Examples of the the word, kiss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kiss ), is the 3747 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Playing Naomi Campbell's Politics teacher named Kieran, who attempted to, kiss ,her. He then went on to form a relationship with Naomi's mother. O'Hanlon
  2. Arc from June 20 to July 29, 2006 (the main event on July 28),Liz and Jon, kiss , Now, they are a dating couple. In a few of the July 2007 strips, Garfield
  3. On a set representing the interior of a railway carriage, where a man steals a, kiss ,from a woman, and then cuts back to the phantom ride shot when the train comes
  4. Of a woman's breasts, which are so attractive that a man of any religion would, kiss ,the Christian cross to be near. Enjambment may be used in light verse, such as
  5. And he tells of discovering the sleeping Brunhilde and awakening her with a, kiss , Hagen stabs him in the back with his spear. The others look on in horror, and
  6. Already been tricked into kiss ing Alison's buttocks when he is expecting to, kiss ,her face. Her boyfriend Nicholas hangs his buttocks out of a window, hoping to
  7. Matthew Perry at the time, and an audience member said about their on-screen, kiss ," Julia looked at Matt and said 'I'm glad we rehearsed this over the weekend
  8. Synagogue. Many congregations allow children to come to the front in order to, kiss ,the scroll as it passes. In many Orthodox communities, the Rabbi (or a learned
  9. Had finished that speech, as he was walking to the door, I saw people kneel and, kiss ,his coat. Not one, but many. People were in tears. People were delirious. And
  10. Relay. His leg was along the Stanley Park Seawall, and he exchanged a" torch, kiss ," with the next runner, Sebastian COE. Honors Schwarzenegger's hometown of
  11. In a few performances, Hendrix humorously used this, deliberately singing ", kiss ,this guy" while pointing to Mitch or Noel, as he did at Monterey. In the
  12. Moment; Rachael then tries to leave, but Declared forcibly compels her to, kiss ,him and ask for sex. Roy arrives at Sebastian's apartment and tells Paris they
  13. Polar ice caps. Film In the movies X-Men,X2,and. Seeing them both almost, kiss ,prompts Rogue to seek out" the cure" so she can finally touch Bobby without
  14. From beside the tracks, which they joined before and after their version of the, kiss ,inside the train compartment. In 1900,continuity of action across successive
  15. His commissaryand placed in his stall. The monks, then kneeling, gave him the, kiss ,of peace on the hand, and rising, on the mouth, the abbot holding his staff of
  16. Of Frank. Jeffrey tells his new findings to Sandy and the two briefly, kiss , though she feels uncomfortable about going any further. Jeffrey immediately
  17. In a pantomime entitled Eve d'Egypt at the Moulin Rouge. Their onstage, kiss ,nearly caused a riot, which the police were called in to suppress. As a result
  18. Shi'AR weapon known as the Hematoma. During the chaos, he shared a passionate, kiss ,with Mystique. Even as he did so, he saved many lives by containing the
  19. No shame ". In Indian movies women were modestly dressed, men and women rarely, kiss , and there is no nudity, thus Indian movies are said to" have culture" that
  20. Into the beautiful and seductive Poison Ivy before killing Wood rue with a, kiss ,from her now-poisonous lips. She finds that Wayne Enterprises funded Wood rue
  21. Feel the warmth of a physical relationship again. Touched, Annie allowed him to, kiss ,her, but when Havoc called off the wedding, wanting to be with Annie instead
  22. Mitre. Eastern bishops do not normally wear an episcopal ring; the faithful, kiss ,the bishop's hand. To seal official documents, he will usually use an inked
  23. Ferries the dead to the underworld, are also placed inside the casket. A last, kiss ,is given to the beloved dead by the family before the coffin is closed. Cicero
  24. 18:45:" The honor paid to the image passes to the prototype" ). Thus, to, kiss ,an icon of Christ, in the Eastern Orthodox view, is to show love towards Christ
  25. S claim a" nuisance suit ", referring to Ellison as a" parasite who can, kiss ,my ass. " On April 24, 2000 Ellison sued Stephen Robertson for posting four
