Examples of the the word, timing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( timing ), is the 3729 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shown above. The same basic format (with minor differences mainly related to, timing ,and the encoding of color) is used for PAL, NTSC and SECAM television systems.
  2. Rotate) and their spectral properties, and asteroid sizes can be estimated by, timing ,the lengths of star occupations (when an asteroid passes directly in front of
  3. Only simple running speed but also good base-running instincts and split-second, timing , The scoring and criteria for awarding a stolen base to a runner are covered by
  4. Xochicalco. It is only through the ethnography that we can speculate that the, timing ,of the illumination was considered important in Mayan society. However
  5. An essential part of climate change research. *Recording and analyzing the, timing ,of plant life cycles are important parts of phenology used in climate-change
  6. Data at its own best speed. Even with older adapters without independent, timing , this effect only applies to the data transfer phase of a read or write
  7. KB was taken up by the display buffer in contiguous display modes. Due to the, timing ,of interrupts it was possible to disable either the top 100 or bottom 156 lines
  8. Data can be transmitted intermittently rather than in a steady stream. Any, timing ,required to recover data from the communication symbols is encoded within the
  9. By the Supreme Court and the U. S. legislature, in part due to delays and, timing , The treaty was enforced by Jackson's successor, Van Buren, who ordered 7,000
  10. Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMO). Goose Belched opposed the, timing ,of the uprising, saying that the people were not ready. He was killed on 4 May
  11. Before continuing. Triple buffering reduces this latency significantly. Two, timing ,intervals are defined - the front porch between the end of displayed video and
  12. a million colors. The Amiga chipset can gen lock — adjust its own screen refresh, timing ,to match an NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting transparency
  13. Formally divorced; Cockburn married Heather Stone. One side effect of the, timing ,is that, as Alan was awarded a knighthood a few months before the divorce, both
  14. The Amazon rain forest has a three- to five-month dry season,the, timing ,of which varies according to location north or south of the equator. High and
  15. Players who are shorter and playing the guard positions. However, with good, timing ,and a sufficiently high vertical leap, even shorter players can be effective
  16. And Australia, and is reported to have opened to water circulation 33.5 Ma. The, timing ,of the opening of the Drake Passage, between South America and the Antarctic
  17. Support the rebels by invading from Wales, while Henry came in by sea. Bad, timing ,and weather wrecked the plot. An uprising in Kent started 10 days prematurely
  18. Were viewed suspiciously by Thomas' supporters, partly due to their, timing ,(only revealed during Justice Thomas' confirmation hearings) and the" he
  19. Surface. Each beam direction switching circuit is reset by the appropriate sync, timing ,pulse. These waveforms are fed to the horizontal and vertical scan coils
  20. Artifact partway down the image. Vertical synchronization eliminates this by, timing ,frame buffer fills to coincide with the vertical blanking interval, thus
  21. Amphibians are dependent not only on the quantity of rainfall, but the seasonal, timing , Several species have also adapted to arid and semi-arid environments, but most
  22. Horizontal retrace) or the start of the screen (vertical retrace). The, timing ,of the luminance signal must allow for this. The human eye has a characteristic
  23. Through recording, including being able to eliminate mistakes and control the, timing ,of his show performances. Because his own Bing Crosby Enterprises produced the
  24. Cover vulnerabilities (e.g., an exposed side),while age uses position and, timing ,to keep use off-balance and vulnerable. In more advanced training, uke will
  25. If guns in more than one location are firing on one target, with careful, timing ,it can be arranged for all their shells to land at the same time for the same
  26. Remark to John Bright about the" damned defenses" ). This, combined with bad, timing ,and perceived inexperience led to the failure of the Budget and consequently
  27. That the acquisition was mainly to gain access to Gas' development of the, timing ,belt with an overhead camshaft in automotive applications. Gas vehicles were
  28. While most Apollo missions orbited the moon at the same from the lunar surface, timing ,makes this distinction possible as the distance between the Earth and Moon
  29. And update the positions and states of objects in the world. Any mistake in, timing ,produced visual artifacts, a problem programmers called racing the beam. The
  30. Signal is a single short pulse which indicates the start of every line. Two, timing ,intervals are defined - the front porch between the end of displayed video and
  31. In the line of succession and was proclaimed King Richard III on 26 June. The, timing ,and extrajudicial nature of the deeds done to obtain the throne for Richard won
  32. Era to participate. The only modern equipment used is related to safety and, timing , A historical event can be of various different motorsport disciplines. Notably
  33. Algorithms that must always take strictly the same time to execute, preventing, timing , attacks. * complete control over the environment is required, in extremely high
  34. Allowing the depiction of motion. The analog television signal contains, timing ,and synchronization information so that the receiver can reconstruct a
  35. Likely that Bede travelled to some other places, although nothing further about, timing ,or locations can be guessed. It seems certain that he did not visit Rome
  36. Since most commercially available Bluetooth devices are not capable of the, timing ,necessary. In August 2005,police in Cambridge shire, England,issued warnings
  37. Or specialized processor, for example. ** real-time programs that need precise, timing ,and responses, such as simulations, flight navigation systems, and medical
  38. Died. Former prime minister Bob Hawks said:" ... there is a coincidental, timing ,almost between the passing of Don Chip and what I think is the death throes of
  39. Changing palettes after each scan line) ** 8 System timers (2 reserved for LCD, timing , one for PART) **PART (for Common) (fixed format 8E1,up to 62500 BD)
  40. Was the case. NASA officials were aware of the Soviet Zone flights, but the, timing ,of the Zone missions does not correspond well with the extensive written record
  41. Teachings from before World War II, and surmises that the secret to I lies in, timing ,and the application of the whole body's strength to a single point. Uniforms
  42. Factors that affect many or all functional brain systems, and to disturb the, timing ,of brain development more than the final product. Neuroanatomical studies and
  43. OpenSSL's AES encryption. The custom server was designed to give out as much, timing ,information as possible (the server reports back the number of machine cycles
  44. Pre-determined published public transport timetable defining the route and the, timing , however smaller vehicles may be used on more flexible demand responsive
  45. The rhythm and intent of the attacker to find the optimal position and, timing ,to apply a counter-technique. This then is very similar to the principles
  46. The next display line. Horizontal hold and vertical hold The lack of precision, timing ,components available in early television receivers meant that the time base
  47. Criteria such as poise, the hold or frame, posture,musicality and expression, timing , body alignment and shape, floor craft, foot and leg action, and presentation.
  48. Then. In order for this to happen, patrol movement mustn't be predictable in, timing ,or route, and should avoid the most obvious routes. Rather than moving at a
  49. Found that changes in the asymmetric field of various stars correlated to the, timing ,of adjustments and modifications that had been carried out on the refractor
  50. This is not true, as modern ATA host adapters support independent device, timing , This allows each device on the cable to transfer data at its own best speed.

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