Examples of the the word, batman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( batman ), is the 12018 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lawyer; *Master man, Ratchett/Cassetti's valet, was Colonel Armstrong's, batman ,during the war and later his valet; *Colonel Arbuthnot was Colonel Armstrong's
  2. Is said to have been a bride left at the altar. She died of a broken heart. The, batman ,() was a unit of mass used in the Ottoman Empire and among Turkic peoples of
  3. For malingerers because of his rheumatism. He finally joins the army as, batman ,to army chaplain Otto Katz; Katz loses him at cards to Lieutenant Lukas, whose
  4. Who is hit by bus. * Terry McGinnis, the main character and the new, batman ,in Batman Beyond. The Bergson was Adolf Hitler's home in the Obersalzberg of
  5. Which was known, colloquially,to the British as '4 SAS '. Cary-Elwes and his, batman ,were eventually exfiltrated by sea from northern Brittany on July 1944,on an
  6. Actions during the septum, which Yon oi deems as" spiritually lazy. " Yonoi's, batman ,suspects the mental hold that Cellars has on Yon oi, so he tries to kill
  7. As a chaplain. * Dig by (Albert Fitzwilliam Dig by) was Dan's Wigan-born, batman , Rotund and sometimes bumbling, he provided comic relief. He was fiercely loyal
  8. Officers typically came from the upper class, it was not unusual for a former, batman ,to follow the officer into later civilian life as a domestic servant. By
  9. Soviet Union The army of the Russian Empire used the term denshchik () for a, batman , In the Russian Empire higher-ranking cavalry officers often chose Cossacks for
  10. To army chaplain Otto Katz; Katz loses him at cards to Lieutenant Lukas, whose, batman , he then becomes. Lukas is posted with his march battalion to barracks in CESE
  11. Was petrified in 1931. The OK was redefined as exactly one kilogram, while the, batman ,became ten okay (10 kg). In Shiva in 1740,there were said to be two batmen
  12. Equivalent unit in British India was anglicized as the mound. The value of the, batman ,(or mound) varied considerably from place to place. Origins The man as a unit
  13. Mountain guide, Johann Georg Launch together with Nous' survey assistant and, batman ,(servant),Maier. As early as 21 July Nous, an officer in the Bavarian Army
  14. Deck landings in the channel, with experimental landing lights replacing the, batman , She returned to the reserve fleet. In October 1953 she was placed in
  15. Manual workers or sharecroppers, they served voluntarily in the role of, batman , or as auxiliaries armed for instance with the sling or as rowers in the Navy.
  16. Life as a domestic servant. By country France In the French Army the term for, batman ,was ordinance. Batmen were abolished after World War II. Germany In the German
  17. The MUD's name comes from the name of the server the game was first hosted on, batman , Cs. hut. Fi. Since then, BatMUD has relocated several times, at one point
  18. Navy and Indian Air Force already have. Italy In the Italian Army the term for, batman ,was attendance, from the Italian verb attendee (same meaning of the English
  19. Legs. If the batsman hits the ball, the other participants may also dismiss the, batman ,by a catch. Playing French cricket is most commonly played by
  20. Przezmian" balance without pans ", perhaps of Turkic origin; akin to Turkish, batman ," small weight ". An ancient balance.; Devshirme: from Turkish Devshirme, which
  21. In Dublin *Richard William Allen (1820–1955),English mechanical engineer A, batman ,(or bat woman) is a soldier or airman assigned to a commissioned officer as a
  22. Connecticut * Charles Albert George Russell (1887–1961),Essex and England, batman ,* Charles Edward Russell (1860–1941),American muckraking journalist, author
  23. Carrying considerably more. The term" orderly" was often used instead of ", batman ," in the colonial forces, especially in the British Indian Army. The orderly
  24. S international career blossomed after the Second World War, serving as a, batman ,for Sergeant Major Frederick Davis of the Grenadiers. His career began with
  25. The Second World War was British actor Lieutenant-Colonel David Given and his, batman , fellow actor Peter Ustinov. Given and Ustinov were working on the film The Way
