Examples of the the word, identical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( identical ), is the 3746 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Such as argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel) were known to have nearly, identical ,or reversed atomic weights, leaving their placement in the periodic table by
  2. To the entire record. In fact, the commands" print" and" print $0" are, identical ,in functionality. The print command can also display the results of
  3. For instance, in Assyrian sculpture. So some ancient alabaster is, identical ,to the modern stone. Alabaster may be stained to disguise it, by being heated
  4. Normal-matter galaxies, and their astronomical objects would be observationally, identical , making them difficult to distinguish. NASA is trying to determine if such
  5. Antiparticles have opposite charges, electrically neutral particles need not be, identical ,to their antiparticles. The neutron, for example, is made out of quarks, the
  6. Not concerned with the formation of molecules (although much of the physics is, identical ,) nor does it examine atoms in a solid state as condensed matter. It is
  7. Have subsided to some degree. Similar social movements Agrarianism is not, identical ,with the back-to-the-land movement, but it can be helpful to think of it in
  8. Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and as such, invokes compilation in a manner, identical ,to that of others. Net languages. By producing. Net common language runtime (
  9. Attested in Hittite inscriptions, which is now generally regarded as being, identical ,with the Greek Lion by most scholars. In this interpretation,Apollo's title
  10. Therefore Hell is within all men," like a bad tooth in a mouth "; God is, identical ,with all that is, even evil belongs to God and proves God's omnipotence; A man
  11. Reconstructs the consonant inventory of Promotion–Khmer as follows: This is, identical ,to earlier reconstructions except for. Is better preserved in the Katie
  12. The historian Jane McIntosh Snyder observed that Agathon's costume was almost, identical ,to that of the famous lyric poet Anacreon, as he is portrayed in early
  13. World imagining a world more like the real one we live in, although not, identical ,in every detail). This kind of speculative work, which posts from the point of
  14. Appears in the writings of Pliny, although it is not known whether the term is, identical ,with the more modern sal-ammoniac. The form of sal-ammoniac (nadir)
  15. Discontinued the rainbow theme and began to use monochromatic themes, nearly, identical , in shape to its previous rainbow incarnation, on various products, packaging
  16. Of the 2s orbital and the three 2p orbitals. These orbitals, which have, identical ,energies, are arranged spatially in the form of a tetrahedron, the angle of
  17. Each other. The information that each capsule collects is unique, unlike the, identical ,out-of-polarity information generated from the figure-8 in a regular mid-side.
  18. Mechanical theory,i.e. the set of" theorems" derived by it, seemed to be, identical , Einstein even assumed that it would be sufficient to add to quantum mechanics
  19. ALS/MND Symposium. ALS/MND refers to a specific subset of pathologically, identical ,diseases; there are numerous other afflictions of motor neurons that are
  20. Army was largely composed of hollies, equipped with arms and armor nearly, identical ,to each other. Each hop lite bore the Spartan emblem and a scarlet uniform. The
  21. Divide and conquer is called a decrease and conquer algorithm, that solves an, identical ,subproblem and uses the solution of this subproblem to solve the bigger problem
  22. Inhabit these mansions now. It is not indicated whether these heavens are, identical ,to Álfheimr or distinct. Some texts read Villain (Vindbláinn 'Wind-blue' )
  23. Foundational descriptions of category theory are considerably stronger, and an, identical ,category-theoretic statement of choice may be stronger than the standard
  24. Abbey Westminster Abbey is another example of a great Benedictine abbey, identical ,in its general arrangements, so far as they can be traced, with those described
  25. Mention a region undoubtedly Asia, certainly in Anatolia, including if not, identical ,to Lydia. These records are administrative and do not include poetry. The
  26. So by local ones. The diversity in anarchism has led to widely different use of, identical ,terms among different anarchist traditions, which has led to many definitional
  27. Standards bodies have ratified character encoding such as ISO/IEC 646 that are, identical ,or nearly identical to ASCII, with extensions for characters outside the
  28. The Arab, Christian,and Jewish colonies of that region. Akbar was adjacent or, identical ,to the Babylonian Jewish center of Regarded (Hebrew:),and lies a short
  29. Closest relation to the Imperial Aramaic script of the 5th century BC, with an, identical ,letter inventory and, for the most part, nearly identical letter shapes.
  30. Series (1965–1978) 10¢ stamp. * Memorials to Jackson include a set of four, identical ,equestrian statues by the sculptor Clark Mills: in Jackson Square in New
  31. Ratified character encoding such as ISO/IEC 646 that are identical or nearly, identical ,to ASCII, with extensions for characters outside the English alphabet and
  32. Number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom and therefore, identical ,to the charge number of the nucleus. It is conventionally represented by the
  33. Polyhexes, which are planar figures composed by conjoining regular hexagons of, identical ,size. Pass containing up to six fused aromatic rings are often known as" small
  34. To the hydrogen bonds formed by the carboxylic acid groups both poly morphs form, identical ,dimer structures. Mechanism of action Discovery of the mechanism In
  35. Many of the puns in the plays are based on words that are similar rather than, identical , and it has been observed that there could be more of them than scholars have
  36. Very similar to the ISO symbols, leading many to falsely assume that they are, identical , *The first computer programming language standard was" American Standard
  37. Hundreds of kilometers. But some have not. But this species has been considered, identical ,to A. sarcophagus since 1970. It was renamed Dinotyrannus in 1995,but is now
  38. At the end of a sentence). *The singular and plural versions of the symbol are, identical ,– not all languages use the letter" s" to denote a plural. Syllabic
  39. To reduce Christ to a mere human being or to attribute to him a divine nature, identical ,with that of the Father. " However, their doctrines cannot be considered
  40. Karl Robert, Swiss politician (d. 1968) *1892 – Kinsman Gins an, Japanese, identical , twins who lived to ages 107 and 108,respectively. *1894 – Octavio Bottecchia
  41. Substance "," they disputed with each other ", where a long occurs before two, identical ,consonants (a former short vowel between the consonants has been lost). (In
  42. The proposition that the Son was in all things similar to the Father, but not, identical ,in substance. In 362-363,the Emperor Julian the Apostate passed through Ankara
  43. Was unsolvable by use of his" an- automatic-machine"—in effect almost, identical ,to Post's" formulation ", J. Barkley Rosser's definition of" effective
  44. A process of men-as-computers working on computations—and they yield virtually, identical ,definitions. Emil Post (1936) described the actions of a" computer" ( human
  45. In Germany, the words Stephen (to stand) and western (to confess) are, identical ,in the present perfect: have gestation. The Austrian variant avoids this
  46. A conference using an unoccupied second floor control room (there were two, identical ,control rooms in Houston on the second and third floor, only one of which was
  47. Absolute value is a special case of the norm in an inner product space. It is, identical ,to the Euclidean norm, if the complex plane is identified with the Euclidean
  48. Century BC, with an identical letter inventory and, for the most part, nearly, identical , letter shapes. Writing systems that indicate consonants but do not indicate
  49. Of being directionally dependent, as opposed to isotropy, which implies, identical ,properties in all directions. It can be defined as a difference, when measured
  50. Play, untimately fail in their plot). Though Wilde's fictional Tsar in not, identical ,with the actual Alexander, contemporary events in Russia - published in the

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