Examples of the the word, login , in a Sentence Context

The word ( login ), is the 3752 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Titles can be accessed, downloaded,and played with a singular Battle. Net, login , Companies created by former employees Over the years, some former Blizzard
  2. STRPASTHR, STRSBS - Start System Service Tools, start pass through (remote, login ,), start subsystem * TRYING - Vary configuration, bring interfaces up or down
  3. Concurrency/Throughput If an application identifies end-users by some form of, login ,procedure then a concurrency goal is highly desirable. By definition this is
  4. Not on one's buddy list. AOL recently teamed up with Facebook, allowing you to, login ,to AIM using your Facebook account. However, many privacy advocates claim that
  5. The 88 characters allowed on the Selectric type ball. The first APL interactive, login ,and creation of an APL workspace was in 1966 by Larry Breed using a 1050
  6. The Application Workload Mix of each application component? (for example: 20 %, login , 40 % search,30 % item select,10 % checkout). * What is the System Workload
  7. To a different DNS server when banking sites are accessed then opens a spoofed, login ,page to steal login credentials for those financial institutions. Data-stealing
  8. There is a password server that will hand out IDs in return for a correct, login ,password. Regarding the file system, a suitable program can be designated as a
  9. Research Institute's SDS 940 Host computer. The message text was the word ", login ,"; the" l" and the" o" letters were transmitted, but the system then
  10. Used by software in several ways, such as to switch between multiple, login ,sessions, to terminate a program, or to interrupt a modem connection. On a BBC
  11. Can include user keystrokes, which means that private information such as, login ,names, passwords,and credit card numbers are vulnerable to theft. * Adware is
  12. Is a login shell. *" n/ login " means a file is read if the shell is not a, login ,shell. *" int. " Means a file is read if the shell is interactive. Ursula
  13. Of mid-2010,the Telnet protocol itself has been mostly superseded for remote, login , Telnet is popular in various application areas: * Enterprise networks to
  14. May create a website for a fictional bank, then give the victim details to, login ,to the site, where the victim sees the money the scammer has promised sitting
  15. Password with privacy. " In 1978,Robert Morris invented the idea of storing, login ,passwords in a hashed form as part of the Unix operating system. His algorithm
  16. 109. The original POP3 specification supported only an unencrypted USER/PASS, login ,mechanism or Berkeley. Rhosts access control. POP3 currently supports several
  17. Messages and need to receive the response before continuing. For example,the, login ,sequence at the beginning of a telnet session begins with the short message "
  18. Server when banking sites are accessed then opens a spoofed login page to steal, login ,credentials for those financial institutions. Data-stealing malware incidents *
  19. You are, for example inside or outside a company firewall, or proximity of, login ,location to a personal GPS device. Authorization applies to
  20. It, anyone with network access and the right tools can monitor email and obtain, login ,passwords. Examples of concern include the government (warrantless wiretapping
  21. By a shell upon startup. *" login " means a file is read if the shell is a, login ,shell. *" n/ login " means a file is read if the shell is not a login shell. *
  22. Allow normal file viewing. Users of the compromised site would be directed to, login ,and go to a location such as /incoming/data/warez to find the warez content.
  23. Use of a database system is to track information about users, their name, login ,information, various addresses and phone numbers. In the navigational approach
  24. Explanation: *" yes" means a file is always read by a shell upon startup. * ", login ," means a file is read if the shell is a login shell. *" n/ login " means a
  25. Example, when the computers at MIT were protected either by physical locks or, login ,programs, the hackers there systematically worked around them in order to have
  26. Generally requires the use of phishing or keylogger computer viruses to gain, login ,information for the e-mail address. Fax transmissions Facsimile machines are
  27. Related) tables would be found by searching for this key. For instance, if the, login ,name of a user is unique, addresses and phone numbers for that user would be
  28. A common directive might be:" To change your password, telnet to the server, login ,and run the passed command. " Most often, a user will be TELNETTing to a
  29. Received had" bad parity. " This was used to generate an interrupt, allow, login , or stop a running program. On personal computers, the Break key can be used by
  30. User. But for a Unix-like operating system, it is possible for two users to, login ,at a time and this capability of the OS makes it a multi-user operating system.
  31. Several class-action lawsuits. * The Torpid Trojan has compromised and stolen, login ,credentials from approximately 250,000 online bank accounts as well as a
  32. Be required to use a form of pseudonym known as a" handle "," username ",", login ,name "," avatar ", or,sometimes," screen name" or" nickname" ( or" nick
  33. A Unix-like server system or a network device (such as a router) and obtain a, login ,prompt to a command line text interface or a character-based full-screen
  34. Running on an unusual port number, or with a non-anonymous login name like ", login ,: warez / Password: warez" to help prevent discovery by legitimate users.
  35. Remotely by the employee observing the self-checkout, or by means of a" store, login ," which the operator has to enter. CPU design is the design engineering task of
  36. Having recovered from the crash, the SDS Sigma 7 computer effected a full ", login ,". The first permanent ARPANET link was established on November 21, 1969
  37. Bash_logout (if it exists). When started as an interactive shell (but not a, login ,shell): * Bash reads and executes ~/. Bashrc (if it exists). This may be
  38. Is unique, addresses and phone numbers for that user would be recorded with the, login ,name as its key. This" re-linking" of related data back into a single
  39. Initiated by code on the attacker's site will carry the same legitimate, login ,credentials as requests initiated by the user. In general, the solution to CSRF
  40. Previous List of International Masters Programs at Chalmers (, login ,now required) Around 2,700 students also attend Bachelor of Science
  41. And reads and executes the first one (that exists and is readable). When a, login ,shell exits: * Bash reads and executes ~/. Bash_logout (if it exists). When
  42. Black (Lance Henriksen) uses the phrase" Soy lent Green is people" as a, login ,to the Millennium Group Database. A 1993 episode of Saturday Night Live
  43. But presently only with the OpenSSH server and client implementation. * For, login ,to a shell on a remote host (replacing Telnet and login ) * For executing a
  44. And version 2.1 for macOS, AIM added support for Facebook, allowing users to, login ,using their Facebook ID and chat with their Facebook friends. Version 7. X no
  45. Scripts. When started as an interactive, login ,shell: * Bash reads and executes the /etc/profile (if it exists). * After
  46. External security involves a request from outside the computer, such as a, login ,at a connected console or some kind of network connection. External requests
  47. Where Telnet is being used can intercept the packets passing by and obtain, login , password and whatever else is typed with a packet analyzer. * Most
  48. IT company to register the MAC address of their Wi-Fi card before being able to, login ,into this Wi-Fi network. Nu Internet domain The. Nu TLD is assigned to Nice.
  49. Which the traffic passes, etc.). More recently, Wikipedia has offered a secure, login ,option, which,like many e-commerce sites, uses the SSL / (TLS)
  50. Service was usually running on an unusual port number, or with a non-anonymous, login ,name like" login : warez / Password: warez" to help prevent discovery by

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