Examples of the the word, reconsider , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reconsider ), is the 8392 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He collapsed in a river while bathing and almost drowned. Siddhartha began to, reconsider ,his path. Then, he remembered a moment in childhood in which he had been
  2. Community. In the last months of his life, however,Malcolm X began to, reconsider ,his support of black nationalism after meeting northern African revolutionaries
  3. During his exile following the 1849 May Uprising in Dresden he began to, reconsider ,his entire concept of opera and eventually decided, as explained during a
  4. one's values are immutable; a consideration of one's values may cause one to, reconsider ,and change them. A consequence of this fact is that one is not only responsible
  5. With the DC/X experimental rocket has caused a number of SST advocates to, reconsider ,hydrogen as a satisfactory fuel. The late Max Hunter, while employing hydrogen
  6. To leave with Work (TNG: Birthright). Worf's visit to the camp caused him to, reconsider ,his own beliefs. He visited the monastery at Both to meditate. One day, a man
  7. For the US. However, he goes on to say that it was an error on his part not to, reconsider ,the situation when Germany was defeated. In the same publication, Feynman also
  8. And Misspelled based on the DNA. Beebe denied the request but promised to, reconsider ,once the DNA testing is complete and points to another suspect. Prosecutor
  9. Changed the game anew. Suddenly, the right-wing parties in Finland started to, reconsider ,their decision to block the transfer of the highest executive power from the
  10. Failure of an experiment to produce interesting results may lead a scientist to, reconsider ,the experimental method, the hypothesis, or the definition of the subject.
  11. That the jury was improperly instructed. And ordered the appeals court to, reconsider ,its decision to rescind the death sentence. On April 26, 2011,the Third
  12. To German naval expansion, but the effect was to immediately require Germany to, reconsider ,its naval building program. The battleship design was complemented by the
  13. City. Macdonald had opposed that, and used his power to force the Assembly to, reconsider ,in 1857. Macdonald proposed that Queen Victoria decide which city should be
  14. Karamanlis historic visit to Turkey in 2007,Recap Tail Erdoğan promised to, reconsider ,his country's stance on the matter. Black Sea The Black Sea is a region
  15. Pyrrhic Victory such as the Battle of Isandlwana can cause the winning side to, reconsider ,its long-term goals. Battles in civil wars have often decided the fate of
  16. Other record labels, that previously shunned black metal acts, to then, reconsider ,and release their material. Dead's suicide On 8 April 1991,Mayhem vocalist
  17. S willingness to put artistic integrity above marketability, causing Calvin to, reconsider ,and make an ordinary snowman. Wagon and sled Calvin and Hobbes frequently ride
  18. Of Islamic Cooperation),though President Obeisance has indicated he might, reconsider ,Nigeria's membership. Comments are being made for Nigeria to establish more
  19. Battle of Trafalgar in 1805,prompting the vacillating king of Spain to, reconsider ,his alliance with France. Spain broke off from the Continental System
  20. Claims. The scramble continued into the 1890s,and caused Britain to, reconsider ,its decision in 1885 to withdraw from Sudan. A joint force of British and
  21. Grew bored in Minsk. He wrote in his diary in January 1961:" I am starting to, reconsider ,my desire about staying. The work is drab, the money I get has nowhere to be
  22. Hoping to head off the war he saw looming, wrote to the king and asked him to, reconsider , Wentworth's execution took place in May 1641. Instead of saving the country
  23. Officials. The Senate has a long-standing practice of permitting motions to, reconsider ,previous decisions. In 1931,the Senate granted advice and consent to the
  24. Entering its most creative phase. Recently readers and critics have begun to, reconsider ,a number of previously overlooked Penny Blood or Penny Dreadful serial fictions
  25. To confront Hitler, telling him the war was lost. Hitler gave Speer 24 hours to, reconsider ,his position, and when the two met the following day, Speer answered," I stand
  26. Attempting to prevent this, many of the teachers at the center asked him to, reconsider , believing that he was one of their best students, and he finally agreed
  27. Were collected on a web petition to ask the Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope to, reconsider ,the new translation. There has been much debate, for and against, on the
  28. That should be charged to Care alone. Gilbert confronted Care, who refused to, reconsider ,the accounts. Gilbert stormed out and wrote to Sullivan that" I left him with
  29. Prior to the election (in other words, a cordon sanitaire),and refused to, reconsider ,in the light of the closeness of the election result, which prevented either of
  30. A sailor who had been killed by Moby Dick. Starbucks begs Ahab one final time to, reconsider ,his thirst for vengeance, but to no avail. The next day, the Pequot meets Moby
  31. Fletcher, to demand from the regent Boris Godunov that he convince the Tsar to, reconsider , The negotiations failed, due to Fletcher addressing Fe odor with two of his
  32. That wasn't based on dishonesty, injustice,greed, and hatred. Little began to, reconsider ,his dismissal of all religion, and he became receptive to the message of the
  33. Individuals whose outing would shatter stereotypes and compel the public to, reconsider ,its attitude on homosexuality; #Only the dead. Assessing to which degree the
  34. Species Act),and, much more recently, Massachusetts v. EPA (requiring EPA to, reconsider ,regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act) have had policy
  35. Crashing down when she realizes that he's unfaithful to her, leading her to, reconsider ,choosing him over Kathie. *Yous aka Takanashi/David Qin - A gentle, sensitive
  36. For a revelation of the permanent nature of art. Brian Assume suggests to, reconsider ,beauty following the esthetical thought in the philosophy of Delete and
  37. Field Marshal Erhard Milch persuaded Hitler to try to get his minister to, reconsider , Hitler sent Milch to Speer with a message not addressing the dispute but
  38. The right girl for Jack, who finds her rates too high. She pleads with Jack to, reconsider ,(" Havana Song" ), which arouses Jim’s interest, and he chooses her. Jenny
  39. The aircraft" Lightning ". By June 1941,the War Ministry had cause to, reconsider ,their earlier aircraft specifications, based on experience gathered in the
  40. Of Spanish troops and to place Mary on the English throne, caused Elizabeth to, reconsider , With the queen's encouragement, parliament introduced a bill in 1571 barring
  41. The case. On March 2,2009,the Supreme Court denied certiorari and refused to, reconsider ,the ruling of the Court of Appeals. In a November 2004 Rugby International poll
  42. McKay again refuses to be goaded into a fight, and he and Patricia agree to, reconsider ,their engagement after she becomes upset at his apparent cowardice. Early the
  43. Of Utrecht. Many jurisdictions within the United States would like the Union to, reconsider ,their decision, but there is also a feeling that, given the different charisms
  44. A new oil pipeline across Jordan, which Iraq had opposed but was now willing to, reconsider , Rumsfeld also informed Tariq Aziz (Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign
  45. More4 documentary entitled Faith School Menace? In which he argued for" us to, reconsider ,the consequences of faith education, which ... bamboozles parents and
  46. Religions, including Buddhism, Christianity,Judaism, and New Thought, to, reconsider , the traditions, practices,scriptures, and theologies of those religions from a
  47. Borg wondering what he was thinking, but only McEnroe was able to make Borg, reconsider , According to Deigns Never – who had talked to Borg – McEnroe called from New
  48. You have lately published, I dedicate this volume to you; to induce you to, reconsider ,the subject, and maturely weigh what I have advanced respecting the rights of
  49. The Government. He may, before the expiry of this time limit, ask Parliament to, reconsider ,the Act or sections of the Act. Reconsideration shall not be refused. While the
  50. Different coefficients scale differently under change of units – were one to, reconsider ,this in grams as" LN 3000 g" instead of" LN 3 kg ", one could compute LN

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