Examples of the the word, bishop , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bishop ), is the 3742 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- New Zealand (d. 1930) *1878 – Saint Rafael Guitar Valencia, Mexican Catholic, bishop ,(d. 1938) *1879 – Owen Willans Richardson, British physicist, Nobel Prize
- Protestant clergyman (b. 1540) *1667 – Jeremy Taylor, Irish prose writer and, bishop ,(b. 1613) *1686 – Louis Hamburg, French historian (b. 1610) *1721 –
- In present-day Canada. In 1814 a bishop of Calcutta was made; in 1824 the first, bishop ,was sent to the West Indies and in 1836 to Australia. By 1840 there were still
- Bishop in whose territory the monastery is located, or by an abbot or another, bishop ,with appropriate permission. Unlike the abbot, the abbess receives only the
- Theodosius arrived in Constantinople, November 24,380,he expelled the Comoran, bishop , Hemophilia of Constantinople, and surrendered the churches of that city to
- Of his order, or when he was directly subject to them, by the pope or the, bishop , The ceremony of the formal admission of a Benedictine abbot in medieval times
- American settler (b. c. 1619) *1704 – Jacques-Bénigne Bosses, French, bishop , and writer (b. 1627) *1748 – William Kent, English architect (b. c. 1685)
- Step of the entrance of the choir, into which he was to be introduced by the, bishop ,or his commissary, and placed in his stall. The monks, then kneeling, gave him
- To which they have no just claim. " In conceptual cathedrals, where the, bishop ,occupied the place of the abbot, the functions usually devolving on the
- Was transferred by jurisdiction to the monks themselves, reserving to the, bishop ,the confirmation of the election and the benediction of the new abbot. In
- Solemnize matrimony, usually under the instruction of their parish priest and, bishop , They sometimes officiate at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, in the
- Was consecrated for the Anglican Episcopal Church in late 2008 by its presiding, bishop ,and three bishop s of the Diocese of the Great Lakes. The principles of the
- To define precisely today. The letter of Aurelius, a 4th-century Arian, bishop ,of Milan, regarding the missionary Fulfills, gives the clearest picture of Arian
- Tongan with his prayers, as Saint Genevieve is to have saved Paris. Lupus, bishop ,of Troyes, is also credited with saving his city by meeting Attila in person.
- Office. He then put on his shoes in the vestry, and a chapter was held, and the, bishop ,or his delegate preached a suitable sermon. General information Before the late
- Entered into discussions about possible organic unity. In January 2009 one, bishop ,from each jurisdiction consecrated three suffragan bishop s in St. Louis, just a
- England had just the same legal position as any other church. Thus, a colonial, bishop ,and colonial diocese was by nature quite a different thing from their
- Still applies, whereby most abbots are immediately subject to the local, bishop , Those monasteries which enjoy the status of being stauropegiac will be subject
- More colleagues were appointed to other cities in present-day Canada. In 1814 a, bishop ,of Calcutta was made; in 1824 the first bishop was sent to the West Indies and
- Their advance began at Marcus, where they demanded that the Romans turn over a, bishop ,who had retained property that Attila regarded as his. While the Romans
- A tabernacle or Aubrey with a lighted candle or lamp nearby. Only a priest or a, bishop ,may be the celebrant at the Eucharist, though Sydney Anglicans may soon
- Rock immensely exceeding his powers. Appointments When a vacancy occurred,the, bishop ,of the diocese chose the abbot out of the monks of the convent, but the right
- The principal subdivisions of a diocese. An archdeacon represents the diocesan, bishop ,in his or her archdeacon. In the Church of England the position of archdeacon
- Queen of France (d. 1601) *1623 – François de Laval, first, bishop , of New France (d. 1708) *1651 – Jean-Baptiste de La Sale, French educational
- Of the Anglican Communion consist of dioceses, each under the jurisdiction of a, bishop , In the Anglican tradition, bishop s must be consecrated according to the
