Examples of the the word, rules , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rules ), is the 3759 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That echo the corresponding colloquial pronunciations. Specifically: *All the, rules ,for formal short pronunciation apply, except as follows. *The past tense
  2. Cyrillic and Latin. Orthography and spelling Each language may establish, rules ,that govern the association between letters and phonemes, but,depending on the
  3. Authenticating authority. United States In American jurisprudence, under the, rules ,for hearsay, admission of an unsupported affidavit as evidence is unusual (
  4. Seem to lack much correspondence between spelling and pronunciation, but its, rules ,on pronunciation are actually consistent and predictable with a fair degree of
  5. Arisen from loss of original final -HU/hi. Some dialects have different stress, rules , In the Cairo (Egyptian Arabic) dialect a heavy syllable may not carry stress
  6. If they don't then for the algorithm to be effective it must provide a set of, rules ,for extracting a square root. This means that the programmer must know a "
  7. S supplicant. Apollo advocates Orestes at the trial, and ultimately Athena, rules ,with Apollo. Other stories Apollo killed the Cloacae when they attempted to
  8. Consonants, and hence Moroccan Arabic speakers are likely to follow the same, rules ,in their pronunciation of Modern Standard Arabic. ) *The critic suffixes
  9. 1931)—he specifically cites the paradox of the liar—that completely reduces, rules ,of recursion to numbers. Effective inoculability: In an effort to solve the
  10. Items, such as the Japanese hiragana and katakana syllabifies, or the various, rules ,in English for spelling words from Latin and Greek, or the original Germanic
  11. Theory strict sense: the grammar of the language of logic and the correct, rules ,of reasoning. There is one volume of Aristotle's concerning logic not found in
  12. Free fall is really inertial motion, and that for a free falling observer the, rules ,of special relativity must apply. This argument is called the Equivalence
  13. Original spelling at varying levels. Even English has general, albeit complex, rules ,that predict pronunciation from spelling, and these rules are successful most
  14. How formal systems come into being starting from a small set of axioms and, rules , In logic, the time that an algorithm requires to complete cannot be measured
  15. But masculine is pronounced in full. *Unlike in formal short pronunciation,the, rules ,for dropping or modifying final endings are also applied when a critic object
  16. To their position on the ring, with the numbering decided by Cahn-Ingold-Prelog, rules , There are two determinants for the strength of the van der Waals forces: * the
  17. S highest appellate court. Appellate courts nationwide can operate by varying, rules , Institutional titles Many U. S. jurisdictions title their appellate court a
  18. For the 2000 season, Audi focussed mainly on the new Audi R8,due to favorable, rules ,for open-cockpit prototypes. However, most of the competitors (such as BMW
  19. From country to country and from court to court within a country. The specific, rules ,of the legal system will dictate exactly how the appeal is officially begun.
  20. A prepared text. It is similar to formal short pronunciation except that the, rules ,for dropping final vowels apply even when a critic suffix is added. Basically
  21. That autistic individuals can systemize—that is, they can develop internal, rules ,of operation to handle events inside the brain—but are less effective at
  22. Such as organization, attending,self-help, following directions, following, rules , and modifying behavior. As a result, the child becomes more independent. The
  23. Increased in the autistic population. *Preempted diagnoses. Although the DSM-IV, rules ,out concurrent diagnosis of many other conditions along with autism, the full
  24. Doubled consonants count as two consonants:" magazine "," place ". These, rules ,may result in differently-stressed syllables when final case endings are
  25. Chain of carbon atoms * Name this longest root chain using standard naming, rules ,* Name each side chain by changing the suffix of the name of the alkane from "
  26. King derive from Arabic, rather than merely borrowing vocabulary or grammar, rules , The terms borrowed range from religious terminology (like Berber" prayer" <
  27. Formal definition of" algorithm," an informal definition could be" a set of, rules ,that precisely defines a sequence of operations. " For some people, a program
  28. Competitions. The country's new Robotics Ethics Charter will establish ground, rules ,and laws for human interaction with robots in the future, setting standards for
  29. And VIII verb forms stress may not be on the first syllable, despite the above, rules ,: Hence" he subscribed" ( whether the final short vowel is pronounced)
  30. The nature of an appeal can vary greatly depending on the type of case and the, rules ,of the court in the jurisdiction were the case was prosecuted. There are many
  31. Dictionary," Was Österreichische Wörterbuch" gives grammar and spelling, rules ,defining the official language. In addition to this standard variety, in
  32. And Wilson (1994) point to the financial weakness as well as the norms, rules ,and institutional structures of the Congress, and the propensity to divide
  33. The satires of Horace and Juvenal recognize that Swift's essay follows the, rules ,and structure of Latin satires. The satirical element of the pamphlet is often
  34. Point Congress became the Congress of the Confederation. The Articles set the, rules ,for operations of the United States government. It was capable of making war
  35. Mathematics during the 19th century up to the mid-20th century Symbols and, rules ,: In rapid succession the mathematics of George Boole (1847,1854),Gottlieb
  36. In Standard Arabic. It bears a strong relationship to vowel length. The basic, rules ,for Modern Standard Arabic are: * A final vowel, long or short, may not be
  37. Hears cases on appeal from another court. Depending on the particular legal, rules ,that apply to each circumstance, a party to a court case who is unhappy with
  38. Himself attributed this to a misunderstanding: because of the Academy's arcane, rules , no one was sure whether Ran qualified as a Japanese film, a French film (due
  39. Can be modeled as problems on graphs. A graph exploration algorithm specifies, rules ,for moving around a graph and is useful for such problems. This category also
  40. Association between letters and phonemes, but,depending on the language, these, rules , may or may not be consistently followed. In a perfectly phonological alphabet
  41. For example, if the appellant waited too long, under the appellate court's, rules , to file the appeal. ) In England and many other jurisdictions, however,the
  42. Because it was one of the first to take advantage of the then-recently changed, rules ,which allowed the use of four-wheel drive in competition racing. Many critics
  43. From country to country, as well as within a country, depending on the specific, rules ,in force. In the U. S. federal court system, criminal defendants must file a
  44. Pronunciation from spelling, and these rules are successful most of the time;, rules ,to predict spelling from the pronunciation have a higher failure rate.
  45. Much ambiguity and inconsistency. The many exceptions to syntax and semantic, rules ,are time-consuming and difficult to learn. Mathematical notation Mathematical
  46. Constructed from specific symbols that are manipulated according to definite, rules ,". The work of Free was further simplified and amplified by Alfred North
  47. Was borrowed from, but silences it. Otherwise, according to Thai pronunciation, rules , the word might be pronounced more like" bean ". * Pronunciation of individual
  48. For the same word. * A language may use different sets of symbols or different, rules ,for distinct sets of vocabulary items, such as the Japanese hiragana and
  49. Albeit complex, rules that predict pronunciation from spelling, and these, rules ,are successful most of the time; rules to predict spelling from the
  50. Piano (1888–1889) reduced arithmetic to a sequence of symbols manipulated by, rules , Peano's The principles of arithmetic, presented by a new method (1888) was

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