Examples of the the word, lance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lance ), is the 8383 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Equivalent to the distance between the planes of a man’s chest to his back. The, lance ,would penetrate the chest and pass through the chest cavity and exit from the
  2. Dominant in the Iberian Peninsula until the late 11th century, when couched, lance ,tactics entered from France and replaced the traditional horse javelin-shot
  3. Design for the purposes of war, and was eventually modified to have one or more, lance ,points attached to the back or top of the blade. The modern name for this
  4. Electrical activity in the brains of newborns one second after the heel, lance ,procedure. Sweet oral liquid moderately reduces the incidence and duration of
  5. Greater protection against windlass crossbows, bludgeoning weapons, and, lance , charges. However, mail was still widely used by many soldiers as well as
  6. Prey include lump suckers, Shorthorn Sculpting, cod,crustaceans, and sand, lance , Reproduction Great Auks began pairing in early and mid-May. They are believed
  7. A lance unprompted (see below) at the far side of the board. However, since a, lance ,cannot move backward or to the sides, it must promote if it arrives at the far
  8. Early 13th century Provençal troubadour, where mention is made of Percival,the, lance , and the Grail (" Like Percival when he lived, who stood amazed in
  9. May occur normally on subsequent moves by the piece. A pawn, knight,or, lance ,may not be dropped on the far rank, since it would have no legal move on
  10. G. Blaine marched down the halls of the American Congress and threw his shining, lance ,full and fair against the brazen foreheads of the defamers of his country and
  11. Arab cavalry under the Rashid caliphate was a light cavalry armed with, lance ,and sword, its main role was to attack the enemy flanks and rear. Armor was
  12. Him at each course of the meal. First comes a young man carrying a bleeding, lance , then two boys carrying candelabras. Finally, a beautiful young girl emerges
  13. Left of center, terminating at the top in a turret and cross, represents the, lance ,of Saint George (patron saint of Catalonia,Gaudi's home),which has been
  14. A harpoon because all its pieces are fixed and immovable. A, lance ,is formerly a weapon of war, and it was also used to kill large marine animals
  15. Armour),formed of humble warriors or ordinary people with Nagasaki (a long, lance ,) or (Paginate),was introduced and combined with cavalry in maneuvers. The
  16. That piece moves. Each piece promotes as follows: * A silver general, knight, lance , or pawn replaces its normal power of movement with the power of a gold general
  17. Success against their armored French counterparts. The effectiveness of the, lance ,was noted by all participants and this weapon subsequently became more
  18. Charles Martel in 730s. However, the stirrup, which made the" shock cavalry ", lance ,charge possible, was not introduced to the Frankish kingdom until the late
  19. In combat was significantly reduced. In particular, a charge with the, lance ,couched under the armpit would no longer turn into pole-vaulting; this
  20. The armor, but also because a large horse provided more power for the knight’s, lance , Weighing almost twice as much as a normal riding horse, the destroyer was a
  21. By a helmet with ermine-clad bison horns (). Behind the sinister horn is a, lance ,tip with a banner, displaying a white cross on red. The text left of the coat
  22. Successful, however,and the charge (whether with sword, pistol,or, lance ,) remained as the primary mode of employment for many types of European cavalry
  23. Exhorting to the ascetic life and renunciation of the world, or breaking a, lance ,with his theological opponents, he gives a vivid picture not only of his own
  24. And seriously injuring several more with a home-made flamethrower and a, lance , *1970 – After being appointed on May 15,Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P.
  25. The armpit, crook of the elbow and groin. Another advantage of plate was that a, lance ,rest could be fitted to the breastplate. The small skull cap evolved into a
  26. Forward. It cannot move backward or to the sides. It is often useful to leave a, lance ,unprompted (see below) at the far side of the board. However, since a lance
  27. Or" Horse rider" ), Greek " heavy" cavalry, armed with Tontos (or cavalry, lance ,), and sword. They wore leather armor or mail and hat. They were medium
  28. Lay authorities invested bishops with their secular authority symbolized by the, lance , and ecclesiastical authorities invested bishops with their spiritual authority
  29. From attack by the Urchin Jin. Eventually, the paper and bamboo of which fire, lance ,barrels were originally constructed came to be replaced by metal. It has been
  30. The first letter represents the piece moved: P for Pawn. (There is also L, lance , N knight’S silver, G gold, B bishop, R rook, K king, as above. ) Promoted
  31. Or foe, without an effect on either. It is the only piece to do this. The, lance , bishop, and rook are ranging pieces: They can move any number of squares along
  32. In the 12th and 13th centuries, soldiers typically carried a sword,a, lance , a javelin, and either bow and arrows or crossbow and darts. Armor consisted of
  33. Wish to recall, there lived, not very long ago, one of those gentlemen with a, lance ,in the lance -rack, an ancient shield, a skinny old horse, and a fast greyhound.
  34. Was formally recognized as the Duke of Aquitaine when he was granted the, lance ,and banner emblems of his office; the ceremony took place in Poitier's and was
  35. First developed in China. Like small arms, cannon are a descendant of the fire, lance , a gunpowder-filled tube attached to the end of a spear and used as a
  36. Of the service, the conscripts receive a reserve military rank of private, lance ,corporal, corporal,sergeant or second lieutenant, depending on their training
  37. Contractual military personnel (sopimussotilas) serving in the ranks of, lance ,corporal, corporal,sergeant and 2nd lieutenant (reserve officers)
  38. Robot, where it was again used to detonate mines, and as a" miniature sonic, lance ," to cut out a lock. Aside from unlocking doors, the device was greatly
  39. Edward IV's former standard-bearer, with a blow to the head from his broken, lance , Henry's bodyguards surrounded their master and succeeded in keeping him away
  40. Shod, armed *Action ( woman, to make or do) — examples: to, lance , to heat, to cool (something) *Affection, passion ( paschal
  41. Indo-European word exploit similar-sounding Indo-European roots. Greek dorm,", lance ," is from the o-grade of Indo-European *Peru," solid," in the sense of wood.
  42. The base was high, while the total height of the statue was. The goddess held a, lance ,whose gilt tip could be seen as a reflection by crews on ships rounding Cape
  43. After it moves, revealing the character for the promoted rank. If a pawn or, lance ,reaches the far rank or a knight reaches either of the two farthest ranks, it
  44. The association of the knight with mounted combat with a spear, and later a, lance , remained a strong one. These mobile mounted warriors made Charlemagne’s
  45. To kill large marine animals after it has already been harpooned. The Throwing, lance ,usually consisted of three parts: a wooden shaft, a bone ring or belt, and the
  46. Defense Forces is composed of conscripts serving in the ranks of private, lance ,corporal and NCO student. Equipment! Style="text-align: left; background:
  47. One of the two far ranks and would otherwise be unable to move further. Lance A, lance ,can move any number of free squares directly forward. It cannot move backward
  48. As having the right to invest bishops with secular authority (" by the, lance ,") in the territories they governed, but not with sacred authority (" by ring
  49. Street, a world that Person knew quite well due to his long career as free, lance ,correspondence translator. In fact, from 1907 until his death, in 1935,Person
  50. Amazed in contemplation, so that he was quite unable to ask what purpose the, lance ,and grail served" -" Actress con Persians el temps Que vivid, que s'esbait

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