Examples of the the word, legacy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( legacy ), is the 3741 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Barbara, Girolamo Lucency, and Giuseppe Peron. Critical assessment and, legacy ,Asgard was also known for his portraiture which shows an obsessive attention
  2. Of Egypt destroyed a significant portion of the country's historical, legacy , some foreigners had more positive results. Napoleon, for example, arranged the
  3. Catoptrics also contains the problem known as" Alhazen's problem ". And his, legacy ,was further advanced through the 'reforming' of his Optics by Persian
  4. Listen to the whole of Britten's War Requiem nearly every day. Recognition and, legacy ,In the fiftieth anniversary edition of The Weird stone of Brisingamen, published
  5. Him, where he died on March 5,1827. He is buried in Carnage Volta. Volta's, legacy ,is celebrated by a Temple located in the public gardens by the lake. It is also
  6. By his third wife, Livia (sometimes for the worse). Nevertheless, his, legacy , proved more enduring. The city of Rome was utterly transformed under Augustus
  7. Although he is mostly remembered for his vast conquests,Alexander's lasting, legacy ,was not his reign, but the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered.
  8. To keep his words brief, out of respect of the lunar landing being Kennedy's, legacy , The MESA failed to provide a stable work platform and was in shadow, slowing
  9. Institute was founded in 1967 as a national arts organization to preserve the, legacy ,of America’s film heritage, educate the next generation of filmmakers and honor
  10. Palestinian and Theodosius to reject requests to restore the Altar. Death and, legacy ,Soon after acquiring the undisputed possession of the Roman Empire, Theodosius
  11. Across the world. The extent of these pricing phenomena is strongest in ", legacy ," carriers. In contrast, low fare carriers usually offer preannounced and
  12. In cathartics and district (the study of the refraction of light). His, legacy ,was further advanced through the 'reforming' of his Optics by Kamal Alvin
  13. In ancient and modern culture Alexander the Great's accomplishments and, legacy ,have been preserved and depicted in many ways. Alexander has figured in works
  14. Been developed. Like other former States,Armenia's economy suffers from the, legacy ,of a centrally planned economy and the breakdown of former Soviet trading
  15. Church under an epitaph that partly read: Carolingian Renaissance figure and, legacy ,Literary influence Alcuin made the abbey school into a model of excellence and
  16. Buddhist monks, active in spreading Buddhism (the Mahayana, XII ). Death and, legacy ,Ashoka ruled for an estimated forty years. After his death, the Mauryan dynasty
  17. Achievements,Hatshepsut's nephew-stepson Tutsis III sought to erase her, legacy ,near the end of his reign, possibly in retaliation for usurping his throne.
  18. Of dynamite and is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better, legacy ,after his death. The obituary stated (" The merchant of death is dead" ) and
  19. Towards the close of 1766,which was his eighth invasion into India. Death and, legacy ,Ahmad Shah Duran died in 1772-73 in Kandahar Province. He was buried at a
  20. Of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural, legacy , History The Nile has been the lifeline of its region for much of human history
  21. For the hunt; and d) the cures for sick and wounded falcons. His scholarly, legacy ,justifies his contemporaries' bestowing upon him the honorable surname Doctor
  22. On the Brits Awards that same year. In Sweden, the growing recognition of the, legacy ,of Andersson and Slaves resulted in the 1998 B & B Concerts: a tribute concert
  23. Highly political" function of the so-called armaments' miracle. Architectural, legacy ,Little remains of Speer's personal architectural works, other than the plans
  24. Low-cost carriers began to represent a serious challenge to the so-called ", legacy ,airlines ", as did their low-cost counterparts in many other countries. Their
  25. Agricultural production techniques, the first known ships, Egypt left a lasting, legacy , Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off
  26. The conception of Christian kingship that he had inherited by building upon the, legacy ,of earlier kings such as Off as well as clerical writers such as Bede, Alcuin
  27. John F. Kennedy in 1961,and was skilled at portraying it as part of Kennedy's, legacy , But internal acrimony developed between NASA and North American over
  28. Were immersed in a Scandinavian lifestyle of relative modesty. Death and, legacy ,Alexander III became ill with nephritis in 1894,and died of this disease at
  29. Production Co., established in 1959,continues to oversee much of Kurosawa's, legacy , The director's son, Hisao Kurosawa, is the current head of the company. Its
  30. With the parts of it he borrowed. He also wrote many books on this subject. His, legacy ,is that there is now a college in London and a system of needling that is known
  31. Necessary for a spiritual path adapted to the twentieth century. Non-scientific, legacy ,While travelling, Einstein wrote daily to his wife Elsa and adopted
  32. Of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows. " Reception and, legacy ,Reviews During Rand's lifetime, her work evoked both extreme praise and
  33. Revision of laws or development of commerce, preferring instead to preserve the, legacy ,of his father Edward and grandfather John I. In 1452,Pope Nicholas V issued
  34. Appointed successor),Dengizich, and Erna fought over the division of his, legacy , specifically which vassal kings would belong to which brother. As a
  35. Once again. Apollo 13 became headlines for every newspaper and TV programs. One, legacy ,of the Apollo program is the now-common view of Earth as a fragile, small
  36. Harmony. Legacy The culture and monuments of Ancient Egypt have left a lasting, legacy ,on the world. The cult of the goddess Isis, for example, became popular in the
  37. His ethic of Reverence for Life, not his Hospital, his most important, legacy , saying that his Nazarene Hospital was just" my own improvisation on the
  38. Almost any other country or region. Today, American Airlines is the only U. S., legacy ,carrier to survive bankruptcy-free. The Airline Industry Bailout Congress
  39. Towards a more politically moderate position, determined to build a winning, legacy ,with only a short time to go until the next gubernatorial election.
  40. Plays is necessary for a proper understanding of the conventions. Influence and, legacy ,The tragic dramatists, Sophocles and Euripides, died near the end of the
  41. Of Alfred the Great Death, burial and, legacy ,Alfred died on 26 October. The actual year is not certain, but it was not
  42. The following regarding Avicenna's theory on heat: Psychology Avicenna's, legacy ,in classical psychology is primarily embodied in the Kitab always parts of his
  43. Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis, & Aldous Huxley. Huxley's literary, legacy ,continues to be represented by the literary agency headed by Georges Orchards.
  44. Is more needed today than a revival and development of the largely forgotten, legacy ,they left to political philosophy. " However, he thought they had a faulty
  45. Of Palm Walk, now one of the feature landmarks of the Tempe campus. His, legacy ,is being continued to this day with the main campus having the honor of being
  46. And monument reconstruction programs designed to preserve the historical, legacy ,of Egypt. Analog Brothers is an experimental hip-hop crew featuring Ice
  47. Its Nazi fixtures and partially covered by carpets, survives in part. Another, legacy ,was the Arbeitsstab Wiederaufbau restorer State (Working group on
  48. Their commercial viability represented a serious competitive threat to the, legacy ,carriers. However, of these, ATA and Sky bus have since ceased operations.
  49. Gains in each of these areas over his 12-year tenure. Part of Dr. Coor's, legacy ,to the university was a successful fund-raising campaign. Through private
  50. Khans. After the decline of the Khanate from 1335 to 1353,the Mongol Empire's, legacy ,in the region was the Uyghur Arena Dynasty that was overthrown by Kali Burman

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