Examples of the the word, freely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( freely ), is the 3755 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shared libraries. It was written before the original implementation became, freely ,available, and is still widely used. Many Linux distributions come with a
  2. Are the northern boundary of the area in which continental air masses circulate, freely , The Rho dope Mountains mark the northern limits of domination by Mediterranean
  3. Æthelberht converted to Christianity and allowed the missionaries to preach, freely , giving them land to found a monastery outside the city walls. Augustine was
  4. In which Dos tum has control or influence, he encourages women to live and work, freely , as well as encouraging music, sports and allowing for freedom of religion.
  5. Who may be married only before ordination, deacons are permitted to marry, freely ,both before and after ordination, as are priests. Most deacons are preparing
  6. Statutory entity that most closely resembles a comarca is the mancomunidad,a, freely ,chosen, bottom-up association of municipalities intended as an instrument of
  7. In British public opinion," So that the violent measures towards America are, freely ,adopted and countenanced by a majority of individuals of all ranks, professions
  8. Permission to slaughter the victims chosen from among the animals that graze, freely ,on the island, and to deposit in exchange the price which they consider fair.
  9. Wheeled mobility products that enable people with reduced mobility to move, freely ,indoors and outdoors (wheelchairs/scooters) * Vehicles modified with Height
  10. Hello, world! "); end Hello; This program can be compiled e.g. by using the, freely ,available open source compiler GNAT, by executing
  11. And usually appear within the first years of life. Since antibodies exist, freely ,in the bloodstream, they are said to be part of the humoral immune system.
  12. Source of income allowed him to pursue his specific academic interests more, freely , He disseminated his ideas not only by publishing numerous technical articles
  13. Pretense whatever. " # Establishes freedom of movement – anyone could pass, freely ,between the states, excluding " paupers, vagabonds,and fugitives from justice.
  14. To make public places more accessible to blind people. Public transportation is, freely ,available to the blind in many cities. Tactile paving and audible traffic
  15. Because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed, freely , The thoughts and ideas discussed and refined during this period have
  16. Ages. Unlike his translation of the Pastoral Care, Alfred here deals very, freely ,with his original and though the late Dr. G. Chess showed that many of the
  17. In a phonological process. In other cases, the speaker is able to select, freely ,from free variant allophones, based on personal habit or preference. Allot one A
  18. Or more accurately the motive, of the resultant action. " Choices are not made, freely , Our actions are necessary and determined because" every human being, even
  19. With the hypotenuse. A pivot on the rack let the slide's angle change, freely , At the other end of the slide (the angle, in trig, terms ), a block on a pin
  20. He described the piece as a" rhapsodic ballet" because it was written, freely ,and is more modern than his previous works. Gershwin explained in Musical
  21. And preached the ability of Christians to attain to perfection. While Wesley, freely ,made use of the term" Arminian," he did not self-consciously root his
  22. Methods. Corporations exercise privileges that human citizens cannot: # moving, freely ,across borders, # extracting desired natural resources, and # utilizing a
  23. Schedule. The country's small white minority and other minorities participate, freely ,in the political process. There are two main rival parties and a number of
  24. Takeover in 1998,women were able to go about unveiled, alcohol was sold, freely , and the cinemas showed Indian films. He views the NATO attempt to crush the
  25. Allowed all foreign warships and commercial shipping to traverse the straits, freely , Turkey eventually rejected the terms of that treaty, and subsequently Turkey
  26. Governor of Brussels-Capital and some aides. * intercommunal societies created, freely ,by the municipalities Also the federal state, the French Community and the
  27. Production of antibodies. Other researchers believed that antibodies existed, freely ,in the blood and, in 1904,Alioth Wright suggested that soluble antibodies
  28. D'Antonia dynasty. Escaped from Spain because of expressing his opinions too, freely ,and coming in conflict with the Inquisition, leaving behind a palace and his
  29. Felt that this was the first film in which he was able to express himself, freely , A gritty realistic story of a doctor who tries to save a gangster (yakuza)
  30. And Christians) as shimmy, and allowed them to practice their religion more, freely ,than they could do in medieval Christian Europe. Under Islamic rule, there was
  31. Method but rather in an influence-and-response fashion that can be both, freely ,accepted and freely denied. * Man has free will to respond or resist: Free will
  32. A base on balls or walk, a free advance to first base. (A batter may also, freely ,advance to first base if any part of the batter's body or uniform is struck by
  33. Has however rarely caused religious strife. People of different religions, freely ,intermarry. For part of its history, Albania has also had a Jewish community.
  34. Right breast cut off or burnt out, so they would be able to use a bow more, freely ,and throw spears without the physical limitation and obstruction; there is no
  35. The front carbon and a given hydrogen atom attached to the rear carbon can vary, freely ,between 0° and 360°. This is a consequence of the free rotation about a carbon
  36. Respecting the canonical order of Holy Communion. Liberal churches may use, freely ,structured or experimental forms of worship, including patterns borrowed from
  37. Constitution provided that following Federation in 1901,land would be ceded, freely ,to the new Federal Government. The territory was transferred to the
  38. Had the most lasting impact, as Franklin copied Apple's ROMs and software and, freely ,admitted to doing so. Franklin's argument: a computer's ROM was simply a
  39. Cities is a member of some such group. These groups consist of municipalities, freely ,united by their economic interests and are often endowed with funds used for
  40. Of King William IV, the city was founded in 1836 as the planned capital for a, freely ,settled British province in Australia. Colonel William Light, one of Adelaide
  41. Papa Poirot ", a benign confessor, especially to young women. Later he lies, freely ,in order to gain the confidences of other characters, either inventing his own
  42. And courses of action. Multipurpose projects Software libraries * Dan,a, freely ,available AI library implemented in Java, implementing graph theory, ANN,GA
  43. To him ... So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live, freely ,thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so
  44. Spacecraft (Mercury and Gemini),as those astronauts were unable to move, freely ,in the comparatively smaller cabins of those spacecraft. The increased cabin
  45. In an influence-and-response fashion that can be both freely accepted and, freely ,denied. * Man has free will to respond or resist: Free will is limited by God
  46. And when discussing the appointment of Sultan, says that Sultan was elected, freely ,and unanimously by the clergy and people. For whatever reason, Ealdred gave up
  47. Formerly Amiga Research Operating System *Orphic Public License, license of, freely ,available on Debian and Gentoo () Other *Poverty threshold, the section of
  48. Democracy. Each of the elections since independence in September 1966 has been, freely ,and fairly contested and has been held on schedule. The country's small white
  49. From other countries. For a brief period, he had his own TV show, where he, freely ,expressed his views. The show was cancelled because of low ratings, but
  50. And the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky pertaining to the solar system. Ryan, freely ,acknowledged her past views but also asserted that they changed dramatically

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