- The crown, the Church of England began to appoint colonial bishop s. In 1787 a, bishop ,of Nova Scotia was appointed with a jurisdiction over all of British North
- Movie director (b. 1945) * 2008 – Kristen Stendhal, Swedish theologian and, bishop ,(b. 1921) *2009 – Ed Blake, American baseball player (b. 1925) * 2009 – Sir
- AD 1123. In the East abbots, if in priests' orders and with the consent of the, bishop , were, as we have seen, permitted by the second Nicene council, AD 787, too
- Politician and general (b. 83 BC) * 371 – St Eugenics of Vermicelli, Italian, bishop , ( b. 283) *1227 – Shimizu Dadaist, Japanese warlord (b. 1179) *1252 –
- Without experiencing decay, so that genesis would never stop. Ape iron The, bishop ,Hippolytus of Rome (I,5),and the later 6th century Byzantine philosopher
- Abbess is solemnly admitted to her office by formal blessing, conferred by the, bishop ,in whose territory the monastery is located, or by an abbot or another bishop
- There, an act which provoked rioting. Theodosius had just been baptized, by, bishop , Acholius of Thessalonica, during a severe illness, as was common in the early
- Ceremony of such a blessing is similar in some aspects to the consecration of a, bishop , with the new abbot being presented with the mite, the ring, and the crosier
- Myers, Australian painter (d. 2003) *1931 – Pierre Du Maine, American Catholic, bishop ,* 1931 – William Schools, Slovak footballer (d. 2007) * 1931 – Eddie Fuller
- In English as Saint Ambrose (c. between 337 and 340 – 4 April 397),was a, bishop ,of Milan who became one of the most influential ecclesiastical figures of the
- Chosen, he must request blessing: the blessing of an abbot is celebrated by the, bishop ,in whose diocese the monastery is or, with his permission, another abbot or
- The 12th century, virtually creating an imperium in imperil, and depriving the, bishop ,of all authority over the chief centers of influence in his diocese. Later
- Priesthood is the presiding bishop ric; the head of the priesthood is the, bishop , Each ward has one or more quorum of each office of the Chronic priesthood.
- Christian martyr and saint * Clement of Ankara, Christian hieromartyr and, bishop ,: For the literary standard, see Modern Standard Arabic. For vernaculars, see
- Over lordship of the territory was by the Count of Urgell and eventually by the, bishop ,of the Diocese of Urgell. In 988,Burrell II, Count of Urgell, gave the
- In whose diocese the monastery is or, with his permission, another abbot or, bishop , The ceremony of such a blessing is similar in some aspects to the consecration
- Is a threefold enthronement, once in the throne the chancel as the diocesan, bishop ,of Canterbury, once in the Chair of St. Augustine as the Primate of All England
- At the Council of Nice been the head of the Arian party, who also was made, bishop ,of Constantinople. Constantius used his power to exile bishop s adhering to the
- Mentioned: For each personal ordinarily the ordinary may be a former Anglican, bishop ,or priest. It is expected that provision will be made to allow the retention of
- For mutual assistance between Evangelical Anglican churches. A suffragan, bishop ,was consecrated for the Anglican Episcopal Church in late 2008 by its presiding
- Mentioned for the first time by Adam of Bremen who stated that" Reginald, bishop ,of the church of Aarhus (Hausa) " participated in a church meeting in the
- Priests and theological disputes. The town council or senate gave way to the, bishop ,as the main local figurehead. During the middle of the 4th century, Ancyra was
- Part, answerable to the Pope, or to the abbot primate, rather than to the local, bishop , The abbot wears the same habit as his fellow monks, though by tradition he
- Will be subject only to a primate or his Synod of Bishops and not the local, bishop , Though the title" abbot" is not given in the Western Church to any but
- Thunderstorm, killing 7 and injuring 45. Births * 582 – Arnulfo of Metz, French, bishop , and saint (d. 640) *1311 – King Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon (d. 1350)
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