Examples of the the word, breach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breach ), is the 3756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The union was entitled to decide who could be a member, and that the UK was in, breach ,of the European Convention on Human Rights in the way it had treated AS LEF.
  2. Of 27 BC such orders, had they been given, would have been considered a, breach ,of the Senate’s prerogative, as Macedonia was under the Senate’s jurisdiction
  3. Conference and that same evening," committed a lewd act which was in, breach ,of the law at the time ". Stone had been 18 at the time, whilst the legal age
  4. Preference for boys (who can later serve as male heirs). Families who, breach ,the policy often lie during the census. Official government policy opposes
  5. Miles (20 km),and was originally designed as a self-propelled assault gun to, breach ,Germany's Siegfried Line defenses. Of these tank destroyers, only the gun of
  6. Off, either for maintenance, or to prevent a major loss of water due to a canal, breach , History Ancient canals The oldest known canals were irrigation canals, built
  7. Behavior, including memory access errors, incorrect results, a crash, or a, breach ,of system security. They are thus the basis of many software vulnerabilities
  8. Between the two nations has increased the similarities. The most serious, breach ,in the relationship was the War of 1812,which saw an American invasion of then
  9. This for a town that only has two black males in this age group would be a, breach ,of privacy because either of those persons, knowing his own income and the
  10. Lincoln County Sheriff. Deadly force is authorized if violators who attempt to, breach ,the secured area fail to heed warnings to halt. Fines of around $600 seem to be
  11. Indigenous communities against Protestant evangelization. This would lead to a, breach ,between the Church and the Baptists. The Baptista story remained in
  12. Advice (i.e. legal advice). Under current Australian law it is still a, breach ,of copyright to copy, reproduce or adapt copyright material for personal or
  13. The specific purpose of helping programmers create new programs. Crime is the, breach ,of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such as
  14. Break into the Theban lines, followed by Philip's generals. Having achieved a, breach ,in the enemy's cohesion, Philip ordered his troops to press forward and
  15. Whether mechanical, chemical,or electromagnetic. Originally designed to, breach ,fortifications, they have evolved from nearly static installations intended to
  16. Though Charlemagne, a consummate politician, preferred to avoid an open, breach ,with Constantinople. An institution unique in history was being born: the Holy
  17. The iron rapidly corrodes. If, conversely,tin is used to coat steel, when a, breach ,of the coating occurs it actually accelerates oxidation of the iron. At least
  18. Behavior, including memory access errors, incorrect results, a crash, or a, breach ,of system security. They are thus the basis of many software vulnerabilities
  19. Of compensation to the patter as having trespassed on his" property" ), and, breach , of such laws created a cingulum juries (an obligation of law) that only the
  20. The center. In 2002,after the European Commission told France that it was in, breach ,of European Union rules on the free transfer of goods, because of the delays
  21. Lawsuit" ( 6.1-8),a distinct genre in which Yahweh (God) sues Israel for, breach ,of contract, that is, for violation of the Sinai covenant. Content Structure At
  22. Of the Western Roman Empire. *1204 – The Crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, breach ,the walls of Constantinople and enter the city, which they completely occupy
  23. November 2008,a list of over 10,000 BNP members was published by Wikileaks in, breach ,of a court injunction. This included names, addresses and other personal
  24. All passengers and crew. At Concorde’s altitude, the air density is very low; a, breach ,of cabin integrity would result in a loss of pressure severe enough so that the
  25. In 1994,that court upheld the arbitrator's decision and awarded damages for, breach ,of contract. *In 1990,Intel brought a copyright infringement action alleging
  26. Accessdate 2008-10-19} } Producers Michael Usman and Benjamin Moniker filed a, breach ,of contract lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court on March 26, 1992.
  27. In the new Companies Act 2006 have been codified on this basis. Remedies for, breach ,of duty In most jurisdictions, the law provides for a variety of remedies in
  28. Of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy, breach ,the other components of the fortification system. A citadel is also a term of
  29. Industrial estate on reclaimed land in front of the city's coastal strip, in, breach , of local, national and European regulations. (See Port of Alicante for the
  30. For them to tie a game. In more social situations, it is often considered a, breach ,of etiquette (or at least looked down upon) to keep playing when the game is
  31. To vote against taking the future actions (although that may involve a, breach ,by the company of the contract that the board previously approved). " Conflict
  32. Before that day, but he would not think twice before going once more unto the, breach ,for his master. Resourceful and talented, he is also caretaker of the Big O.
  33. Aon agreed to a $190 million settlement, payable over 30 months. UK regulatory, breach ,In January 2009 Aon was fined £5.25 million in the UK after it made more than
  34. The tank as invulnerable to machine gun fire, and able to cross trenches and, breach ,barbed wire, to lead men across the battlefield. The British had been able to
  35. Sympathizers who were reluctant to go to the same length as himself. His own, breach ,with the Roman Catholic Church was decisive and irreparable. 1545-1547
  36. That may be based on a tank chassis and have special attachments in order to, breach ,obstacles. Such attachments may include dozen blades, mine rollers, cranes etc.
  37. Belonging to the RJD, JD (U),SP and the Congress, to give notice for, breach ,of privilege proceedings against Bad Thackeray. Views against former President
  38. By police and soldiers deploying tanks and heavy-caliber machine guns tried to, breach ,a barricade. On 17 October 2003 Evo Morales' supporters from Cochabamba tried
  39. Up to direct retaliation (although hitting a fellow pitcher is a serious, breach ,of baseball etiquette). Records The all-time record for a player being hit by
  40. The teaching of just one" theory" of biology in school textbooks as a, breach ,of her human rights. A 2005 poll reportedly found 26 % of Russians accepting
  41. A patch of vegetation called the Copse of Trees, reinforcements rushed into the, breach , and the Confederate attack was repulsed. The farthest advance of Brig. Gen.
  42. Fact that such behavior as spanking or cuffing someone could be considered a, breach ,of personal rights, which in principle constitutes a criminal offense. In
  43. In February 2006,she and her loan-out corporation were sued by Was for, breach ,of contract. The lawsuit was settled on 4 November 2008. Activism Theron is
  44. Mobile) telecommunications for land-based users. Although technically in, breach ,of the statutory monopoly, CCT Boat phone was backed by a powerful collection of
  45. And 1968 (at which time his decision to meet his father caused a permanent, breach ,with his mother). Russell married his fourth wife, Edith Finch, soon after the
  46. Commissioner's Office, two people were arrested in December 2008 for, breach ,of the Data Protection Act concerning the leak. Matthew Single was subsequently
  47. Divert an investment opportunity to a relative, such breach es usually involve a, breach ,of the director's duty to act in good faith. Greater difficulties arise where
  48. Are not allowed to wear wetsuits or even put their heads underwater. Any, breach ,of these laws is a criminal offense and can lead to fine of up to £5,000 or six
  49. And a fatal gap had opened on the right of their line. Taking advantage of this, breach , Württemberg’s Danish cavalry now swept forward, wheeling to penetrate the
  50. Jurisdictions, the law provides for a variety of remedies in the event of a, breach ,by the directors of their duties: # injunction or declaration # damages or

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