Examples of the the word, attachment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( attachment ), is the 3724 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Described the baseball legend as" a fragile hero to whom we had an emotional, attachment ,so strong and lasting that it defied logic. " Costs has even carried a 1958
  2. Formed of protein called piling (antigenic). Cambrian are responsible for, attachment ,of bacteria to specific receptors of human cell (adherence). There are
  3. Permitting bicycles to be carried on public transport or by providing external, attachment ,devices on public transport vehicles. Conversely, an absence of secure
  4. Hormones are released that appears to play important roles in fostering romantic, attachment ,within the brain. Take away sex, and romantic love can dwindle. But this is
  5. Reaction does not occur directly; instead the amino acid is first activated by, attachment ,to a transfer RNA molecule through an ester bond. This aminoacyl-tRNA is
  6. Ridge running down the length of the sternum. This is an important area for the, attachment ,of flight muscles. Thus, all flying birds have a pronounced keel. Rates, all
  7. So it determines the virulence of many bacteria. It also plays a role in, attachment ,of the organism to mucous membranes. Flagella are the organelles of
  8. Especially in the Border South, often former Whigs, appealed to sentimental, attachment ,to the United States. Their favorite was John Bell of Tennessee. Secessionists
  9. To anterior on the skull),providing yet additional room for temporal is, attachment , Carnivoran jaws can only move on a vertical axis, in an up-and-down motion
  10. Same time. Standard containers are square at the front (slightly higher due to, attachment ,points) and available in lengths. This meant that it would be possible to
  11. Buddha created a new position in opposition to their theories, and held that, attachment ,to a permanent self in this world of change is the cause of suffering and the
  12. Though she abandons the ship several times during the course of the series, her, attachment , to the crew always brings her back. These feelings are apparently reciprocated
  13. By the cervical sclerites (hardened parts of the head used as points of, attachment ,for muscles) absent in the other suborders. * Adhara contains about 10
  14. Both affirmative and negative positions regarding these questions are based on, attachment ,to and misunderstanding of the aggregates and senses. That is, when one sees
  15. Computer buses * SCSI Small Computer System Interface, disk/tape peripheral, attachment ,bus * Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) and other serial SCSI buses Cadillac may
  16. Models ... Internal cognitive representations of the self as unlovable and of, attachment ,figures as unloving or untrustworthy would be consistent with parts of Beck’s
  17. 1785 in a letter to John Jay that Richard Hofstadter has traced the sentimental, attachment ,to the rural way of life which is" a kind of homage that Americans have paid
  18. Deficiency to point at things. Most autistic children display moderately less, attachment ,security than non-autistic children, although this difference disappears in
  19. Requires affection also to the office of the Sovereign, attachment to royalty, attachment ,to the law and to the constitution of the realm, and he who would, by force or
  20. And the pubic bone had a prominent foot that may have been used for both muscle, attachment ,and as a prop for resting the body on the ground. Madsen noted that in about
  21. Well above the plane of tooth occlusion, allowing extra room for masseteric, attachment ,on the century and causing the rotation of the lower jaw to be translated into
  22. By pro-life groups. Some factors in a woman's life, such as emotional, attachment ,to the pregnancy, lack of social support, pre-existing psychiatric illness, and
  23. Breaking both the Enigma machine and the Lorenz SZ 40/42 (a Teleprinter cipher, attachment ,code named Tunny by the British),and was, for a time, head of Hut 8,the
  24. In contact. It is involved in cell division as the point of mitotic spindle, attachment , The sister chromatids are attached all along their length, but they are
  25. For the stocks, including rare wartime models, were altered to remove the, attachment ,point. Other carbines Another class of carbine is a semi-automatic version of a
  26. Mark the vowels (other than the" inherent" vowel) with a diacritic, a minor, attachment ,to the letter, or a standalone glyph. Some Aquinas use a special symbol to
  27. Reduced the weight of the head while also providing space for muscle, attachment ,and sensory organs. Its long jaws contained more than 60 banana-shaped teeth;
  28. Components of depression are adaptations, such as the behaviors relating to, attachment ,and social rank. Current behaviors can be explained as adaptations to regulate
  29. Or can be automated into a machine. Mechanisms of adhesion,the, attachment ,between adhesive and substrate may occur either by mechanical means, in which
  30. Have not been cleansed from the temporal punishment due to venial sins and from, attachment ,to mortal sins cannot immediately attain the beatific vision in heaven, and
  31. Cortex/septal region. These structures are intimately related to social, attachment ,and bonding in other species. Altruism, the experiment suggested, was not a
  32. Son; # the Ambrosia, now confined to Milan, where it owes its retention to the, attachment ,of the clergy and people to their traditional rites, which they derive from St
  33. Technology Attachment, ATA,DATA, IDE,EIDE, ATAPI,etc.) disk/tape peripheral, attachment ,bus * Q-Bus, a proprietary bus developed by Digital Equipment Corporation for
  34. One part of the HIV outer coating that does not change, because it is the, attachment ,point to T lymphocytes, the key cell in cell-mediated immunity. Once infected
  35. Outside of London, and since the advent of satellite television, a supporter's, attachment ,to a football club has become less dependent on geography. Consequently
  36. Thomson. Dopamine also appears central to the neurobiology of romantic love and, attachment , conditions that Fisher believes to be affected by — but ultimately distinct
  37. Of Philip II of Macedon, and after the Grecian fashion became the object of his, attachment , Philip in requital made him king of Virus, after dethroning his uncle Aromas
  38. 14 light cruisers and 27 destroyers. Air scouting was provided for by the, attachment ,of the seaplane tender, one of the first aircraft carriers in history to
  39. A possible effect may occur from a component of the juice inhibiting bacterial, attachment ,to the bladder and urethra. Although promising for antibacterial activity
  40. Open very quickly is to use a static line or direct bag. These devices form an, attachment ,between the parachute and the jump platform, which stretches out the parachute
  41. Times when you cannot conflict with Mahayana philosophy because obstinacy or, attachment ,for anything, is considered to be" stubbornness" ( 执著),which will become an
  42. The clitoral court are concealed behind the labia minor, and terminate with, attachment ,to the pubic arch (according to some),or follow interior to the labia minor
  43. Of the kinetochores provides, along with special proteins, longer-lasting, attachment , in this region. In humans Chromosomes can be divided into two types—autosomes
  44. And that her heroine Agnes Grey finds deeply appealing. If Anne did form an, attachment ,to Weightman, that does not imply that he, in turn, was attracted to her.
  45. By their assistance and that of his own subjects, who entertained a great, attachment ,for him, he recovered Virus. It appears that he was in alliance with the
  46. Covering that provides a protective casing around the body and a point of, attachment ,for muscles, in contrast to the internal skeletons of humans and other
  47. The property in the United States of a foreign state shall be immune from, attachment , arrest and execution" ( 28 U. S. C. A. § 1609). This has led creditors who
  48. Throughout their diaspora, with different reasons for maintaining some form of, attachment ,to each. Diaspora cultural development often assumes a different course from
  49. Not sufficient. Loyalty requires affection also to the office of the Sovereign, attachment ,to royalty, attachment to the law and to the constitution of the realm, and he
  50. Contexts, styles,and registers. Land and inheritance Basques have a close, attachment ,to their home (ETPE (a) 'house, home '),especially when this consists of

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