Examples of the the word, libel , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Was perhaps a little too vocal, leading the paper to a suit of law for, libel ,against the local conservative candidate. The paper lost the suit and was
  2. An important French Catholic encyclopedia, published an analysis of the blood, libel ,accusations. This may be taken as being broadly representative of educated
  3. Against Holocaust survivors in Poland was sparked by an accusation of blood, libel , *King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (r. 1964–1975) made accusations against
  4. Colson published a refutation of the blood libel . *1882 Tiszaeszlár blood, libel ,: The Jews of the village Tiszaeszlár, Hungary were accused with the ritual
  5. Whitechapel district in the East End of London, occurs. *1895 – Trial of the, libel ,case instigated by Oscar Wilde begins, eventually resulting in his imprisonment
  6. New York Weekly Journal writer John Peter Zenger is acquitted of seditious, libel ,against the royal governor of New York, on the basis that what he had published
  7. With over 700 houses being looted and destroyed. *In the 1910 Shiraz blood, libel , the Jews of Shiraz, Iran,were falsely accused of murdering a Muslim girl. The
  8. Accusations are known as blood libel . The most common form of this is blood, libel ,against Jews. Although there is no ritual involving human blood in Jewish law
  9. Idea that a male's blood pressure will spike dramatically when aroused. Blood, libel ,Various religious and other groups have been falsely accused of using human
  10. Doctor had never examined him personally, Schwarzenegger collected a US$10,000, libel , judgment against him in a German court. In 1999,Schwarzenegger also sued and
  11. Mubarak. Among other things, Osam Alba explained the origins of the blood, libel ,against the Jews. He said that Arabs and Muslims have never been antisemitic
  12. Of blood libel s and forbid arrests and persecution of Jews based on a blood, libel , ... unless – which we do not believe – they be caught in the commission of the
  13. And not allowed to return until 1655. In 1171,Blogs was the site of a blood, libel ,accusation against its Jewish community that led to 31 Jews (by some accounts
  14. Creation of the: Altogether, there have been about 150 recorded cases of blood, libel ,(not to mention thousands of rumors) that resulted in the arrest and killing
  15. The French consul Ratti-Menton believed accusations of ritual murder and blood, libel , as the alleged murder occurred before the Jewish Passover. An investigation
  16. Papal pronouncements *Pope Innocent IV took action against the blood, libel ,:" 5 July 1247" Mandate to the prelates of Germany and France to annul all
  17. Falsely accused of kidnapping and killing a Christian girl in the Masses blood, libel , *The 1944-1946 Anti-Jewish violence in Poland which killed an estimated
  18. Was a member denouncing him as a swindler and a thief. Wallace won multiple, libel ,suits against Hamden, but the resulting litigation cost Wallace more than the
  19. To annul all measures adopted against the Jews on account of the ritual murder, libel , and to prevent accusation of Arabs on similar charges" ( The Apostolic See
  20. 237 documented cases) involved, among other elements, accusations of blood, libel , *The 1946 Piece pogrom against Holocaust survivors in Poland was sparked by
  21. 1895 – Oscar Wilde is arrested in the Ladoga Hotel, London after losing a, libel ,case against the Marquess of Queens berry. *1896 – In Athens, the opening of the
  22. Not wait for the passage of the Sedition Act but arrested Cache on common law, libel ,charges on June 27, 1798,two weeks before the Act was signed by the President.
  23. January 2005,some 20 members of the Russian State Dump publicly made a blood, libel ,against the Jewish people. They approached the Prosecutor General’s Office and
  24. Reviewing or mentioning of it in his papers, and had his journalists, libel ,Welles. Following lobbying from Hearst, the head of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Louis
  25. Brought against members of the Jewish community of Damascus *1840 Rhodes blood, libel ,: The Jews of Rhodes, during the Ottoman Empire, were accused of murdering a
  26. Found that Time had not acted with" actual malice" and so was not guilty of, libel , On 18 June 2001 relatives of the victims of the Sabra massacre began
  27. Century The Damascus affair was an accusation of ritual murder and a blood, libel ,against Jews in Damascus in 1840. On February 5,1840,Franciscan Capuchin
  28. Hotel bill allegations, and subsequent conviction for perjury after his failed, libel ,action against The Guardian, resulting in Aiken being only the third person to
  29. Of Abraham Heb do," defended the use of old European myths like the blood, libel ," in his newspapers. Jordan does not allow entry to Jews with visible
  30. To accompany other instruments or ensembles such as an organ, or a choir. Blood, libel ,(also blood accusation) is a false accusation or claim that religious
  31. Article noted that the popes had generally refrained from endorsing the blood, libel , and it concluded that the accusations were unproven in a general sense, but it
  32. University of Jerusalem published an article in 1993 that argues that blood, libel ,may have originated in the 12th century from Christian views of Jewish behavior
  33. Of 20th century, the Basis Trial in Russia represented incidents of blood, libel ,in Europe. Allegations of Jews killing Christians were used as justification
  34. During the Ottoman Empire, were accused of murdering a Greek Christian boy. The, libel ,was supported by the local governor and the European consuls posted to Rhodes.
  35. And the orientalist Daniel Colson published a refutation of the blood, libel , *1882 Tiszaeszlár blood libel : The Jews of the village Tiszaeszlár, Hungary
  36. Written in 1911,which contained a statement of Crowley's belief in the blood, libel ,against the Jews: Crowley rhetorically asked how a system of value such as
  37. Times. A few of them are discussed here. Antiquity The origins of the blood, libel ,are found in the writings of to the Greco-Egyptian author Apron, who claimed
  38. Of the blood libel myth in Sandier where a painting depicting the blood, libel ,adorns the Cathedral, and discovered that these beliefs persist among Catholic
  39. Sharon was directly responsible for the massacres. Sharon sued Time for, libel ,in American and Israeli courts. Although the jury concluded that the Time story
  40. Accused of using human blood in rituals; such accusations are known as blood, libel , The most common form of this is blood libel against Jews. Although there is no
  41. Abdulhamid I to issue a fireman (edict) intended to halt the spread of blood, libel ,accusations in the Ottoman Empire:" ... and for the love we bear to our
  42. In Europe ". He urged people not to succumb to" myths" such as the blood, libel , Bag puss is a 1974 UK children's television series, made by Peter Firming and
  43. Led to 31 Jews (by some accounts 40) being burned to death. An early blood, libel ,appears in Bonus Universal de Apibus ii. 29,§ 23,by Thomas of Baltimore (a
  44. Made accusations against Parisian Jews that took the nature of a blood, libel , *The Matzoh Of Zion was written by the Syrian Defense Minister, Mustafa Class
  45. Misconduct as a minister by Neil Hamilton (who lost a consequent, libel ,action against The Guardian),and the convictions of former Cabinet member
  46. Pius V in the bull Hebraeorum gens (26 February 1569) did not reference blood, libel , but he did make multiple accusations against the Jews, including: usury, theft
  47. Team of anthropologists and sociologists investigated the currency of the blood, libel ,myth in Sandier where a painting depicting the blood libel adorns the
  48. The election, Goldwater sued the publisher, the editor and the magazine for, libel ,in Goldwater v. Ginsburg. " Although the jury awarded Goldwater only $1.00 in
  49. Own children they could also kill Christian children. Yuval rejects the blood, libel ,story as a fantasy of some Christians which could not contain any elements of
  50. S existence in Christian Europe. Notable instances There have been much blood, libel ,accusations and trials of Jews, beginning in the 1st century and continuing

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