines the vertical position of the, float ,this is a measured of the wind speed. The great advantage of the tube
  5. And the pipe from the small tubes is directed into the bottom inside the, float , Since the pressure difference determines the vertical position of the float
  6. The 2.16 m (7.09 ft) pressure sphere, attached to the underside of the, float ,and accessed from the deck of the vessel by a vertical shaft that penetrated
  7. And special means are required to register them. The recorder consists of a, float ,in a sealed chamber partially filled with water. The pipe from the straight
  8. Or more dams to provide still, deep water to protect against predators, and to, float ,food and building material. The North American beaver population was once more
  9. Link between Alaska, Canada,and the lower 48. Alaska Rail Marine provides car, float ,service between Whittier and Seattle. Marine transport Many cities, towns and
  10. Day. Methods of lift Lighter than air – aerostats use buoyancy to, float ,in the air in much the same way that ships float on the water. They are
  11. Average specific gravity of 13/ (13-8) = 2.6 times that of seawater). The, float ,was necessary because of the sphere's density: it was not possible to design a
  12. Locker and compartment in the spacecraft. Whenever one of the patches would, float ,out of a locker during the mission, Shepard would say," Tell Hernán, BEEP-BEEP
  13. Which is the largest dike swarm known on Earth. Mountains have deep roots and, float ,on the denser mantle much like an iceberg at sea. As mountains erode, their
  14. Critics argue that since in a planned economy prices are not allowed to, float ,freely, there is no accurate mechanism to determine what is being produced in
  15. 3000 points, and so on) which results in more lives. These same bubbles also, float ,for a time before bursting, and can be jumped on, allowing access to otherwise
  16. Unusually high and results in a nominal density of 1.24 kg/l. Anyone can easily, float ,in the Dead Sea because of natural buoyancy. In this respect the Dead Sea is
  17. Include those with stamina flowers that detach from the parent plant and, float ,to the surface where they become pollinated. In others, pollination occurs
  18. Unofficial tradition in which the students used wooden rafts and inner tubes to, float ,on the Connecticut River. Begun in 1986,Tube stock met its demise in 2006 when
  19. Then water and float s; whereas amber is less dense than stone, but too dense to, float , The word" Amber" was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. In French" Amber
  20. Aero stats use buoyancy to float in the air in much the same way that ships, float ,on the water. They are characterized by one or more large gasbags or canopies
  21. Its buoyant properties and negating the need for thick, heavy walls for the, float ,chamber. Observation of the sea outside the craft was conducted directly by eye
  22. Location In January 1969,the Apollo 7 Command Module was displayed on a NASA, float ,in the inauguration parade of President Richard M. Nixon. For nearly 30 years
  23. Lifts, such as the Selkirk wheel, which use a caisson of water in which boats, float ,while being moved between two levels; and inclined planes where a caisson is
  24. For temperature and pressure but not the densest materials. Less dense fluids, float ,on more dense fluids if they do not mix. This concept can be extended, with
  25. Below the waterline) of an object is less than water (1000 kg/m3) it will, float ,in water and if it is more than water's it will sink in water. In some cases
  26. Known as" lodges" ) in the resulting pond. Beavers also build canals to, float ,build materials that are difficult to haul over land. They use powerful front
  27. Past 50 years, water reel type harvesters have been used. Harvested cranberries, float ,in the water and can be corralled into a corner of the bed and conveyed or
  28. From the cell body, which adhere to passing prey and allows it to roll or, float ,about. The outer portion of the cell, or cytoplasm, is distinct and is filled
  29. By the United States Navy in 1958 for $250,000. The Trieste consisted of a, float ,chamber filled with gasoline for buoyancy, with a separate pressure sphere.
  30. Would be better off if we could just saw off the Eastern Seaboard and let it, float ,out to sea ". That comment boomeranged on him during the campaign in the form
  31. Consist of: an upside-down polyp that forms a central stem with a gas-filled, float ,at the top; one or more sets of medusa-like zoo ids that provide propulsion;
  32. Wireless service subsidiary of Leap Wireless * Cricket, a type of spinning, float ,(breakdancing move) * Cricket, nickname of the character Christine Blair in
  33. For the sphere to be neutrally-buoyant. Gasoline (petrol) was chosen as the, float ,fluid because it is less dense than water, yet relatively incompressible even
  34. Trap. The water trap (which is sometimes part of the fuel filter) often has a, float ,connected to a warning light, which warns when there is too much water in the
  35. Bombardier was a mechanic who dreamed of building a vehicle that could ", float ,on snow. " In 1937,he designed and produced his first snowmobile in his small
  36. Free float ) and many are somewhere in between (" managed float " or" dirty, float ,"). Interest rates By far the most visible and obvious power of many moderns
  37. Probably an idealization of the shapes of ships' hulls. Some of his sections, float ,with the base underwater and the summit above water, similar to the way that
  38. That glowed in the white-UV light. The ship and asteroids appeared to ", float ," over this cardboard backdrop. Two more sequels followed this, Space Duel in
  39. Base underwater and the summit above water, similar to the way that icebergs, float , Archimedes' principle of buoyancy is given in the work, stated as follows:
  40. In 1933 when the Royal Air Force established a station at Bermuda and operated, float ,planes from the harbor in coordination with the British fleet. In 1936 Left
  41. Been grounded; the battle thenceforth would have become a race to see who could, float ,their ship first. The lieutenant had kept many of his men below deck and in
  42. Exchange rates: Some exchange rates are managed, some are market based (free, float ,) and many are somewhere in between (" managed float " or" dirty float " ).
  43. Card games related to bridge A boat is a watercraft of any size designed to, float ,or plane, to provide passage across water. Usually this water will be inland (
  44. The pictures. The earth has become heaven. The Appears and the Flying Spirits, float ,across the sky. Lovers sit in the air houses. INDRA AND THE PARAS: The famous
  45. S 1851 (posthumous) Paradoxes DES Unendlichen. Style ", float ,: left; width:8.5em; text-align: center; margin-right:20px; border: solid 1px
  46. Individual clusters of particles fall to the bottom of the suspension (or, float ,to the top if the particles are less dense than the suspending medium) once
  47. Accessed from the deck of the vessel by a vertical shaft that penetrated the, float ,and continued down to the sphere hatch. In the Trieste the pressure sphere
  48. This is one possible example of the anthropic principle, because if ice did not, float , it might have been difficult or impossible for living organisms to have
  49. Are market based (free float ) and many are somewhere in between (" managed, float ," or" dirty float " ). Interest rates By far the most visible and obvious
  50. Supported by the Public service. Ministries class" plain links" style ", float ,: right; margin-left: 5px;" >[edit table] Judicial Branch Barbados' Courts

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