Examples of the the word, dramatically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dramatically ), is the 3727 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. South of Keep beach is Montage Head, which with its rounded appearance drops, dramatically ,down to the ocean. An old British observation post, built during World War I to
  2. Tour In January 1977,ABBA embarked on tour. The group's status had changed, dramatically ,and they were clearly regarded as superstars. They opened their much
  3. The anchor tends to break out and reset when the direction of force changes, dramatically , such as with the changing tide, and on some occasions it might not reset but
  4. Of its kind. Because of habitat destruction and hunting its population has, dramatically ,decreased. Reptiles. The anaconda snake is found in shallow waters in the
  5. Z). This proved eventually to be the case. The experimental situation improved, dramatically ,after research by Henry Moseley in 1913. Moseley, after discussions with Bohr
  6. The film industry's long awards season. But such an accelerated schedule would, dramatically ,decrease the voting period for its members, to the point where some voters
  7. Metal, punk rock, grunge,nu metal, emo,and virtually any alternative rock, dramatically ,combining elements of discord, melancholy and excitement may be said to express
  8. Has received some criticism because the consequences for amphetamine use are, dramatically ,less severe than for anabolic steroid use, with the first offense bringing only
  9. Its secretary in 1902. During the years of his leadership, membership increased, dramatically , from a few individuals to sixty-nine Lodges. By 1907,a split between Steiner
  10. Oxygens are replaced by a sulfur atom; this molecule is hydrolyzed at a, dramatically ,slower rate than ATP itself and functions as an inhibitor of ATP-dependent
  11. Island and the Atlantic Drive (along the south/west of the island) has some, dramatically ,beautiful views. On the slopes of Livermore, there is an abandoned village (
  12. Subjects. In the Soviet era, literacy and average education levels rose, dramatically ,from their very low starting point, despite two changes in the standard
  13. Development as complexity arising from many lines of code can be, dramatically ,reduced. Many APL advocates and practitioners view programming in standard
  14. And then dismissed England for 325. But England responded with 437 and then, dramatically ,dismissed Australia for 166 with Bobby Peel taking 6 for 67. At the close of
  15. In northernmost Los Angeles County. Huxley then said that his sight improved, dramatically ,with the Bates Method and the extreme and pure natural lighting of the
  16. Many Westerners have expressed a particular interest towards Japan. Anime, dramatically ,exposed more Westerners to the culture of Japan. Aside from anime, other facets
  17. Layers (the elastic Pamela) in mammals. The smooth muscle component does not, dramatically ,alter the diameter of the aorta but rather serves to increase the stiffness and
  18. Flu-flus. Misplacement of fletchings can often change the arrow's flight path, dramatically , Bow string Dacron and other modern materials offer high strength for their
  19. Seed, the total computation time necessary to reach the desired precision is, dramatically ,reduced, since many fewer digital iterations are required (and the analog
  20. A US Institute of Medicine panel, the number of Acts focused on CAM has risen, dramatically , The book cites Kickers (1998),who found that many of the CAM-related Acts
  21. Energy and agriculture Since the 1940s,agricultural productivity has increased, dramatically , due largely to the increased use of energy-intensive mechanization
  22. Other and with adults below the age of 30. These different defenses can change, dramatically ,from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, even between neighboring states of the same
  23. Forces. It operated from 1939 to 1945. The mountain Livermore (672 m) rises, dramatically ,in the north of the island and the Atlantic Drive (along the south/west of the
  24. A poor prognosis were initially treated; nevertheless, their condition improved, dramatically , Selloff and Howitzer noted" a subtle general stimulation... the patients
  25. The mass of waste associated with arsenic removal from water has been, dramatically ,reduced. Epidemiological studies have suggested a correlation between chronic
  26. Disorder at 0.02 per 1,000. The number of reported cases of autism increased, dramatically ,in the 1990s and early 2000s. This increase is largely attributable to changes
  27. Heritage, from diamonds, oil,gold, copper,as well as a rich wildlife (, dramatically ,impoverished during the civil war),forest, and fossils. Since independence
  28. Physical features such as large eyes, big hair and elongated limbs ... and, dramatically ,shaped speech bubbles, speed lines and onomatopoeic, exclamatory typography. "
  29. To replicate it and instead focused on their specialized monographs. The book, dramatically ,raised the worldwide profile of the Annals School. Regionalism Before Annals
  30. In considerable numbers, but the domestic reindeer population has collapsed, dramatically ,since the reorganization and privatization of state-run collective farms
  31. ha,) of the total forested area of Vietnam was sprayed during the war, which, dramatically , disrupted ecological equilibrium. Furthermore, the persistent nature of dioxins
  32. Discovery of the Oxyrhynchus papyri towards the end of the nineteenth century, dramatically ,increased the scope of scholarly research. In fact, eight important fragments
  33. Most important economic resource. Smallholder and plantation agriculture have, dramatically ,dropped because of the Angolan Civil War, but have begun to recover after 2002.
  34. Or national league. By 1980,the way the game was played had changed, dramatically , with the phasing out of many of the game's kicking styles, changing rules and
  35. To destroy it. In an arms race the defense would always win. Conditions changed, dramatically ,in 1970 with the introduction of Multiple independently targetable reentry
  36. Sorry. " Notably, during this time his physical characteristics also change, dramatically , and by the time Arthur Hastings meets Poirot again in Curtain, he looks very
  37. Of capital during the best of times. Conversely, in bad times losses can be, dramatically ,worse. Warren Buffett once said that despite all the money that has been
  38. Of the cities of Mendoza and Santa. The local consumption of beer has risen, dramatically ,in the last generation: Argentines consumed 233 million liters in 1980 and 1.57
  39. Used to improve coolness in homes and automobiles. Residential sales expanded, dramatically ,in the 1950s. In 1906,Stuart W. Crater of Charlotte, North Carolina, was
  40. Size of the input-list is increased to a sufficient number, that conclusion is, dramatically ,demonstrated to be in error: Computer A, running the linear search program
  41. Of the rural economy – probably 50 % or more ". Rural-to-urban migration rates, dramatically ,increased in South Vietnam, as peasants escaped the destruction in the
  42. On many times, but has yet to be approved, leading lawmakers to increase taxes, dramatically ,on other goods such as liquor and tobacco. In 2008 the Tax Foundation ranked
  43. And personal responsibility, but even Kurosawa regarded the finished product as, dramatically ,unfocused and unsatisfactory, and almost all critics agree. However, it would
  44. Was dug to give the port a shorter connection to the North Sea. Both projects, dramatically ,improved commerce with the rest of Europe and the world. In 1906,Joseph Conrad
  45. Areas among the mountains at its extreme headwaters. This situation changed, dramatically ,during the 20th century. Wary of foreign exploitation of the nation's
  46. Coal traffic from nearby collieries. However, in the 1850s the traffic changed, dramatically , and Aberdeen Harbor became a popular destination for pleasure steamers from
  47. And the development of a network of schools where modern Armenian was taught, dramatically ,increased the rate of literacy (in spite of the obstacles by the colonial
  48. It to be an immensely powerful force lying unseen within man's psyche and, dramatically ,shaping the world: The ultimate aim of all love affairs ... is more important
  49. 1994,has been able to carry out wide ranging economic reforms which paid off in, dramatically ,lower inflation and steady growth. Armenia has registered strong economic
  50. Has a very low incidence (about 1 in 1000) in middle age, but increased, dramatically ,after 75 years old. Resistance For some people, aspirin does not have as strong

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