Examples of the the word, mining , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mining ), is the 3754 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Land Reclamation Acacia can be planted for erosion control, especially after, mining ,or construction damage. Ecological invasion For the same reasons it is favored
  2. To those of conventional crude. Many companies employ both conventional strip, mining ,and non-conventional in situ methods to extract the bitumen from the oil sands.
  3. In Atlas Shrugged, and owner by inheritance of the world's the largest copper, mining ,empire. He is a childhood friend, and the first love, of Deign Haggard. A child
  4. Works, but by this stage the economy of the town was dominated by the coal, mining ,industry. There were also several brickwork and breweries. During the latter
  5. Offers the Royal Terrell Museum of Paleontology. Drumheller also had a rich, mining ,history being one of Western Canada's largest coal producers during the war
  6. Agriculture, commercial fishing, animal husbandry, hunting,forestry, mining , and energy. Agriculture, husbandry,hunting, and forestry For many centuries
  7. World. The Bolivian Andes produce principally tin although historically silver, mining ,had a huge impact on the economy of 17th century Europe. There is a long
  8. Including cast-iron and steel pipe); paper, lumber,and wood products;, mining ,(mostly coal); plastic products; cars and trucks; and apparel. Also, Alabama
  9. Olivier. The island's economy has been dominated by five main industries: gold, mining , phosphate mining (The Aruba Phosphate Maatschappij),aloe export, petroleum
  10. Continued to live at Calumet, making gradual progress in stabilizing the, mining ,operations, such that he was able to leave the mines under the control of a
  11. Became treasurer of the enterprise. Over the winter of 1866 and early 1867, mining , operations began to falter due to the difficulty of extracting copper from the
  12. La Plate and Argentina derive their names from the silver of Potosí. Currently, mining ,in the Andes of Chile and Peru place these countries as the 1st and 3rd major
  13. And in the interior. Mining Despite the general poor returns in recent years, mining ,retains a certain importance in Andalusia. Andalusia produces half of Spain's
  14. As well as this, factories such as flour mills and beer breweries and, mining ,practices resulted in the creation of infrastructure such as roads and railway
  15. In neighboring places to the northeast; it never played any role in brown coal, mining , however, neither in administrative nor industrial terms. Products manufactured
  16. Used as a source of materials that may be rare or exhausted on earth (asteroid, mining ,), or materials for constructing space habitats (see Colonization of the
  17. Of the Amazon rainforest so that Alcoa could build the Taurus dam to power, mining ,operations. Large areas of rainforest were destroyed, along with the homes and
  18. A huge impact on the economy of 17th century Europe. There is a long history of, mining ,in the Andes, from the Spanish silver mines in Potosí in the 16th century to
  19. Vaporized, leaving the gold, silver,or tin behind. Mercury was often used in, mining , to extract precious metals like gold and silver from their ores. Many ancients
  20. 2009 – Twenty people are killed in Handle, Trenčín Region, in the deadliest, mining ,disaster in Slovakia's history. Births *1360 – Francesco Barbarella, Italian
  21. Etc. * ELK, a research project and software framework with numerous data, mining ,algorithms (in particular cluster analysis and outlier detection) and index
  22. Outside the Marriott Hotel killing 12 and injuring 150. *2010 – 2010 Copiapó, mining ,accident occurs, trapping 33 Chilean miners approximately below the ground.
  23. S economy has been dominated by five main industries: gold mining , phosphate, mining , ( The Aruba Phosphate Maatschappij),aloe export, petroleum refineries (The
  24. Charles University in Prague Cloud services * Data Applied, a web based data, mining ,environment. Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001),who
  25. Fixed the colony's borders, and British and Portuguese investment fostered, mining , railways, and agriculture based on various forced labor systems. Full
  26. Conveniently formed to fit into bored holes, like those used in drilling and, mining , than the previously used compounds and was adopted as the standard technology
  27. 1783. The type-sample was collected from the Sale Silver Mine in the Bergslagen, mining ,district of Sale, Västmanland, Sweden. Etymology The ancient words for antimony
  28. 10,846 in the 1891 census and 21,945 ten years later. Lying in the mountainous, mining ,district of the former counties of Monmouth shire and Glamorganshire, in the
  29. To those of conventional crude. Many companies employ both conventional strip, mining ,and non-conventional in situ methods to extract the bitumen from the oil sands.
  30. Drilling) = 71,700 * Mining other than oil and gas (mainly coal and mineral, mining ,& quarrying) = 5,100 Largest employers According to Alberta Venture magazine
  31. Egypt's domination in the ancient Near East. The military protected, mining ,expeditions to the Sinai during the Old Kingdom and fought civil wars during
  32. And its place was taken by Port-au-Prince in Haiti. Diversification In 2007, mining , and hydrocarbon industries accounted for well over 95 per cent of the
  33. Is a small. History The district was traditionally associated with the coal, mining ,collieries, ironworks and tinplate works of the South Wales coalfield and South
  34. Of the Ebbs valley, being situated on the south-eastern flank of the once great, mining ,region of Glamorgan and Monmouth shire. On 11 September 1878 it was the site of
  35. Was derived from merged Philippine Aerial Taxi Company (PATCH) established by, mining ,magnate Emmanuel N. Bahrain on December 3,1930,making it Asia's oldest
  36. Angola's" conflict diamonds ". Iron Under Portuguese rule, Angola began, mining ,iron in 1957,producing 1.2 million tons in 1967 and 6.2 million tons by 1971.
  37. Are crude petroleum, natural gas, coal,gold, precious metals, zinc and other, mining , seafood processing, timber and wood products. There is also a growing service
  38. The previously used compounds and was adopted as the standard technology for, mining ,in the Age of Engineering bringing Nobel a great amount of financial success
  39. Of many important technologies of the Ancient World, including wood lamination, mining , metal refining, vehicle manufacture, leather processing, and later decorative
  40. Of Edinburgh. * Rapider, an environment for machine learning and data, mining , developed by the Dortmund University of Technology. * Weak, a free
  41. Ironworks and tin-plate works, now defunct. Further, up the same valley are the, mining ,townships of Anglo and Blaine. Artillery has a traditional-style town
  42. The delta region to provide a sufficient labor force for his especially active, mining ,and building campaigns. These ambitious building and mining activities, however
  43. S. And held more than 30 % of the population of the state. Heavy industry and, mining ,were the basis of the economy. Industrial development related to the demands of
  44. High-resolution X-rays. Extraction and processing Distribution and, mining ,Amber is globally distributed, mainly in rocks of Cretaceous age or younger.
  45. Especially active mining and building campaigns. These ambitious building and, mining ,activities, however,combined with inadequate Nile floods later in his reign
  46. Campaigns, as it was rich in mineral deposits that could be fostered in Roman, mining ,projects, especially the very rich gold deposits at Las Medullas for example.
  47. Beloved. Started a small mine in South America, which became the beginning of a, mining ,empire and a new fortune (and a new palace). Eventually sent for his beloved
  48. Of bauxite occur in Australia, Brazil,Guinea and Jamaica and the primary, mining ,areas for the ore are in Australia, Brazil,China, India,Guinea, Indonesia
  49. On the Great Western Railway. Its population rose steeply during the period of, mining ,development in South Wales, being 10,846 in the 1891 census and 21,945 ten
  50. Surpass 620,000 in 2010. Mining 40 percent of Armenia's exports in 2009 were, mining ,exports. Armenia's agricultural output dropped by 17.9 percent in the period

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