Examples of the the word, thesis , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Lectured on differential calculus. One year after the defense of his doctoral, thesis , he was appointed extraordinary professor (1886) and in the same year he was
  2. For his diploma d'études superheroes (roughly equivalent to an M. A., thesis ,). Camus joined the French Communist Party in the spring of 1935,seeing it as
  3. And the Unseen World (1929) for support of philosophical idealism" the, thesis ,that reality is basically mental ". Charles De Koninck points out that
  4. Universal causality #the existence of a necessary being about each of which a, thesis ,contradicts an anti thesis . For example: in the First Autonomy, Kant proves the
  5. M. A.,1952) and Columbia University (Ph.D.,1956),and did his doctoral, thesis ,on the Thematic Apperception Test. From 1956 through 1958,he did his
  6. Even to cure bacterial infections in animal (Ernest Duchess in 1897 in his, thesis ," Contribution to the study of vital competition in microorganisms: antagonism
  7. In terms of" a machine ". S. C. Kleene's proposal of a precursor to" Church, thesis ," that he called" Thesis I ", and a few years later Kleene's renaming his
  8. Most closely related to Armenian. Camp (1976:91) supports the Graeco-Armenian, thesis , anticipating even a time" when we should speak of Helleno-Armenian" (
  9. Known in Latin under the title De Anima (treatises" on the soul" ). The main, thesis ,of these tracts is represented in his so-called" flying man" argument, which
  10. Photoelectric effect was received by Annalena her Physic 18 March. *. This PhD, thesis ,was completed 30 April and submitted 20 July. *. This annus mirabilis paper on
  11. Interests of ruling classes, will preserve civilization ... *# The second basic, thesis ,is that intellectual freedom is essential to human society — freedom to obtain
  12. Ignorance or malice. " Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the PLO, published a Ph.D., thesis ,(at Moscow University) in 1982,called The Secret Connection between the
  13. And celebration of Shabbat, the Jewish Sabbath. This work is rooted in the, thesis ,that Judaism is a religion of time, not space, and that the Sabbath symbolizes
  14. Hard to refute ". Reich:" ... Turing's informal argument in favor of his, thesis ,justifies a stronger thesis : every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing
  15. Chemistry of ayahuasca and oo-koo-he, which became the subject of his master's, thesis , In Brazil, a number of modern religious movements based on the use of
  16. Syn thesis would be required by the view that time is infinite; so the, thesis ,is proven. Then he proves the anti thesis , that time has no beginning, by
  17. Age returned to University, graduating with a master's degree in 1946,with a, thesis ,concerned with some aspects of atomic stopping problems. Following graduation
  18. Regor Solitary. Five years later, in January 1885,there followed his doctoral, thesis ," About Some Applications of Algebraic Continuous Fractions ". His pedagogical
  19. To doctoral student (who, after obtaining his doctorate, developed his, thesis ,into a book, Albert Speer: The End of a Myth). Speer considered Walters '
  20. Of the Snipers or close to Pharaoh (today's Phrasal). The“ north-bank ”, thesis ,of F. L. Lucas, based on his 1921 solo field-trip to Thessaly, is now, however
  21. Talloc hierarchical memory allocator, originally as part of Samba. For his PhD, thesis , he co-developed rsync, including the rsync algorithm, a highly efficient file
  22. Processor implementing APL. This topic was also the subject of his PhD, thesis , Extensions Recent extensions to APL include: * Support for. Net, operating
  23. In particular, foundations of mathematics (especially the Church–Turing, thesis ,) and philosophy of mind (especially arguments around artificial intelligence
  24. In the prestigious Annalena her Physic. On 30 April 1905,he completed his, thesis , with Alfred Planer, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro forma
  25. Of Sufficient Reason. This is explained more fully in Schopenhauer's doctoral, thesis , On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason. Schopenhauer's
  26. Was in functional analysis. Between 1949 and 1953 he worked on his doctoral, thesis ,in this subject at Nancy, supervised by Jean Dionne and Laurent Schwartz.
  27. Turing's informal argument in favor of his thesis justifies a stronger, thesis ,: every algorithm can be simulated by a Turing machine ... according to Savage
  28. Bachelor's degree from Perth, and switched to a Bachelor of Letters, with a, thesis ,on wage-fixing in Australia. The thesis was successfully presented in January
  29. Pilgrim. The Pilgrim's reference is a basis for the Church of Zion, Jerusalem, thesis , of Bugatti (1976) and Test, though the archeological evidence may suggest
  30. Fever broke decisively with this paradigm in 1912,with his sweeping doctoral, thesis ,on Philippe II et la Franche-Comté. The geography and social structure of this
  31. And animal husbandry and on the wider Niger–Congo language family rendered that, thesis ,untenable. In the 1990s Jan Lansing proposed a modification of Greenberg's
  32. http://www.mises.org/etexts/ourenemy.pdf Our Enemy the State Oppenheimer's, thesis ,applied to early US history * Stefan Milieux
  33. Practice, it is almost never done. (This may be thought to support Iverson's, thesis ,about notation as a tool of thought. ) Most if not all modern implementations
  34. Assumes knowledge of the key-dependent S-boxes. Vincent Risen, in his Ph.D., thesis , introduced a second-order differential attack that can break four rounds and
  35. To a Bachelor of Letters, with a thesis on wage-fixing in Australia. The, thesis ,was successfully presented in January 1956. His academic achievements were
  36. Fractions ". His pedagogical work began after the defense of his master, thesis ,in autumn 1880. As a privatdozent he lectured on differential and integral
  37. De philosophies (BA) in 1935; in May 1936,he successfully presented his, thesis ,on Platinum, Néo-Platonisme et Sense Chretien (Neo-Platonism and Christian
  38. Structured programming, canonical structures: Per the Church-Turing, thesis ,any algorithm can be computed by a model known to be Turing complete, and per
  39. C. Kleenex defined as his now-famous" Thesis I" known as the Church–Turing, thesis , But he did this in the following context (boldface in original)::" 12.
  40. Was in the area of speech recognition but was never completed. His submitted, thesis ,'Efficient Algorithms for Sorting and Synchronization' was based on his work
  41. Truth. Published work The Prophets This work started out as his Ph.D., thesis ,in German, which he later expanded and translated into English. Originally
  42. Between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement. His doctoral, thesis ,later became a book, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and
  43. A degree of certitude in the treatment of miracles. True to his empirical, thesis , Hume tells the reader that, though testimony does have some force, it is never
  44. Were crucial in the early Church's fight against paganism and became a central, thesis ,in the later denunciation of witches and witchcraft. According to Professor
  45. Stake. ” In another context, Schopenhauer reiterated his antidemocratic-eugenic, thesis ,:" If you want Utopian plans, I would say: the only solution to the problem is
  46. Contradicts an anti thesis . For example: in the First Autonomy, Kant proves the, thesis ,that time must have a beginning by showing that if time had no beginning, then
  47. That can be simulated by a Turing-complete system. Authors who assert this, thesis ,include Minsky (1967),Savage (1987) and Reich (2000): Minsky:" But
  48. Prepare for the lecturer's position. In April 1880 Markov defended his masters, thesis ," About Binary Quadratic Forms with Positive Determinant ", which was
  49. Versus 'absolute' meaning. Religious beliefs and absurdism While writing his, thesis ,on Platinum and Saint Augustine of Hippo, Camus became very strongly influenced
  50. Has always been an export-oriented economy. In line with Inns' staples, thesis , the economy has changed substantially as different export commodities have

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