Examples of the the word, surprising , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surprising ), is the 3731 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They were aware the 2600 would be obsolete by the 1980 time frame. What was, surprising ,was the sudden entry into the market of new competition, whose machines quickly
  2. Survey to say," The spectrum suggests that the surface is hot and dry. It is, surprising ,that we saw no traces of water ice. " However, he goes on to suggest that the
  3. Deduced from this that \minor n k is divisible by n/CD (n, k ). A somewhat, surprising ,result by David Ringmaster (1974) is that any integer divides almost all
  4. It has been remarked that this development in the law was somewhat, surprising ,at the time, as the relevant provisions in Table A (as it was then) seemed to
  5. Singing brought a new polyphony with instrumental accompaniment, it is not, surprising ,that Protestant reformers who opposed the instruments (such as Calvin and
  6. Haydn's integration of the differing demands of the new style, with, surprising , sharp turns and a long adagio to end the work. In 1772,Haydn completed his
  7. A contemporary social interest in traditional national culture. They made some, surprising ,discoveries. Magyar folk music had previously been categorized as Gypsy music.
  8. Find the chapter house, the absence of which in this plan is somewhat, surprising , It appears, however,from the inscriptions on the plan itself, that the north
  9. Ones. A study by wildlife ecologists at Ohio State University yielded some, surprising ,findings in this regard. Researchers studied coyote populations in Chicago over
  10. But the anti-Copernican implications suggested by Kraus would be far more, surprising , if true. Other possibilities are (i) that residual instrumental errors in
  11. And military authority. If Jesus made this claim during his life, it is not, surprising ,that many Jews, weary of Roman occupation, would have supported him as a
  12. Catholic teaching known as Jansenism. This still fairly small sect was making, surprising ,inroads into the French Catholic community at that time. It espoused rigorous
  13. Mixed voicing in non-click consonant clusters/contours, such as, so it is not, surprising ,that they would allow mixed voicing in clicks as well. This may be an effect of
  14. Is quoted as follows in the referenced Edge. Org article: It would be somewhat, surprising ,if the MAP alignments were a complete coincidence, but the anti-Copernican
  15. And Praetors feasts, as the Grace of the whole Board ". Celery has made a, surprising ,appearance in football folklore. Supporters of English Premier League team
  16. Views. Former Prime Minister Moran Person described these results as ", surprising ,and terrifying ". However, the Rabbi of Stockholm's Orthodox Jewish community
  17. Intercourse. Again, however,tales such as the Nun's Priest's Tale show, surprising ,skill with words among the lower classes of the group, while the Knight's Tale
  18. With Gas of 3.8 and higher. Given the rigorous admission process it is not, surprising ,that PUNY BA boasts a 70 % graduation rate within an average of 2.2 years and
  19. The chaos of the recent turns-of-events. The elderly woman then asks Fredrika a, surprising ,question:" What is it all for? " Fredrika thinks about this, and decides that
  20. Ad-hoc, covert channels of communication among modules that lead to unwanted, surprising ,interactions. In Common Lisp, a special variable which has only a top-level
  21. In a way that would have been impossible during slavery, and it is hardly, surprising ,that their secular music reflected this as much as their religious music did. "
  22. And learning. However, even the lowest characters, such as the Miller, show, surprising , rhetorical ability, although their subject is more lowbrow. Vocabulary
  23. Types. His generalized, nonlinear and irreversible thermodynamics has found, surprising ,applications in a wide variety of fields. The non equilibrium thermodynamics
  24. Jazz was a sensation in Europe; since opera is set in America, it is not, surprising ,that the tune and the beat have a jazz influence. The orchestration, also
  25. The University of Saint Thomas in Houston. Career As a newcomer, she achieved a, surprising ,measure of success, working for HBO and Stacey Each Productions. She earned a
  26. To the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica); the claimed lack of increase seems, surprising , *Mauritania: According to the Ethnologue, only 200-300 speakers of Menage
  27. The level of category theory, is often obscured in applications and can lead to, surprising ,relationships. * Adjoint functors: A functor can be left (or right) adjoint
  28. Determine his cosmic fate. Critics responded to the offbeat premise and the, surprising ,chemistry between Brooks and Meryl Streep as his post-death love interest. His
  29. S and Bean's spacesuits) reduced-sized pictures of Playboy centerfolds, surprising ,Conrad and Bean when they looked through the checklist flip-book during their
  30. Zephaniah’s Day of the Lord, a ‘ remnant’ survives God’s wrath. It is also not, surprising ,that the book of Zephaniah bears marked similarities to the book of Deuteronomy
  31. And struggle. When Balzac was exhibited in 1898,the negative reaction was not, surprising , The Society rejected the work, and the press ran parodies. Criticizing the
  32. Fulfillment. As he told the graduating class of 1990 at Kenyon College," It's, surprising ,how hard we'll work when the work is done just for ourselves. " Calvin and
  33. The bird kingdom and a rival to the gods. *The resourceful cast: The numerous, surprising ,developments in an Aristophanes plot, the changes in scene, and the farcical
  34. Cantor set cannot contain any interval of non-zero length. In fact, it may seem, surprising ,that there should be anything left — after all, the sum of the lengths of the
  35. At Maple Leaf Gardens before a capacity crowd of 18,000. " Abbey plays with, surprising ,power and volume; but although they are loud,they're also clear, which does
  36. From the works of earlier authors, which are otherwise lost, and for the, surprising ,lore, which offers unexpected glimpses into the Greco-Roman world-view. DE
  37. S names, does not support this. This battle is of interest because it is, surprising ,that an area so far east should still be in Briton hands this late: there is
  38. Famous with the publication, in 1926,of The Murder of Roger Across, whose, surprising , solution proved controversial. The novel is still among the most famous of all
  39. To ideas, or literary and intellectual compositions, is perfectly new and, surprising ,..." It was in the 19th century that the term intellectual property began to
  40. And releases. Being behind the technological curve was not entirely, surprising ,; the chipset used in the 400 and 800 was designed because they were aware the
  41. Means of repelling spiritual dangers from such malignant spirits. It is not, surprising ,to find that many peoples respect and even worship animals (see totem or
  42. Lien finally uses a broken two-handed straight sword, jian, to her advantage, surprising ,Jen by managing to press its broken but still sharp edge to her throat. However
  43. 1/0,which is undefined. Therefore, the formula fails in this case. This is not, surprising ,because f is not differentiable at zero. Higher derivatives FAA di Bruno's
  44. Five touchdown passes in a single game. The Browns finished the 2007 season a, surprising ,10–6,barely missing the playoffs due to tie-breaker rules. Nevertheless, the
  45. The calcium ion and most calcium compounds have low toxicity. This is not, surprising ,given the very high natural abundance of calcium compounds in the environment
  46. Though, given Alfred’s political and military superiority, it would have been, surprising ,if he had conceded any disputed territory to his new godson. The quiet years;
  47. Algebraic structures other than Boolean algebras, are undecidable. Hence, it is, surprising ,that Tarski's student Smile (1955) proved that the first order theory of
  48. Wooed away from Cheers by the guy who came to fix one of the beer keg taps –, surprising ,for a" high-class" lady – who happened to be Tom Banger. Leah Remini played
  49. A Swiss canton Animals * Ai (chimpanzee),a female chimp famous for showing, surprising ,numerical capability People, non-fictional * Ai (singer) (born 1981)
  50. Took his mission very seriously, he did this with great clumsiness, and with, surprising ,lack of authority over the Duke. During his civil engineering days, Cauchy once

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