  26. Purple Haze ". A nondegree had appeared, in which the line" 'Souse me while I, kiss ,the sky" was misheard as" 'Souse me while I kiss this guy. " In a few
  27. To switch back by bribing them with Knicks season tickets and a one-minute, kiss ,(off-screen) between the girls. Ross begins dating an English woman named
  28. Will not use normal greetings, but can only say" ( meet) csókolom" (" I, kiss ,(your hand) "). This way of speaking is perceived as somewhat awkward in
  29. According to Milch, upon hearing the message, Speer burst out," The Führer can, kiss ,my ass! " After a lengthy argument, Milch persuaded Speer to withdraw his offer
  30. And a bad example. When Nadler refused to kiss Fox's hand, Fox told Nadler to, kiss ,his foot instead. Nadler was offended, and the two parted acrimoniously. Fox
  31. Himself and the investigation. After attending a dance party where they, kiss ,and profess their love for each other, Jeffrey and Sandy are tailed on their
  32. Of the Lock:: On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore: Which Jews might, kiss , and infidels adore. The second line should confuse the reader, raising the
  33. Food and mead is far more than what he expected, and when Thrum goes in for a, kiss ,beneath" Freyja's" veil, he finds" her" eyes to be terrifying, and he
  34. Proud of the fact that I was gay even though I wasn't ". His friend tried to, kiss ,him and Kurt backed away and told his friend he was not gay but would still be
  35. The last letter is" it ". ): Cinderella, dressed in yeller: Went upstairs to, kiss ,her feller: Made a mistake and kiss ed a snake: Came downstairs with a bellyache
  36. displeas'd ... the lusty god embrac'd him,call'd him love ... and steal a, kiss ,... upon his breast, his thighs, and every limb ... and talk of love ", while
  37. The line" 'Souse me while I kiss the sky" was misheard as" 'Souse me while I, kiss ,this guy. " In a few performances, Hendrix humorously used this, deliberately
  38. A prayer request, greet them with his name and his friends with a holy, kiss , and offer final grace and benediction:: Content Corinth was the meeting point
  39. Grandmother. It is while sitting in the back seat together that they first, kiss ," for real ". The driver sees them and, shocked at the behavior of the two
  40. Their sister team, the X-Terminators. They, in turn, save him from the deadly, kiss ,of Infection. Bobby also develops a romantic relationship with Opal Tanaka.
  41. These are lip-smacking sounds, but without the pursing of the lips found in a, kiss , The above clicks sound like affricates, in that they involve a lot of friction
  42. Would sneak up on a musical guest (or a cast member, mostly Roy Clark) and, kiss ,him on the cheek among others. Sometimes, certain animals would carry
  43. And to drink the wine that Jacob gave him, and then told him to come close and, kiss ,him. As Jacob kiss ed his father, Isaac smelled the clothes which belonged to
  44. Manner whatsoever. He may have intercourse with her whenever he so desires and, kiss ,any organ of her body he wishes, and he may have intercourse with her naturally
  45. Sides. The bilabial click is different from what many people associate with a, kiss ,: the lips are pressed more-or-less flat together, as they are for a or an, not
  46. Wants to avoid. Elin's older sister, Jessica,who comes with her, dares her to, kiss ,Agnes, who is rumored to be a lesbian. Lin fulfills the dare, and then runs
  47. Fox took as both a personal slight and a bad example. When Nadler refused to, kiss ,Fox's hand, Fox told Nadler to kiss his foot instead. Nadler was offended and
  48. Stage and, instead of giving her the standard peck on the cheek, planted a long, kiss ,on Berry. 2002 – present As Bond girl Jacinta 'Jinx' Johnson in the 2002
  49. Task, and Anne tells him that she has feelings for him, too. The pair begins to, kiss , which leads to Anne's first sexual encounter. Meanwhile, not far away, Frid
  50. The individual shown, just as it is not the paper one loves when one might, kiss ,the photograph of a loved one. As Saint Basil famously proclaimed, honour or

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