Examples of the the word, financing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( financing ), is the 3739 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The federal government provided support for the deal with US$6.6 billion in, financing , which was paid to" Old Chrysler ", and a newly formed company called Old
  2. Of service in many industries, such as airlines and broadcasting, as well as, financing ,a wide range of programs. In addition, the government regulates the flow of
  3. In sharp contrast, Congress and the American states had no end of difficulty, financing ,the war. In 1775 there was at most 12 million dollars in gold in the colonies
  4. Reactors have been proposed for Darlington with Canadian government help with, financing , In Canada AEC has heavily marketed CANDY within Canada, but has found a
  5. A company to produce a feasibility study to examine route options and, financing ,for a new high speed railway in the UK. This study began on the assumption that
  6. Eligible for funding from the Eur images Fund, a Council of Europe institution, financing ,European film co-productions. To date four feature-length films in which a
  7. Available free on digital terrestrial television. In 2002,Channel 4's film, financing ,division (Film4 Productions) was seriously scaled back, due to massive losses
  8. Spending which increased the fiscal deficit and public sector debt,the, financing ,of which required higher interest rates. An over-valued peso inherited from the
  9. Withdrew financial backing. In ten days Della had secured $21.5 million in, financing ,through a three-way deal between The Land Company (through Warner Bros.),the
  10. From the Iris, the European Union, and other countries, with the intention of, financing ,the social component of the original plan, but met with little cooperation as
  11. Support. Supporters and other sources of funding The group obtains most of its, financing ,through ransom and extortion. One report estimated its revenues from ransom
  12. Focus (or" hub" ) for its scheduled flights. Assets and financing Airline, financing ,is quite complex, since airlines are highly leveraged operations. Not only must
  13. Bankruptcy and revolution, while the British had relatively little difficulty, financing ,their war, keeping their suppliers and soldiers paid, and hiring tens of
  14. organization's use of the Internet has grown more sophisticated, encompassing, financing , recruitment, networking,mobilization, publicity,as well as information
  15. And incontrovertible, though. The U. S. played a very large role in, financing , training, arming,and advising the contrast over a long period, and the contrast
  16. Under the agreement. Belarus is eligible for Export-Import Bank short-term, financing ,insurance for U. S. investments, but because of the adverse business climate
  17. And was shocked to discover that the Japanese filmmaker was unable to secure, financing ,for any new work. The two met in San Francisco in July 1978 to discuss the
  18. Only 6 % in 1995. Imports increased as a result of the availability of external, financing , Exports also increased, due to an increase in log exports. With regard to the
  19. Banks and five construction companies. The role of the banks was to advise on, financing ,and secure loan commitments. On 2 July 1985,the groups formed Channel Tunnel
  20. Novel models of self-government, collective decision-making, and self-supported, financing ,; that would be consistent with separation of religious and secular identities.
  21. As a preferred focus (or" hub" ) for its scheduled flights. Assets and, financing ,Airline financing is quite complex, since airlines are highly leveraged
  22. Place and as such, traditionally non-white universities have seen increased, financing , which has benefitted the University of the Western Cape. The public Cape
  23. Areas associated with Abu SAAF. The hostage money is probably the method of, financing ,of the group. A commander named Abu Malaya was killed in 2002 while trying to
  24. Improvement of agriculture, especially livestock production. Because of lack of, financing , the development of oil fields near Dora, originally due to finish in 2000,was
  25. Tools that it once had. It has gone through a radical transition in products, financing , and staff, now a very different company from the one which challenged
  26. Was sure whether Ran qualified as a Japanese film, a French film (due to its, financing ,), or both, so it was not submitted at all. In response to what at least
  27. Create 4,300 affordable units over the next three years. It also provided seed, financing ,for the New York Acquisition Fund, a $230 million initiative that aims to serve
  28. The project on February 21, 1980,and managed to push up the promised Film ways, financing ,from US$13 million to $15 million. Fancher's script focused more on
  29. The chances of a successful outcome and sufficient debtor in possession, financing ,may be unavailable during an economic recession. A preplanned, preagreed
  30. Of mechanisms to restructure its business. A debtor in possession can acquire, financing ,and loans on favorable terms by giving new lenders first priority on the
  31. Civil Rights Act of 1968,prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental,and, financing ,of housing. *1981 – A massive riot in Brixton, South London, results in almost
  32. Out, Disraeli was working with the Beating family to secure the necessary, financing ,to purchase Defended Manor, in Buckingham shire. This purchase allowed him to
  33. Port of Limón. Despite enormous difficulties with construction, disease,and, financing , the railroad was completed in 1890. Most Afro-Costa Rivals, who constitute
  34. Opening lists, special cooperation programs (business rounds, preinvestment, financing , technological support) and countervailing measures on behalf of the
  35. And Vanuatu). Despite legislative revisions in relation to elections and party, financing , corruption either persists or has re-emerged in new forms. The United Nations
  36. Natural materials, warm colors, and undulating lines. Due to problems over, financing ,and a change of site, the Jaipur Library project lasted eight years, and
  37. Imprisoned in a Spanish prison for (legitimate) suspicions of running a rebel, financing ,and support network during the Cuban War of Independence. Emilio's brothers
  38. Cameroon, where it will be loaded onto tankers. Following a crucial World Bank, financing ,decision in June 2000,the Dora project officially began its construction phase
  39. Took up 148 days spread over almost a year, interrupted by production and, financing ,troubles and Kurosawa's health problems. The film finally opened in April 1954
  40. Indian-Aussie, and DEX Trumbull, the Director of the Board in charge of Mars, financing , The death of his son bring Waterman and his wife back to Earth, and puts them
  41. Acquire new ones if they need the Roscoe to co-operate in their acquisition or, financing , Some commentators have suggested that such an outcome would be detrimental to
  42. And also in the United States. The United States has provided equipment and, financing ,to the Colombian military and police through the military assistance program
  43. Hawala banking system. U. S-led efforts to eradicate the sources of terrorist, financing ,were most successful in the year immediately following September 11; al-Qaeda
  44. Other quasi-government entities that have entirely separate functions, such as, financing ,imports and exports. In some countries, particularly in some Communist
  45. The principal cause why those islands were discovered ". About half of the, financing ,was to come from private Italian investors, whom Columbus had already lined up.
  46. To Benson's right-wing ideology. Institutional reforms Developments in Church, financing ,In the 1890s soon after the 1890 Manifesto, the LDS Church was in a dire
  47. Is recognized only by Turkey, it has had much difficulty arranging foreign, financing , and foreign firms have hesitated to invest there. The economy mainly revolves
  48. BOOT) project with a concession. TML would design and build the tunnel, but, financing , was through a separate legal entity: Euro tunnel. Euro tunnel absorbed CTG/F-M
  49. In his Dracula cape, for a planned vampire picture but was unable to find, financing ,for the project. When he later conceived Plan 9,Wood wrote the script to
  50. 62 % of al-Qaeda members have university education. Financing The majority of, financing ,for al-Qaeda in the 1990s and 2000s came from the personal wealth of Osama bin

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