Examples of the the word, logo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( logo ), is the 3758 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2009,AOL unveiled a sneak preview of a new brand identity which has the new, logo ,AOL superimposed onto figures (for example, a goldfish, a rainbow, a tree, a
  2. Unchanged from 1970 to 2009. The 2010 NFL season introduced an updated AFC, logo , with the most notable revision being the removal of two stars (leaving four
  3. Team each year in that same span. Logo The merged league created a new, logo ,for the AFC that took elements of the old AFL logo , specifically the" A" and
  4. March 19, 2003,the Falcons presented their new logo . “ The new Atlanta Falcons, logo ,is fresh, strong and dynamic, and yet appreciates the tradition and history of
  5. The revolution era coat of arms of Burkina Faso, the flag of Hezbollah, and the, logo ,of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. In parts of the Western
  6. On American roads (and briefly in other countries) with its green dinosaur, logo ,and mascot, an Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus). While Sinclair's early
  7. And the company deny that there is any homage to Turing in the design of the, logo , In 2010,actor/playwright Jade Esteban Estrada portrayed Turing in the solo
  8. Old AFL logo , specifically the" A" and the six stars surrounding it. The AFC, logo ,basically remained unchanged from 1970 to 2009. The 2010 NFL season introduced
  9. Once Google's shares ceased at the end of the fiscal year, and AOL's page and, logo ,changed afterward. AOL ceased to be a part of Time Warner on December 9,2009.
  10. History of this franchise,” said Falcons owner and CEO Arthur Blank. “ The new, logo ,depicts a more powerful, aggressive Falcon – one of fast movement. It is also
  11. A multimedia company started by The Beatles in 1967,involving their name and, logo , This resulted in a series of lawsuits and tension between the two companies.
  12. Seen as the Apple logo in some fonts. Apple's first, logo , Wayne, depicts Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. Almost
  13. As Apollo's 'chariot' across space. Given Lovell's Navy background,the, logo ,also included the mottoes“ Ex Luna, scientia” (" From the moon, knowledge "
  14. Bitten" logo , and Jobs immediately took a liking to it. While Jobs liked the, logo , he insisted it be in color to humanize the company. The Apple logo was
  15. His" B" horizontally for fun, and from 1976 onwards the first 'B' in the, logo ,version of the name was" mirror-image" reversed on the band's promotional
  16. In, the team unveiled its first major changes in a century. The cardinal-head, logo ,was updated to be a more aggressive version of its predecessor, making it look
  17. 29 October 2009,the Google homepage of a great number of countries displayed a, logo ,commemorating 50 years of Asterix. The Arizona Cardinals are a professional
  18. Near U. C. L. A. It featured the trademark red and yellow lightbulb Newton, logo ,in the form of an internally lit plastic sign on the storefront facade. This
  19. Liked the logo , he insisted it be in color to humanize the company. The Apple, logo ,was designed with a bite so that it wouldn't be recognized as another fruit.
  20. Known civilization. The symbol derived from this monument has been used as the, logo ,of the city for a long time. Parks Ankara has many parks and open spaces mainly
  21. They are named after. A number of Modified cars display a" manufacturers ", logo ,and" vehicle name ", yet use components produced by another automobile
  22. Similar to those of the 1920s Chicago Cardinals, with an interlocking" CC ", logo ,and three stripes on each sleeve. The uniform numbers were relocated to the
  23. Use. His contemporaries called it Aldine Type; today we call it italics. Their, logo ,of the anchor and dolphin is represented today in the symbols and names used by
  24. Team debuted in 1966,the Falcons wore red helmets with a black falcon crest, logo , In the center of the helmet was a center black stripe surrounded by 2 gold
  25. Completed converting its Type 1 font library to OpenType. Adobe's corporate, logo ,was designed by Marva Warlock, wife of John Warlock, who is also a graphic
  26. And to represent the fact the monitor could reproduce images in color. The, logo ,is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing, with the bite
  27. Left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the overlapping rings. The, logo ,was designed by Ryan Abdullah. Slogans Audi's corporate tagline is Sprung
  28. Or , seen as the Apple, logo ,in some fonts. Apple's first logo , Wayne,depicts Sir Isaac Newton sitting
  29. In the divisional playoffs. On March 19, 2003,the Falcons presented their new, logo , “ The new Atlanta Falcons logo is fresh, strong and dynamic, and yet
  30. The bite mark a reference to his method of suicide. Both the designer of the, logo ,and the company deny that there is any homage to Turing in the design of the
  31. Be recognized as another fruit. The colored stripes were conceived to make the, logo ,more accessible, and to represent the fact the monitor could reproduce images
  32. On all later original albums and singles. But the idea for the official, logo ,was made by the German photographer Wolfgang Telemann on a" Dancing Queen "
  33. Bird perched on the stitches of a football. However, the club did not attach a, logo ,to their helmets until they debuted a cardinal-head logo in, the year the
  34. Club did not attach a logo to their helmets until they debuted a cardinal-head, logo ,in, the year the franchise moved from Chicago to St. Louis. The Cardinals moved
  35. Name. For example, British Airways uses a Speed bird call-sign, named after the, logo ,of its predecessor, BOAC, while Sky Europe used Relax. Airline personnel The
  36. The bite mark a reference to his method of suicide. Both the designer of the, logo ,and the company deny that there is any homage to Turing in the design of the
  37. And the company deny that there is any homage to Turing in the design of the, logo , In 1998,with the roll-out of the new iMac, Apple discontinued the rainbow
  38. Products, packaging and advertising. An Aqua-themed version of the monochrome, logo ,was used from 2001 to 2003,and a Glass-themed version has been used since 2003.
  39. Of the group's catalog was returned to Stockholm. Since then, the original, logo ,has been reinstated on all official products. Breakthrough (1973–1976)
  40. Of different dinosaurs, eventually only Apatosaurus was used as the official, logo , due to its popular appeal. The Brontosaurus is the main plot focus of the 1985
  41. As part of Audi's centennial celebration in 2009,the company updated the, logo , changing the font to left-aligned Audi Type, and altering the shading for the
  42. Presented Jobs with several monochromatic themes for the" bitten ", logo , and Jobs immediately took a liking to it. While Jobs liked the logo , he
  43. On the sides, and either red or white jerseys. Starting in, the team had a, logo ,of a cardinal bird perched on the stitches of a football. However, the club did
  44. White and blue shield, over a lunar surface. The vector symbol from the NASA, logo ,was placed on top of the shield, and then across the shield were written the
  45. Of the group's catalog, Polygram began using variations of the ABBA, logo , using a different font and adding a crown emblem to it in 1992 for the first
  46. Merged league created a new logo for the AFC that took elements of the old AFL, logo , specifically the" A" and the six stars surrounding it. The AFC logo
  47. Wore white pants and either black or white jerseys. At first, the falcon crest, logo ,was also put on the jersey sleeves, but it was replaced by a red and white
  48. Ranked twenty-first on the BBC nationwide poll of the 100 Greatest Britons. The, logo ,of Apple computer is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing
  49. Crossed out with" ABBA" written in large letters on top. The official, logo , using the bold version of the News Gothic typeface, was designed by Rune
  50. Of the AFC),and moving the stars inside the letter, similar to the NFC, logo , Notes Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell published in

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: On American roads (and briefly in other countries) with its green dinosaur, logo ,and mascot, an Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus). While Sinclair's early

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