Examples of the the word, vinyl , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vinyl ), is the 8387 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was a progression as far as the speed of music is concerned. Anyone buying, vinyl ,every week from 1989 to 1992 noticed this. " By 1994 jungle had begun to gain
  2. Alberta. In both Red Deer and Edmonton,world-class polyethylene and, vinyl ,manufacturers produce products shipped all over the world, and Edmonton's oil
  3. Central Alberta. In both Red Deer and Edmonton,world-class polyethylene and, vinyl ,manufacturers produce products shipped all over the world, and Edmonton's oil
  4. Of organic compounds in terms of production volume are 1,2-dichloroethane and, vinyl ,chloride, intermediates in the production of PVC. Other particularly important
  5. Billboards in India's major cities are created with computer-printed, vinyl , The old hand-painted posters, once regarded as ephemera, are becoming
  6. Raw material * Dimethylamine, a chemical used for curing polyester and, vinyl ,ester resins * Distributed Multipole Analysis, a method describing the charge
  7. May consist of: *Sound recordings in a DJ's preferred medium (for example, vinyl ,records, Compact Discs, computer media files, etc.); *A combination of two
  8. Inserts, booklet and a cut-out and build miniature pyramid, housed in a clear, vinyl ,bag (with two sleeve variations and three label variations). During this
  9. Of phenylacetylene to styrene.: Similarly, halogenation of alkanes gives the, vinyl ,diaries or alkyl tetracaines:: CCR' + 2 Br2 → RCBr2CRBr2 The addition of
  10. Concurrent rapid expansion of the record industry and the introduction of the, vinyl ,record, Hi-Fi, and stereophonic recordings, RCA Records hired Warhol, along
  11. Wanting to take a crowd to another level that was impossible with 45-RPM, vinyl , discs of the time (which could usually hold no more than 5 minutes of
  12. House consists of three concentric rings formed by painting or laying colored, vinyl ,sheet under the ice and are usually distinguished by color. These rings are
  13. Via the Fritsch-Buttenberg-Wiechell rearrangement, alkynes are prepared from, vinyl ,bromides. Alkanes can be prepared from aldehydes using the Corey-Fuchs reaction
  14. S birthplace, Hova) as a tribute to him, and released it only on 200 red, vinyl ,copies, to be distributed to the guests attending the party. This single has
  15. Before the CD single was released due to the single being released as a 7 ", vinyl ,in April, and new charts regulations included sales at online music stores
  16. The original paint and repainting the bridge with zinc silicate primer and, vinyl ,topcoats. Since 1990 acrylic topcoats have been used instead for air-quality
  17. About Everything' which was released on the B-side to the Watch Us Work It, vinyl ,12" single. They also remixed a song by Data rock," Computer Camp ", which can
  18. Polygamy lost its edge on disc fabrication. Typical of long-playing (LP), vinyl , albums,was often used to the CD's advantage during the early years when CDs
  19. Digital DJ system to allow DJs control of MP3 files through special time-coded, vinyl ,records or CDs. While it would take some time for this novel concept to catch on
  20. Arenes result in the formation of new carbon-carbon bonds e.g., alkylarenes, vinyl ,earned, biraryls, new carbon-nitrogen bonds (aniline) or new carbon-oxygen
  21. Studio album. The album was, at least initially, released exclusively on, vinyl ,(with a code to download a digital copy). That summer, in support of the
  22. Guides. In addition,some early BBC audio releases of episodes on, vinyl ,and cassette included other variations, such as" Mrs. Richards" and" The Rat
  23. Blue Book). VinylDisc is the hybrid of a standard Audio CD and the, vinyl ,record. The vinyl layer on the disc's label side can hold approximately three
  24. Machines, uses Beds to power their Javelin product line. Final Scratch, the 12″, vinyl , timecode record-driven DJ software/hardware system, was first developed on Beds
  25. To follow Time with a double album. CBS blocked his plan claiming a double, vinyl ,album would be too expensive. The new album was edited down from double album
