Examples of the the word, borrow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( borrow ), is the 3750 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Writes:“ My reconstruction is similar to Lucas’s, and in fact I, borrow ,one of his alternatives for the line of the Pompeian retreat. Lucas’s theory
  2. In 1993. " Love and Theft becomes his Fables of the Reconstruction, to, borrow , an R. E. M. album title ", writes Greg Not in The Chicago Tribune (published
  3. Banks have a long history of instigating wars between nations, forcing them to, borrow ,funding to pay for them. Following Jefferson, Jackson supported an "
  4. Was extremely generous with his own works and actively encouraged others to, borrow ,ideas from his stories, particularly with regard to his Cthulhu mythos. He
  5. Such as in Character, Christentum. Middle Germans (saving Franconians) will, borrow ,a from the French model. Both agree in considering each other's variant, and
  6. Painting, produces a stroke of widely varying thickness. Anime also tends to, borrow ,many elements from manga, including text in the background and panel layouts.
  7. Central bank may regulate margin lending, whereby individuals or companies may, borrow ,against pledged securities. The margin requirement establishes a minimum ratio
  8. On the classical guitar (additionally: classical guitarists are known to, borrow ,from the repertoires of a wide variety of instruments) *its shape
  9. The RO CAF was operating 72 F-5As and 11 F-5Bs. During 1972,the US decided to, borrow ,48 F-5As from Taiwan to boost the South Vietnam Air Force strength before
  10. Which had a larger set of roots. The rules of the language allowed speakers to, borrow ,new roots as needed; it was recommended, however,that speakers use most
  11. Concepts from Classical Greek and Medieval Arabic motivated Medieval Hebrew to, borrow ,terminology and grammar from these other languages, or to coin equivalent terms
  12. Rate for" discount window lending ", overnight loans that member banks, borrow ,directly from the Fed. This rate is generally set at a rate close to 100 basis
  13. Dumpster have argued that a banker or firm loses market share if it does not, borrow ,or loan at a magnitude consistent with current interest rates, regardless of
  14. A target overnight rate, and a band of plus or minus 0.25 %. Qualified banks, borrow ,from each other within this band, but never above or below, because the central
  15. Rate' ( whichever specific rate is used) is generally to lend money or, borrow ,money in theoretically unlimited quantities, until the targeted market rate is
  16. Switched to synthesizers, working odd jobs including carpentry to buy or, borrow ,them from friends. Dave Mahan joined the band in 1980 after Clarke heard him
  17. Free education for all, irrespective of ethnic background, religion or creed, borrow ,from Nkrumah's implementation of Pan-Africanism. Although his goal of African
  18. Jimmy’s case is called. Chained, he is led in by Billy, from whom he tries to, borrow ,money; Billy of course refuses, despite Jim’s plea to remember their time
  19. If not artistically. Lugosi tried to keep busy with stage work, but had to, borrow ,money from the Actors' Fund to pay hospital bills when his only child, Bela
  20. Affiliates),or U. S. branches and agencies of foreign banks were eligible to, borrow ,under this facility pursuant to the discretion of the FRBB. Collateral eligible
  21. Suggests science fiction, yet it has the feel of fantasy. Some film critics, borrow ,the literary term Science Fantasy to describe such hybrids of the two genres.
  22. And take deposits at the bottom of the band; in principle, the capacity to, borrow ,and lend at the extremes of the band are unlimited. Other central banks use
  23. Of Blow Out. The Untouchables' finale shoot out in the train station is a clear, borrow ,from the Odessa Steps sequence in Sergei Eisenstein's The Battleship Potemkin.
  24. Authorized to borrow from the ECB have compromised collateral, their ability to, borrow ,from the ECB—and thus the liquidity of the economic system—is impaired. This
  25. Each part of ISO 8859 is designed to support languages that often, borrow ,from each other, so the characters needed by each language are usually
  26. Or as" a style of animation developed in Japan ". Non-Japanese works that, borrow ,utilization from anime are commonly referred to as" anime-influenced animation
  27. Specifically to be played as drinking games. Multi-genre games Many games, borrow ,elements from more than one type of game. The most common combination is that
  28. Platinum. Philosophical relations between Neoplatonism and Gnosticism Gnostic's, borrow ,a lot of ideas and terms from Platonism. They exhibit a keen understanding of
  29. Boomed, helped by the 1920s German inflation. This enabled filmmakers to, borrow ,money in Paperbark which would be vastly devalued by the time it had to be
  30. Rate (currently 1.75 % in the Eurozone) – a fixed rate for institutions to, borrow ,money from the central bank. (In the USA this is called the discount rate). *
  31. Room served as a living room, dining room and bedroom. Andrew's family had to, borrow ,money in order to migrate. Allegheny was a very poor area. His first job at age
  32. Resembles Usk's contemporary, Chaucer. (Testament of Love also appears to, borrow ,from Piers Plowman. ) Since the Testament of Love mentions its author's part
  33. By banks in other member states. To the extent that the banks authorized to, borrow ,from the ECB have compromised collateral, their ability to borrow from the
  34. Against are often pronounced rather than. * The stressed vowel of words such as, borrow , sorry or tomorrow is rather than. * Words such as fragile, fertile,and mobile
  35. Of badly needed cash to fund development, forcing the Daimler company to, borrow ,money from the Midland Bank. BSA had still not recovered financially from the
  36. Of the Maghreb) subsequently lost fricatives, converting into. Most dialects, borrow ," learned" words from the Standard language using the same pronunciation as
  37. Laws and cause false perceptions of relationship. Borrowing All languages, borrow ,words from other languages in various contexts. They are likely to have
  38. Euro, the ECB also had exclusive right to issue coins). The banks in effect, borrow ,cash and must pay it back; the short durations allow interest rates to be
  39. Legal status of the peasantry. A bank was set up so that landowner could, borrow ,government money to buy land from peasants (the peasants were not allowed to
  40. By selling bonds, during a war it is typically difficult and expensive to, borrow , especially if the war is going poorly for the government in question. The
  41. Credit which allows poor and destitute people with little or no collateral to, borrow ,money. The borrow ers typically pay back money within the specified period and
  42. Until" ). Most Berber varieties (such as Kabyle),along with Swahili, borrow ,some numbers from Arabic. Most Islamic religious terms are direct borrow ings
  43. Written specifically for the euphonium, and euphoniums were forced to, borrow ,the literature of other instruments. Fortunately, given the instrument's
  44. Call),the trader may run out of capital (if they run out of cash and cannot, borrow ,more) and go bankrupt even though the trades may be expected to ultimately
  45. Furnace, used community contributions to buy 200 books in London. Patrons could, borrow ,and return books on the third Monday of every third month. Fees were collected
  46. Of developing the 747 and building the Everett factory meant that Boeing had to, borrow ,heavily from a banking syndicate. During the final months before delivery of
  47. Money to buy land from peasants (the peasants were not allowed to use it to, borrow ,money to buy land until 1850). The result was that the large landowners
  48. Only one short scene in La Jeté is of a moving image, as Marker could only, borrow ,a movie camera for one afternoon while working on the film. Complete
  49. The countries in which interest rates fell and the countries themselves to, borrow ,significant amounts (above the 3 % of GDP budget deficit imposed on the
  50. Export facilities by Iran led the government to implement austerity measures, borrow ,heavily, and later reschedule foreign debt payments; Iraq suffered economic

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