Examples of the the word, atrocity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( atrocity ), is the 8395 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And his distribution syndicate, in which they described the cartoon as an ", atrocity ,". They were stymied by Goodall herself, who revealed that she found the
  2. A" sometimes funny, sometimes bizarre history of thoughts passing away in the, atrocity ,of that darkness" ( House of Leaves 252). He often refers to" Mr. Monster "
  3. On the Banking holocaust yields a new and expanded telling of this World War II, atrocity ,and reflects thorough research. " Added a wing dedicated to her in 2005. In the
  4. Outsiders seeking to drive out a settled agricultural community via calculated, atrocity , or an invasion of a settled region by nomadic raiders who practiced
  5. St Ives itself derives from it. The town was the site of a particularly notable, atrocity ,during the Prayer Book rebellion of 1549. The English Provost Marshal (Anthony
  6. Conducted with troops in Banking in January 1938. Perhaps the most notorious, atrocity ,was a killing contest between two Japanese officers as reported in the Tokyo
  7. Another charged Mitterrand with" despotism" for inflicting Paris with the ", atrocity ,". Some condemnations carried nationalistic overtones. One opponent wrote:" I
  8. Towards Jones, who is apparently trying to wake up the students to the, atrocity ,of the war. Riley and his compatriots in the dorm, which has been suffering a
  9. Meaning is parallel to racism, ( based on race). Rwandan genocide remains an, atrocity ,that the indigenous Hutu and Tutsi peoples still believe is unforgivable. The
  10. To the 1976 Franklin Library edition of the novel, he wrote:" The Dresden, atrocity , tremendously expensive and meticulously planned, was so meaningless, finally
  11. Soldiers occupied Seoul. North Korean rule in Seoul was marked by brutality and, atrocity , In the streets, KPA forces arrested hundreds of landlords, police,bankers
  12. Although José María Anna and his ministers were quick to accuse ETA of the, atrocity , soon afterwards it became apparent that the bombing was the work of an
  13. 4,000 Garden and 2,000 soldiers. Taoiseach Liam Cos grave declared that" this, atrocity ,fills all decent Irish people with a sense of shame. " In London, Prime
  14. A guerrilla campaign in the surrounding area. In March 1923 an infamous, atrocity ,was carried out by Free State troops near Trade when nine anti-treaty IRA
  15. Murdered man was part of a drug cartel money laundering scheme. Hearing of this, atrocity , the President (who is unnamed in the novel) calls for a change of direction
  16. And 5,000 civilians. By the laws of war at the time this was regarded as an, atrocity ,that earned the label of the" Cessna Bloodbath" and the cardinal the "
  17. Wheel in France and some other countries was reserved for crimes of peculiar, atrocity , roué came by a natural process to be understood to mean a man morally worse
  18. Struggle for creator rights, saying that her situation was" tragic" and" an, atrocity , " Awards and honors Adams' first Deadpan cover won the 1967 Alley Award for
  19. Real name were subtly slipped into the course of the film's dialog. His final, atrocity ,is to stab League leader Allan Quatrain (Sean Connery) in the back while he
  20. Shocked and alerted the royal Courts of Europe. " Never before has such an, atrocity ,been seen," declared the Northumbrian scholar Alcuin of York. More than any
  21. Arguably as much variety (e.g. in economic policies, popular participation, atrocity ,levels etc.) among states termed" communist" as there is among states termed
  22. Confined ... to crimes which affect the Government and such as are of extreme, atrocity , " The abolitionists filed charges of assault, kidnapping,and false
  23. Of the colony's black population, the war became a bloody struggle of, atrocity ,and attrition. The rainy season brought yellow fever and malaria, which took a
  24. And Silesia the German populaces fled en masse, fearing Communist persecution, atrocity , and death. In spring of 1945,the Red Army was at Berlin; US and UK forces had
  25. The royal Courts of Europe to the Viking presence. " Never before has such an, atrocity ,been seen," declared the Northumbrian scholar, Alcuin of York. More than any