  26. There is no need to stop the flow of data to switch tracks. This is similar to, vinyl ,records except they started at the outer edge and spiraled in toward the center
  27. Angular velocity (used in HDDs, standard Adds, a few optical disc systems, and, vinyl , audio records) spins the media at one constant speed regardless of where the
  28. Of" apocalyptic expectation," The Place Called Choice," appeared on the 1984, vinyl , recording," The Apocalypse," by Canadian pop group, Singing Fools, released
  29. From alkene itself. In general, it involves the addition of a hydrogen and a, vinyl ,group (or an Ankeny group) across a double bond. The hydroxylation
  30. Are then covered with wood veneer, thin plywood, sheet metal, fiberglass,or, vinyl , The wooden materials are usually layered with the grain alternating direction
  31. Of digital audio files stored on computers using turntables with special, vinyl ,records (e.g. Final Scratch, M-Audio Torn, Serato Scratch Live) or computer
  32. By composer John Boswell. Musician Jack White later released this song as a, vinyl ,single under his record label Third Man Records. Additional clips were used in
  33. Turntable. Karen Cook, the first female disco DJ in the United States, spun the, vinyl ,hits from 1974 to 1977 at 'Élan, Houston,TX, and also programmed music for
  34. Is a cocatalyst for Ziegler-Natta ole fin polymerization to produce, vinyl ,polymers such as polythene. Aluminum alloys in structural applications
  35. Two names for hydrocarbon groups containing carbon-carbon double bonds,the, vinyl ,group and the ally group. An Allen is a compound in
  36. Reaction the substrate is a Thiel. Hydrohalogenation gives the corresponding, vinyl ,halves or alkyl diaries, again depending on the number of equivalents of HE
  37. Service buses. Bus may be painted onto the vehicle, applied using adhesive, vinyl ,technologies or using decals. Vehicles often also carry bus advertising or part
  38. The chart based solely on airplay; this led the song to be released in a 12 ", vinyl ,and 7" single. The music video won the Best Female Video and Best Video from a
  39. Latex" house paints tend to be a combination of binder (sometimes acrylic, vinyl , PVA, and others),filler, pigment,and water. Exterior" latex" house paints
  40. By Voices' 1994 album Bee A Thousand, which was re-released as a three disc, vinyl ,LP Director's cut in 2004,and Fall Out Boy's 2003 album Take This to Your
  41. With alcohols, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chloride, or carboxylic acids to give, vinyl ,compounds:: * With aldehydes to give ethanol idols.: :1,4-Butynediol is
  42. Is added to the mix. *A computerized performance system, which can be used with, vinyl ,emulation software to manipulate digital files on the computer in real time.
  43. 12 Sinfonie DI Concerto Gross" Philips Box 6769 066 9500 959 & 9500 960 - 2, vinyl , discs *Emma Kirby, soprano and Daniel Taylor, countertenor,with the Theatre
  44. Track (s) from a multitrack, instrumental recording to be remixed or put onto, vinyl ,records for DJs. Artists sometimes release the vocal tracks of their popular
  45. Around 1986,Zappa undertook a comprehensive re-release program of his earlier, vinyl ,recordings. He personally oversaw the remastering of all his 1960s,1970s and
  46. Alkynes are prepared by dehydrohalogenation of victual alkyl diaries or, vinyl ,halves. Metal acetyl ides can be coupled with primary alkyl halves. Via the
  47. Made available for download on April 11, 2011 as well as a limited edition 7 ", vinyl ,single for Record Store Day five days later with a Passion Pit remix of the
  48. Of The Smile Sessions in November after a 44-year wait as a set of 2 CDs,a, vinyl ,double album and a 5 CD box set. Possible 50th anniversary reunion In June 2010
  49. Vinyls is the hybrid of a standard Audio CD and the vinyl record. The, vinyl ,layer on the disc's label side can hold approximately three minutes of music.
  50. Clinton coupling reactions. Terminal alkanes can also be coupled to ARL or, vinyl ,halves as in the Sonogashira coupling. Alkanes in nature and medicine

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