Examples of the the word, cease , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cease ), is the 3734 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Give in. Later that year, his sister Jacqueline died, which convinced Pascal to, cease ,his polemics on Jansenism. Pascal's last major achievement, returning to his
  2. Of State for War, Secretary of State for Air, and First Lord of the Admiralty), cease , to be cabinet positions. A. V. Alexander remains in the cabinet as Minister
  3. Finding themselves in this difficulty, their large earnings likely to, cease , without there being any other mode of seeking a livelihood, the musicians took
  4. Eonian punishment. That is, after the period of the eons, all punishment will, cease ,and death is overcome and then God becomes the all in each one. This contrasts
  5. For the officer to remain. Should the officer refuse to leave, the officer will, cease ,to be" acting in the execution of their duty ". To make an effective
  6. And the Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts gallery with legal action if they did not, cease ,selling the works and demanded all remaining art, as well as any profits
  7. An freezing winter that year caused coal mines to freeze and, cease ,production, creating widespread power cuts and food shortages. The crisis led
  8. In 1946,Conan Doyle's two sons made some attempts to force Delete to, cease ,publishing the Solar Pons series, but the efforts were unsuccessful and
  9. All elements of sacrificial offering from the Latin Mass; so that it should, cease ,to be seen as a ritual at which the priest, on behalf of the faithful offered
  10. Aboard. Beginning in April 1915,Herbert further ordered his subordinates, cease ,calling him," Sir," and to address him only by the pseudonym," Captain
  11. Depending on the company issuing the report, but the report will eventually, cease ,to record that information. Certain limited information on Bankruptcy Law in
  12. Crisis which struck León after Gordon II's death in 924 caused hostilities to, cease ,until Ramiro II obtained the throne in 932; a first attempt from him to assist
  13. The parade is a grassroots effort that has been met with pressure to, cease , even from federal officials. The nature of the event has also been met with
  14. Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will, cease ,to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. " The speech
  15. Had been committed, the oracle of Delphi declared that the calamity would not, cease ,unless Abacus prayed to the gods that it might. Abacus prayed, and it cease d in
  16. That were" contrary to or inconsistent with the terms" of the Act would ", cease ,and become void. " Soon after the Union, the Act 6 Anne c.40 (later.
  17. Once the series has been licensed outside of Japan, fansub groups often, cease ,distribution of their work. In one case, Media Factory Incorporated requested
  18. Firm in 1917. After the end of World War I in 1918,BMW was forced to, cease ,aircraft engine production by the terms of the Versailles Armistice Treaty. The
  19. Over 80 %. * In December 2006,in order to cut operating costs, AOL decided to, cease ,using U. S. -based call centers to provide customer service. AOL drastically
  20. Density, the expansion would slow down, but never stop. Star formation would, cease ,as all the interstellar gas in each galaxy is consumed; stars would burn out
  21. Transfer, marketing and related administrative items, the Media Alliance will, cease ,operations. In October 2009 the Bluetooth Special Interest Group suspended
  22. To evil. In the Talmud, completed by A. D. 500,non-Jews who are purely evil, cease ,to exist in any realm when they die. However, authorities agree that virtuous
  23. Atari 2600,the Atari 8-bit computer line, and the Atari XE Game System would, cease , By the time of the cancellation,Nintendo's NEW dominated the North American
  24. Kills the animal will eat it and must cease slaughtering sheep themselves, and, cease , the rite of circumcision. Traditionally, there is a distinction between
  25. Was appointed Baku's commandant. Later, however,Czar Paul I ordered him to, cease ,the campaign and withdraw Russian forces. In March 1797 the tsarist troops left
  26. And Zulu Jewish Hoodoo, no matter who kills the animal will eat it and must, cease ,slaughtering sheep themselves, and cease the rite of circumcision.
  27. Owned by Air France and the U. S. Finance company AIG. Air Voice was forced to, cease ,operations a number of times due to technical and financial difficulties.
  28. Their permission. Legal disputes Free Craft On June 20, 2003,Blizzard issued a, cease ,and desist letter to the developers of an open source clone of the Warcraft
  29. Of those more- or less-likely outcomes becomes manifest the other probabilities, cease ,to have any function in the real world. So if an electron passes through a
  30. Issued a" Second Manifesto" calling for all plural marriages in the church to, cease , as they were already against church doctrine since Woodruff issued the
  31. Celtic warriors are described by Polybius and Plutarch as frequently having to, cease ,fighting in order to straighten their sword blades. This claim has been
  32. For the Chose, Okavango, Boteti and Limpopo rivers, most of Botswana's rivers, cease ,to flow during the dry and early rainy seasons. Natural hazards Botswana is
  33. To Walters that the relevant pages of the original Chronicle should ", cease ,to exist ". Walters did not destroy the Chronicle, and,as his friendship with
  34. See that she was thoroughly well buried. In spite of this, the nobles did not, cease ,to listen to songs in secret. This strictness was enforced in the principal
  35. Dublin) Act,1993 stating that as of 1 January 1994" the county shall, cease ,to exist. " At that time, and in response to a European Council report
  36. Usenet with spam and pornography has led to many of these Fishnet gateways to, cease ,operation completely. Shareware and freeware Much of the" Shareware" movement
  37. MAP, UTV and STV Group plc as partners (although STV's involvement will, cease ,when Virgin Radio is floated as a separate company). In July 2007 The group
  38. To remake the entire game, were forcibly terminated by Square Enix by way of a, cease ,and desist order. Another group of fans created a sequel via a ROM hack of
  39. Chronicling the adventures of a draft dodger. The record was withdrawn after a, cease ,and desist letter from Sadler. *The Residents parodied the song on their Third
  40. Telescope to the blind eye" in order not to see Admiral Parker's signal to, cease ,fire. The Second Battle of Copenhagen (or the Bombardment of Copenhagen) (16
  41. The ring from their assigned corners at the beginning of each round and must, cease ,fighting and return to their corner at the signaled end of each round. A bout
  42. Cell division),the chromatin strands become more and more condensed. They, cease ,to function as accessible genetic material (transcription stops) and become a
  43. Copyright Act to influence many private servers to fully shut down and, cease ,to exist. In 2008 a private server by the name of ChaosCrusade was served with
  44. Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire! I will not, cease ,from Mental Fight, Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built
  45. Of the clinch). When a boxer is knocked down, the other boxer must immediately, cease ,fighting and move to the furthest neutral corner of the ring until the referee
  46. The NYSE by throwing dollar bills from the viewing gallery, causing trading to, cease ,as brokers scramble to grab them. *1981 – Mark David Chapman is sentenced to 20
  47. The projectile by the thrower, and that projectile motion in a vacuum would not, cease , He viewed inclination as a permanent force whose effect is dissipated by
  48. Were forced to learn Japanese, required to adopt Japanese names and ordered to, cease ,religious practices such as animal sacrifice and the custom of tattooing. The
  49. Feature-length and virtually finished, it also was terminated through a, cease ,& desist letter days before its May 2009 release. The letter also banned the
  50. Of Warcraft Private Server Complications On December 5,2008,Blizzard issued a, cease ,and desist letter to many administrators of high population World of Warcraft

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