  26. The translucence of the flesh. The English at the time milked the alleged, atrocity ,for all it was worth in a long-drawn-out diplomatic incident. The English East
  27. Groups. Wilson states that such individuals are prone to create fictitious ", atrocity ,stories" which have no basis in reality. Many supporters of Opus DEI have
  28. And cultured. Everything about Omegas is pleasing, except for the city's one, atrocity ,: the good fortune of Omegas requires that a single unfortunate child be kept in
  29. Announced he would immediately return to mourn his dead ex-wife. The, atrocity ,was reportedly condemned strongly by South African president Thabo Mbeki and
  30. Executed by mobs at the bridge over the River Band near Portion, Ulster. This, atrocity ,occurred at the beginning of the Irish Rebellion of 1641. Having held the
  31. Killings of Croatian civilians later in the war. The best-known Japanese, atrocity ,was the Banking Massacre, in which several hundred thousand Chinese civilians
  32. Attack was described by the BBC as" Northern Ireland's worst single terrorist, atrocity ," and by the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, as an" appalling act of
  33. Vulgar leveled to the ground and its population decimated, including the worst, atrocity ,of the war in Croatia, the Vulgar massacre, when Serb paramilitary units
  34. Off the US seaboard in a particularly brutal attack, characterized as a naval, atrocity , U-552 had an unusually long service life, surviving to the end of World War II
  35. That there was a“ lack of any serious opposition or concerted challenge to the, atrocity ,stories and other modes of defamation of German national character and conduct
  36. Up to this point we haven't been able to charge anyone with this terrible, atrocity ,". Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Anderson praised the Panorama program
  37. To Viscount. The relentless work of Alberto ushered in a decade of warfare and, atrocity ,culminating in the massacre of Cessna, a town faithful to the Papal cause who
  38. Ambivalent in its treatment of the Copts, alternating sympathy and abuse with, atrocity ,and brutality. At that time, St. Mark's Seat had been vacant for about two
  39. Pretty shambolic ", while Plant was even harsher, characterising it as an ", atrocity ,". The three members reunited again on 14 May 1988,for the Atlantic Records
  40. From the village were murdered on the spot by the Germans in a much publicized, atrocity , The rest of the population were sent to Nazi concentration camps where many
  41. French historian” who Barnes claimed had exposed the“ exaggerations of the, atrocity ,stories ". Barnes claimed that in order to justify the“ horrors and evils of
  42. That ‘ he hated the idea of the ‘ Black and Tans ”. ’ The most high profile, atrocity ,of the war took place in Dublin in November 1920,and is still known as Bloody
  43. Annihilation of a Kardashian city and all its inhabitants. When word of that, atrocity ,reached the Dominion fleet, in the middle of a fierce battle with Allied forces
  44. Attacked the play on numerous occasions, calling it" a howler "," a poetic, atrocity ,"," an exploitative parody, with the inner purpose of destroying the ghost of
  45. Areas where Buddhism was strong became strongly Muslim. There was a notable, atrocity ,perpetrated upon Buddhist monks in a monastery in Bengal. Forced conversions
  46. And his victorious fleet sailed back to Abyss. Citing a previous Athenian, atrocity ,when the captured sailors of two ships were thrown overboard, Lysander and his
  47. From schools. A monument for the executed pupils is a symbol of the city. This, atrocity ,has inspired a poem called" Arvada Back" (" Bloody Fairy Tale" ) by
  48. Academic views * Ellis’M. H. (1997) Unholy alliance: religion and, atrocity ,in our time Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Publishers. ISBN 0-8006-3080-7. *
  49. A government cover-up of army involvement in the massacre. Shocked both by the, atrocity ,itself and then by the reaction his report had provoked, Vargas Close responded
  50. Communities. Walker immediately condemned what he labelled" an unspeakable, atrocity ," which was" a crime very much against humanity ". He told the party of

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