Examples of the the word, hamper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hamper ), is the 8398 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In such areas as industrial licensing, trade,labor, and finance continue to, hamper ,foreign investment. In 2004,Bhutan became the first country in the world to
  2. Film-dramas“ prevent man from being as precise as a stop watch and, hamper ,his desire for kinship with the machine. ” He desired to move away from“ the
  3. Chip Because of concerns that widespread use of strong cryptography would, hamper ,government use of wiretaps, NSA proposed the concept of key escrow in 1993 and
  4. Groups did form in most occupied territories, they did not significantly, hamper ,German operations in either the East or the West until late 1943. In Asia
  5. For basing missile defense missiles in Poland. Equipment to electronically, hamper ,the operation of future U. S. missile facilities in Poland and the Czech
  6. To lose focus on the present moment. Disorders such as Autism may also severely, hamper ,effective communication. Communication as academic discipline Classics (
  7. Christmas party. Believing Jed to be dead, Tony hid his body in the Christmas, hamper ,during the party. When he returned to the factory on Christmas Day he
  8. The Palestinian NGO Network regards as another Hamas attempt to control and, hamper ,them. The Palestinian Center for Human Rights condemned the new laws. That all
  9. Meany said," Only a series of blizzards or some other unforeseen trouble might, hamper ,construction. " That unforeseen trouble surfaced in a number of ways: the
  10. The hind legs are slightly longer than the forelegs, although not enough to, hamper ,fully quadrupedal movement (unlike the sportive lemurs). Most species are
  11. And non-hereditary, muscle diseases that weaken the musculoskeletal system and, hamper ,locomotion. Muscular dystrophies are characterized by progressive skeletal
  12. Regulatory frameworks remain, sometime problematic. Problems like corruption, hamper ,economic development in Egypt. Many scandals involving bribery were reported
  13. S structural weaknesses in the economy and weak competitiveness that would, hamper ,growth and the capacity to strengthen its public finances and reduce debt. In
  14. Sacrifice for the Empire. He also believed its comparative pacifism tended to, hamper ,the traditional Roman martial spirit. Finally, like other Enlightenment
  15. Marine organisms, relatively modest but sustained increases in concentrations, hamper ,the synthesis of proteins, reduce fertilization rates, and produce deformities
  16. In areas such as industrial licensing, trade,labor, and finance continue to, hamper ,foreign investment. Hydropower exports to India have boosted Bhutan's overall
  17. Pressured President Paul von Hindenburg to sign a series of decrees which would, hamper ,opposition parties such as the Communists and Socialists. With these decrees
  18. Of annals or chronicles recording events year by year, but this style tended to, hamper ,the analysis of events and causes. An example of this type of writing is the
  19. As preconditions that, while not directly causing National Socialism, did, hamper , the development of a liberal democracy and facilitate the rise of fascism. The
  20. To destroying infrastructure and agriculture in their retreat in order to, hamper ,the French and strip them of adequate supplies. In the campaign of 1813 Allied
  21. Of, or contact with, an enemy vessel. Naval mines can be used offensively—to, hamper ,enemy shipping movements or lock vessels into a harbor; or defensively—to
  22. In warfare and famine that characterized this century no doubt also served to, hamper ,philosophical pursuits in general. In the late 14th century, Piers the
  23. As Fluoxetine. Although disability-related pain and mobility impairment can, hamper ,intercourse, in many cases the most significant impediments to intercourse for
  24. As a giraffe would be able to do when moving on land. This may further, hamper ,the animal's ability to move its limbs effectively underwater. The simulation
  25. Highway to Algeria is almost complete, but border security issues may, hamper ,its use in the short term. * The Trans-Sahelian Highway to Dakar is
  26. The problems. Of primary concern was the Pogo oscillation, which would not only, hamper ,engine performance, but could exert significant g-forces on a crew. A task
  27. Repaid, and Nijmegen has been a part of Gelderland ever since. This did not, hamper ,trade; Nijmegen even became part of the Hanseatic League in 1364. The arts also
  28. That the teaching office of pope and bishops" cannot and must not supersede, hamper ,and impede the teaching task of theologians as scholars. " There are several
  29. Fire breaks out and spreads in downtown Grand Forks, but high water levels, hamper ,efforts to reach the fire, leading to the destruction of 11 buildings. *1999 –
  30. Questions is always very strong, sometimes so strong that it threatens to, hamper ,the artistic side of his work. His safeguard then is the astringent humor
  31. Separated shoulder on the third play of the game, an injury that would severely, hamper ,his play and ultimately lead to an early end to his 2008 campaign after having
  32. Prefer to leave Bombs" unexploded" as long as possible, particularly if they, hamper ,an opponent's movements). The placement of" reserve troops" in the rearmost
  33. Disturb soil, eat young seedlings, steal fruit, or otherwise kill plants, hamper ,their growth, damage their appearance, or reduce the quality of the edible or
  34. Role played by Denmark and Holstein) gave rise to a conflict that would, hamper ,the union in several intervals from the 1430s until its breakup in 1523 when
  35. Near suspected sniper positions. Even dummy trip-wires can be placed to, hamper ,sniper movement. If anti-personnel mines are unavailable, it is possible to
  36. Among the seven emirates in order to preempt territorial disputes that might, hamper ,formation of the federation. In general, the rulers of the emirates accepted
  37. As they flow northward to the Arctic Ocean, partial and intermittent thawing, hamper ,drainage of the numerous lakes, ponds,and swamps of the tundra. Frost
  38. Initial data-set or knowledge-base, but this should not be immutable, or it will, hamper ,autonomy and heuristic ability. Even if the data-set is empty, it can usually
  39. Directly opposed to equilibrium, contribute to widespread confusion and, hamper ,comprehension of entropy for most students. As the second law of thermodynamics
  40. Deepening divisions within the AFL, among others with Quiwonkpa's Go, and to, hamper ,morale. " ... Military discipline was an early casualty of the coup. The revolt
  41. Conviction that with its numerous restrictions and limitations, marriage would, hamper ,his literary future. In 1954,he married an Egyptian woman, with whom he had
  42. Has several dialects. Between some, the differences are such that they rarely, hamper ,understanding; only the number of speakers justifies the denominator of "
  43. As ALICE),which should be comfortable to wear for extended periods of time, hamper ,movement as little as possible and be compatible with other things a soldier
  44. Would also point out that privatizing certain functions of government might, hamper ,coordination, and charge firms with specialized and limited capabilities to
  45. Transaction led to an increase in the money supply, which in future years would, hamper ,the government's efforts to respond to unemployment. As a trial lawyer, and in
  46. Of transportation in the Philippines. Despite the physical barriers that can, hamper ,overall transport development in the country, the Philippines has found ways to
  47. Shorter range and smaller bomb load relative to other aircraft available did not, hamper ,it as much as in the Pacific Theater. Peak USAAF inventory (in August 1944)
  48. Then true turrets and increasing the broadside without adding tubes and top, hamper ,(as the quadruple and quintuple mounts did). Considering their Type 93s very
  49. Worlds overgrazing can promote thick swards of native unpalatable grasses that, hamper ,the spread of weeds. Another indicator of overgrazing in some parts of North
  50. And Powers. They can gain additional points by taking Disadvantages that, hamper ,their character in play. Abilities in the HERO System, particularly Powers (a

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