Examples of the the word, conscious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conscious ), is the 3736 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To rest. " In response to Marlborough's maneuvers, the Elector and Martin, conscious ,of their numerical disadvantage with only 40,000 men, moved their forces to the
  2. And Watergraafsmeer. Canals The Amsterdam canal system is the result of, conscious ,city planning. In the early 17th century, when immigration was at a peak, a
  3. Opinions, will,desires, culture,preferences, values,sub conscious behavior, conscious ,decision, training,instinct, sociological institutions, or some complex
  4. Social life were of little significance, for history lies beyond the reach of, conscious ,actors, especially the will of revolutionaries. They rejected the Marxist idea
  5. The greatest satisfaction of mind, lead to his proposition that the more we are, conscious ,of ourselves and Nature/Universe, the more perfect and blessed we are (in
  6. Railway was also excluded from nationalization. The Railway Executive was, conscious ,that some lines on the (then very dense) network were unprofitable and hard
  7. Worked for the women's rights movement," since he wrote" without any, conscious ,thought of making propaganda," his task having been" the description of
  8. 9:5 to preclude common views of afterlife: For the living are, conscious ,that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
  9. A beginning or end. Though inaccessible directly, God is nevertheless seen as, conscious ,of creation, with a will and purpose that is expressed through messengers
  10. Has the age and the fundamental physical constants necessary to accommodate, conscious ,life. As a result, they believe that the fact that the universe's fundamental
  11. For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are, conscious ,of nothing at all, neither do they any more have wages, because the remembrance
  12. Nature. * By transcending such imaginative pictures, the median can become, conscious ,of the meditative activity itself, which leads to experiences of expressions of
  13. Tension. It's also a specific time to practice Alexander's principle of, conscious ," Directing" without" doing. " The second exercise is the" Whispered Ah,"
  14. Ambassador, Keeping the Party Spinning" from the New York Times, DJ Rehab is, conscious ,of her cultural accountability to her music. Bhangra followers often feel that
  15. Legacy Lavoisier's fundamental contributions to chemistry were a result of a, conscious ,effort to fit all experiments into the framework of a single theory. He
  16. Argument that observations of the physical universe must be compatible with the, conscious ,life that observes it. Some proponents of the argument reason that it explains
  17. Icon ", adding that Apple at the time was" a choice to avoid for the climate, conscious ,consumer ". The Environmental Protection Agency rates Apple highest amongst
  18. The society that needs operas of such a sort" and Weill said that it" pays, conscious ,tribute to the irrationality of the operatic form ". Both thought operas had
  19. The master, of these and other organs; these organs have an agenda which the, conscious ,mind did not choose, and over which it has limited power. When Schopenhauer
  20. Situation and prepared to remove the bottom from a dangerous scenario, being, conscious , of the desires and limits of the bottom, and so on. There was a lot of
  21. Romantic love and romantic attraction," said Thomson. " If these drugs cause, conscious ,sexual side effects, we’d argue that there are going to be side effects that
  22. Spontaneous prose ". He believed literature should come from the soul without, conscious ,restrictions. Ginsberg was much more prone to revise than Kerouac. For example
  23. By Barrow and Tiller (see variants) states that this is all the case because, conscious ,life, in some sense, needed to exist. On the other hand, in a sufficiently
  24. Sigmund Freud and others to prove that our every thought, speech,and gesture, conscious ,or un conscious , is an indirect reference! " Spiritual and recreational use of
  25. A word or across its boundary. Because the choice of allophone is seldom under, conscious ,control, people may not realize they exist. English speakers may be unaware of
  26. The group finds a naked and distressed Dorothy on Jeffrey's front lawn. Barely, conscious , Dorothy calls Jeffrey" My lover" and through this reveals her intimacy with
  27. And Haitian backgrounds, respectively. Influenced by North American socially, conscious ,rap and the Native tongues' movement, Advanced Chemistry is regarded as one of
  28. Right now, though this organ is as needful as lungs, heart,or kidneys. The, conscious ,mind is the servant, not the master, of these and other organs; these organs
  29. On the other hand, in a sufficiently large universe, some worlds might evolve, conscious ,life regardless of adverse conditions. Douglas Adams used the metaphor of a
  30. As an analgesic (pain reducer),not an anesthetic (an agent that blocks all, conscious ,sensations). Qi, acupuncture meridians and points According to the Chinese
  31. The free human being. Where the animal is a slave to its instincts but always, conscious ,in its own actions, Kierkegaard believed that the freedom given to people
  32. Achieved only by data recorded in connection with a perfectly normal subject; a, conscious ,or interested subject introduces variable factors that are probably
  33. Of the word originated by Sigmund Freud. Inhibition describes a moment of, conscious ,awareness of a choice to interrupt, stop or entirely prevent an unnecessary
  34. To the internal senses, which merge all the pieces into a whole, unified, conscious , experience. This process of perception and abstraction is the nexus of the soul
  35. Was already concluded. Night action and German withdrawal At 21:00,Bellicose, conscious ,of the Grand Fleet's deficiencies in night-fighting, decided to try to avoid a
  36. Around the world. In it, Ayer also proposed that the distinction between a, conscious ,man and an un conscious machine resolves itself into a distinction between
  37. Is closely related to the personality trait of neuroticism. Such anxiety may be, conscious ,or un conscious . Choice or decision anxiety induced by the need to
  38. Arise involuntarily; they arise prior to reflection; they arise even when the, conscious ,mind would prefer to hold them at bay. The rational mind is, for Schopenhauer
  39. Is illusory, and our conscious ness continues existing after death in other, conscious ,beings. Positions regarding existence after death were supported by some
  40. Motivated functions of art Motivated purposes of art refer to intentional, conscious ,actions on the part of the artists or creator. These may be to bring about
  41. With which they are familiarly acquainted, and of which they are intimately, conscious , " Lists of phenomena, from the contemplation of which" the savage" was led
  42. Without the seal. The comics sold well and Marvel won praise for its socially, conscious ,efforts. The CCA subsequently loosened the Code to permit negative depictions
  43. Moniker and made a deliberate attempt at creating politically and socially, conscious ,Hip-Hop. BDP were hugely influential in provoking political and social
  44. Book list, Definition In writing an alternate history, the author makes the, conscious ,choice to change something in our past. According to Steven H Silver, alternate
  45. Avenge her father. The tale has often been dismissed as a fable, and Paul was, conscious ,of the risk of disbelief. For this reason he insists that he saw the skull cup
  46. And 5th centuries AD, resulting in their survival today. Aristophanes was very, conscious ,of literary fashions and traditions and his plays feature numerous references
  47. Being shot point-blank in the stomach with a flare gun. As he was dying" quite, conscious ,and in terrible pain ", he gave his boots which he inherited from Kemmerich to
  48. Side effects, we’d argue that there are going to be side effects that are not, conscious , " A psychological study showed a small effect to back up this hypothesis but
  49. One superior. Anthony, as Johann August Wilhelm Leander remarks," without any, conscious ,design of his own, had become the founder of a new mode of living in common
  50. To be found in the United States at least as early as 1848 and that it was not, conscious ,of its affinity to the Individualist Anarchism of Josiah Warren and Stephen

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