Examples of the the word, broken , in a Sentence Context

The word ( broken ), is the 3760 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Entry to the cave, hoping Eros would pick them instead. Eros was still heart, broken ,and did not pick them, and they fell to their deaths at the base of the mountain
  2. King in his own right, the political continuity of the Visigothic kingdom was, broken ,;" Amalaric's succession was the result of new power structures, not old ones
  3. And his mission he often said was to" break a hard heart and to heal a, broken ,heart ". Partly from Cowper's literary influence, and partly because learned
  4. Doctrines of the Historical School. Austrian economics after 1920 can be, broken ,into two general trends. One, exemplified by Friedrich A. Hayek, while
  5. To other martial arts, is out of place in Aikido, as a fall in Aikido is not, broken , but chosen by the receiver. Initial attacks Aikido techniques are usually a
  6. By a male teenager, a record that would stand for 17 years until being, broken ,by Rafael Nadal in 2005. His year-end ranking was World No. 3,behind
  7. Entering the afterlife's planes of existence (before the silver cord is, broken ,), followed by a judgment, more akin to a Final Review or End Report over one
  8. From Nahuatl language Acapulco, and means" At the big reeds" or“ At the, broken ,reeds. ”“ de Juárez” was added to the official name in 1885 to honor Benito
  9. Farther south, is the Cumberland Plateau, or Tennessee Valley region, broken ,into broad tablelands by the dissection of rivers. In the northern part of this
  10. Their toll on the road surfaces, leaving many severely potholed, littered with, broken ,asphalt. In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to avoid the
  11. Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian revolt that had just, broken ,out in Karabakh, Azeris did not surrender their brief independence of 1918–20
  12. That I can speak the exact, the idiomatic English. But, my friend, to speak the, broken ,English is an enormous asset. It leads people to despise you. They say – a
  13. As a sequence of records, and by default each line is a record. Each line is, broken ,up into a sequence of fields, so we can think of the first word in a line as
  14. Reactivity, because their C bonds are relatively stable and cannot be easily, broken , Unlike most other organic compounds, they possess no functional groups. They
  15. Joan's troops in L'Aquila, but had to set sail for Spain, where a war had, broken ,out between his brothers and the Kingdom of Castile. On his way towards
  16. To take charge of the censers of the dead priests. And when the plague had, broken ,out among the people who had sympathized with the rebels, Aaron,at the command
  17. So crowded with people that dishes and decorative pieces inside were eventually, broken , Some people stood on good chairs in muddied boots just to get a look at the
  18. Azerbaijani army was engaged in putting down an Armenian revolt that had just, broken ,out in Karabakh, the Azeris did not surrender their brief independence of
  19. Print: This displays the contents of the current record. In AWK, records are, broken ,down into fields, and these can be displayed separately:; print $1: Displays
  20. And distrust of the currency. By 1864 the internal food distribution had, broken ,down, leaving cities without enough food and causing bread riots across the
  21. However, in the Coulomb field of a nucleus the translational invariance is, broken ,and single-photon annihilation may occur. The reverse reaction (in free space
  22. Approximation) degenerate, and have the same energy. This approximation is, broken ,to a slight extent by the effect of the magnetic field of the nucleus, and by
  23. The predominant ore mineral. Commercial forms of antimony are generally ingots, broken ,pieces, granules,and cast cake. Other forms are powder, shot,and single
  24. Is well known, and the Marconi and Quasi. Moreover, the Hereunder were, broken ,in the Marcomannic Wars and made a separate peace with Rome. The Alemannic thus
  25. Engineers analyze systems in electronics. Life cycles and system failures are, broken ,down and studied by engineers. It is also looking at different factors
  26. In the bottom require the strain to be along the seabed, anchors can be, broken ,out of the bottom by shortening the rode until the vessel is directly above the
  27. Their toll on the road surfaces, leaving many severely potholed, littered with, broken ,asphalt. In many areas drivers have established alternate tracks to avoid the
  28. e.g. -RTN- is pronounced as a three-consonant cluster, but -ten- needs to be, broken ,up). **Or, a short vowel is never added, but consonants like r l m n occurring
  29. The ship or boat to move. An anchor is described as aweigh when it has been, broken ,out of the bottom and is being hauled up to be stowed. Aweigh should not be
  30. Or that" her infant glories and growing fame were obscured and tarnished by, broken ,contracts and violated faith. " The States did not respond with any of the
  31. This is because sulfur is larger than oxygen and the H—S bond is more easily, broken ,than the H—O bond. Chemical characteristics Monoprotic acids
  32. Was betrothed to Claudius’ daughter Claudia Octavia. This betrothal was, broken ,off in 48 when Agrippina, scheming with consul Lucius Vilnius the Elder, the
  33. The 44-year-old king was found dead on the shore the following morning with a, broken ,neck. Some texts have said that he fell off a cliff. Although there is no cliff
  34. To relieve asthma symptoms. Ancient Egyptian surgeons stitched wounds, set, broken , bones,and amputated diseased limbs, but they recognized that some injuries
  35. Hainan. For himself, he reserved the task of suppressing the revolts which had, broken ,out in the desert, but when he returned to resume control, he found his cousin
  36. Alleged adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexei were impaled, broken ,on the wheel and otherwise lingeringly done to death. All this was done to
  37. Finally halted at the River Po. By this point disease and starvation may have, broken ,out in Attila's camp, thus helping to stop his invasion. Emperor Palestinian
  38. The general problem of simulating (or creating) intelligence has been, broken ,down into a number of specific sub-problems. These consist of particular traits
  39. To fellow poet Michael McClure, it was clear" that a barrier had been, broken , that a human voice and body had been hurled against the harsh wall of America
  40. Losses were so heavy that the attack was not followed up. The siege was not, broken , and Gage was soon replaced by Howe as the British commander-in-chief. In July
  41. Would work in practice, and was not in fact sure until some days had actually, broken ,". In July 1942,Turing devised a technique termed Surgery (or jokingly
  42. Benito Juárez, the former president of Mexico. The seal for the city shows, broken ,reeds or cane. With 12 rooms on the cliffs of La Queered. Wolf Shoehorn
  43. Stood his ground in a protest against the trial of Anthony Burns. A group had, broken ,down the door of the Boston courthouse, but guards beat them back. Alcott stood
  44. Media. An" axis of anisotropy" is defined as the axis along which isotropy is, broken ,(or an axis of symmetry, such as normal to crystalline layers). Some
  45. Lines completely. Much of the façade is decorated with a mosaic made of, broken ,ceramic tiles (trends) that starts in shades of golden orange moving into
  46. Either through endings (the sound plural) or internal modification (the, broken ,plural). Definite nouns include all proper nouns, all nouns in" construct
  47. Forms of photography and so forth. Academic inquiry into such phenomena can be, broken ,down roughly into two categories: psychical research generally focuses on case
  48. A increase, the strength of the bond decreases, meaning that it is more easily, broken , and the strength of the acid increases. Bond strength is a measure of how much
  49. Or palms. The novelty of the design lay in the means by which it could be, broken ,down into three pieces for stowage. In use, it still presents all the issues of
  50. Had been removed by early plunderers of the tomb. All that was left were some, broken ,alabaster vases, pottery and charcoal. On the summit of the mound were large

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