  26. The officer does not have time or inclination to do The action of serving as a, batman ,was referred to as" batting ". In armies where officers typically came from
  27. Pegolotti in his Practice Della Mercator, written about 1340. He reported the, batman ,as the main unit of mass in Analog (" Altoluogo di Murcia" to Pegolotti;
  28. A civilian instead of a soldier. In the British Armed Forces, the term ", batman ," or" bat woman" was formerly also applied to a civilian who cleaned officers
  29. Following the death of his parents. He has sometimes been called" Batman's, batman , " Alfred also provides comic relief, as his sometimes sarcastic and cynical
  30. Twit Lieutenant George (Hugh Laurie) and their profoundly stupid but dogged, batman ,Private S. Baldric (Tony Robinson). Rather than the Germans, who remain
  31. Their own batmen, with junior officers usually having the services of one, batman ,between several officers. Bat women also served in the women's services. Batman
  32. Was mostly referred to as Nymphs, among other names. The origin of the name, batman ,is unclear: it might be a shortening of the 1228 m tall Bat Roman mountain
  33. Soldier Speak by the Czech author J. Hayek is the most famous portrayal of a, batman ,drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army during the First World War. (The 1967
  34. Chest of the family friend by the Rhine). Life Hebel's father, a weaver and, batman ,who loved learning, died when Rebel was little over a year old. As a result
  35. In command appointments as of 1 April 1972. One famous example of officer and, batman ,during the Second World War was British actor Lieutenant-Colonel David Given
  36. From Turkish balk," a hood ", from beys," a head "; Batman: from Turkish, batman , Any of various old Persian or Turkish units of weight; bit. A Russian breed
  37. Unit, Peter Ustinov, though one of the script-writers, had to pose as Niven's, batman , (Ustinov also acted in The Way Ahead. ) Given in his autobiography explained
  38. As a minor character in his 1995 novel The Bloody Red Baron, serving as a ", batman ," (military servant) to Manfred von Richthofen, the " Red Baron ". Benton Knopf
  39. As a private in the British Army during World War II, including time spent as, batman ,to David Given. In 1939, he appeared in White Cargo at the Amesbury Rep, where
  40. To solve the problem, Ustinov,who was only a private, was appointed Niven's, batman , In 1967,the pseudonymous Whistling Jack Smith (actually a session vocalist)
  41. During his military service during World War I of the relationship between a, batman ,and his officer. United States In the United States Army the term" dog robber
  42. At the crease it was sometimes uncertain whether his partner was a batsman or a, batman ,being dispatched to take his discarded sweater to the pavilion or carry his kit
  43. Being killed, so he plots ways to get out of it. Black adder is joined by his, batman ,Private S. Baldric (Tony Robinson) and idealistic Edwardian twit Lieutenant
  44. Shiva in 1740,there were said to be two batmen (as in Persia): the" great, batman ," of 18 Russian pounds (, funt; approx. 7.4 kg) and the" lesser batman " of
  45. Batmen were abolished after World War II. Germany In the German Army the, batman ,was known as Ordonnanz (" orderly" ) from the French" ordinance ", or
  46. Great batman " of 18 Russian pounds (, funt; approx. 7.4 kg) and the" lesser, batman ," of 9¼ Russian pounds (approx. 3.8 kg). Persia The two main commercial
  47. From French bat, from Old French bast, from Late Latin bastum) + man. Duties A, batman ,'s duties often include: * acting as a" runner" to convey orders from the
  48. Saying" If you defeat me, you will be free" but Cellars refuses. Yonoi's, batman ,then commits septum in atonement after urging Yon oi to kill Cellars before
  49. Robber" ( from the peacetime occupation of The Good Soldier Speak, a fictional, batman ,) was unofficially used, although that could also be applied to a junior
  50. May have come from the late Assyrian word for" MANA of the king ". The man or, batman ,spread throughout Arabia and Persia: it was adopted by the Ottoman Empire, and

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