Examples of the the word, alternate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Quickly followed by Murray Leinster's" Side wise in Time ". While earlier, alternate ,histories examined reasonably straightforward divergences, Leinster attempted
  2. Alternate- alternate history ". American humorist author James Thurber parodied, alternate ,history stories about the American Civil War in his 1930 story," If Grant had
  3. Potholed, littered with broken asphalt. In many areas drivers have established, alternate ,tracks to avoid the worst parts of the surface, although careful attention must
  4. Officer, who knows how to make gunpowder, is transported from our world to an, alternate ,universe where the recipe for gunpowder is a tightly held secret and saves a
  5. Explain their characters' cross-time journeys. While many justifications for, alternate ,histories involve a multiverse, the " many world" theory would naturally
  6. Are transferred via an accidental encounter with a cross-time machine into an, alternate ,universe featuring a seemingly pacifistic and utopian Britain. When the
  7. Agent is constantly trying to maximize the consistency of behavior among his, alternate ,selves, attempting to compensate for events and thoughts he experiences but he
  8. Is not very different from conventional alternate history. The 1930s would see, alternate ,history move into a new arena. The December 1933 issue of Astounding published
  9. History splitting into two or more time-lines. Cross-time, time-splitting and, alternate ,history themes have become so closely interwoven that it is impossible to
  10. Conscious choice to change something in our past. According to Steven H Silver, alternate ,history requires three things: 1) the story must have a point of divergence
  11. Transversal line intersects two parallel lines, corresponding (as well as, alternate ,) angles at the two points of intersection are equal in size; adjacent angles
  12. Magic in the fair world. Even with such explanation, the more explicitly the, alternate ,world resembles a normal fantasy world, the more likely the story is to be
  13. The basis of this vast subject. In French, Italian,Spanish and German, alternate ,history novels are called chronic. This neologism is based on the prefix u- (
  14. Happened if the North had been victorious (in other words, a character from an, alternate ,world imagining a world more like the real one we live in, although not
  15. Not exist, a " non-time. " This term apparently also inspired the name of the, alternate ,history book list, Definition In writing an alternate history, the author
  16. Alternate history literature Antiquity and Medieval The earliest example of an, alternate ,history is Book IX, sections 17–19,of Livy's Ab Urge conduit. Livy
  17. With root tubers. The leaves form a rosette at the base of the plant, and are, alternate , distichous, flat,sessile, simple,linear or Lancelot, and parallel veined
  18. Fiction, October 1940),in which the hero is repeatedly shifted from one, alternate ,history to another, each more remote from our own than the last. This subgenre
  19. Changes wrought by his time traveler, Martin Pad way, thereby making the work an, alternate ,history. Pad way is depicted as making permanent changes and implicitly forming
  20. Ramifications of that change. Several genres of fiction have been confused as, alternate ,histories. Science fiction set in what was the future but is now the past, like
  21. This kind of speculative work, which posts from the point of view of an, alternate ,history is variously known as a" recursive alternate history ", a "
  22. As a scratchpad. There is an example below of such an assignment. For some, alternate ,conceptions of what constitutes an algorithm see functional programming and
  23. Side and Side Devil take place between our world, the " grim world" and an, alternate ," fair world" where the Side retreated to. Although technology is clearly
  24. If the standard deviation is small relative to the mean. Two-pass algorithm An, alternate ,approach, using a different formula for the variance, first computes the sample
  25. Is no exception. It is usually the case, but not always, that progress goes in, alternate ,cycles from an experimental observation, through to a theoretical explanation
  26. Inspired the name of the alternate history book list, Definition In writing an, alternate ,history, the author makes the conscious choice to change something in our past.
  27. The police; Paul Anderson dreamed up the Old Phoenix tavern as a nexus between, alternate ,histories. A character from a modern American alternate history Operation Chaos
  28. Of how the world would look today if various changes occurred and what these, alternate ,worlds would be like forms the basis of this vast subject. In French
  29. Potholed, littered with broken asphalt. In many areas drivers have established, alternate ,tracks to avoid the worst parts of the surface, although careful attention must
  30. Have happened if ..." as a tool of academic historical research. History of, alternate ,history literature Antiquity and Medieval The earliest example of an alternate
  31. The point of view of an alternate history is variously known as a" recursive, alternate ,history ", a " double-blind what-if" or an" alternate - alternate history ".
  32. Extent merged with science fictional tropes involving cross-time travel between, alternate ,histories or psychic awareness of the existence of" our" universe by the
  33. Merlin, Jr. and Andre Norton wrote thrillers set in a multiverse in which all, alternate ,histories are co-existent and travel between them occurs via a technology
  34. If Napoleon Had Escaped to America ’. This is the fourth” Another example of, alternate ,history from this period (and arguably the first to explicitly posit
  35. Theme: in Bring the Jubilee, by Ward Moore, the protagonist, who lives in an, alternate ,history in which the South won the Civil War, travels through time and brings
  36. This was also the first Spider-Man story to be penciled by Gil Kane, who would, alternate ,drawing duties with Romina for the next year-and-a-half and would draw several
  37. In both science fiction and fantasy, whether a given parallel universe is an, alternate ,history may not be clear. The writer might allude to a POD only to explain the
  38. In Clifford D. Simak's Ring Around the Sun (1953),the hero ends up in an, alternate ,earth of thick forests in which humanity never developed but where a band of
  39. Setting of A Midsummer's Tempest. In this context, the distinction between an, alternate ,history and a parallel universe with some points in common but no common
  40. And others follow science fiction or fantasy conventions. World War II produced, alternate ,history for propaganda: both British and American authors wrote works depicting
  41. A single alternate world this story is not very different from conventional, alternate ,history. The 1930s would see alternate history move into a new arena. The
  42. Of literary fiction, science fiction, and historical fiction; different, alternate ,history works may use tropes from any or all of these genres. It is sometimes
  43. Of sets is that collection, and so only makes sense for sets of sets. With this, alternate ,notion of choice function, the axiom of choice can be compactly stated as:
  44. Popular with U. S. pulp writers, but since his hero experiences only a single, alternate ,world this story is not very different from conventional alternate history. The
  45. The universe without explanation to its existence. Major writers explore, alternate ,histories In 1962,Philip K. Dick published The Man in the High Castle, an
  46. Yamaguchi * ASA River (disambiguation),multiple rivers with the name * ASA, alternate ,term for about; a staff used in Egyptian stick fencing * ASA physical status
  47. And at Band Breach. Until the end of his life, Bell and his family would, alternate ,between the two homes, but Band Breach would, over the next 30 years, become
  48. Into lands, they had conquered before. 19th century One of the earliest works of, alternate ,history published in large quantities for the reception of a popular audience
  49. As a nexus between alternate histories. A character from a modern American, alternate ,history Operation Chaos can thus appear in the English Civil War setting of A
  50. Also find there similar formulas for covariance. Choir and Sweet man offer two, alternate ,methods to compute the skewness and Kurtis, each of which can save

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