Examples of the the word, intercourse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intercourse ), is the 8389 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Anal intercourse . Evidence suggestive of widespread heterosexual anal, intercourse ,in a pre-modern culture can be found in the erotic vases, or stirrup-spout pots
  2. Of Medicine found that fourteen out of a sample of forty men receiving anal, intercourse ,experienced episodes of frequent anal incontinence. However, a 1997 study
  3. Absence of a condom. The risk of injury to the receptive partner due to anal, intercourse ,is many times higher than that due to vaginal sex. Also, the risk for
  4. Restrained would be considered unpleasant under normal circumstances. Sexual, intercourse , be it oral, anal or vaginal, may occur within a session, but is not essential.
  5. Be together was so great. Once Zeus saw this, he stuck pity on them and created, intercourse ,as to allow the two halves get the satisfaction they were so craving without
  6. Least some men in relationships with other men did engage in penetrative anal, intercourse , Evidence suggestive of widespread heterosexual anal intercourse in a
  7. Or pull-out method, is a method of birth-control in which a man, during, intercourse , withdraws his penis from a woman's vagina prior to ejaculation. The man then
  8. G-Spot, the anus, or other erogenous zones) enabled the woman to enjoy anal, intercourse ,with much less discomfort compared to anal penetration by itself. When
  9. Refectory for eating, the dormitory for sleeping, the common room for social, intercourse , the chapter-house for religious and disciplinary conference. These essential
  10. Ones are to be excommunicated, and excluded from the sacraments and from, intercourse ,with believers unless they repent, according to and But no force is to be used
  11. With the human papillomavirus (HPV). Damage is more likely to occur if, intercourse ,is forcible or aggressive or if alcohol or other drugs have dulled sensitivity.
  12. Of these pots, it was found that 31 percent of them depicted heterosexual anal, intercourse , more by far than any other sex act. Roche pottery of this type belonged to the
  13. don't think you can get a disease from it because you're not having vaginal, intercourse , " Anal sex without the use of a condom is often referred to as barracking.
  14. He so desires and kiss any organ of her body he wishes, and he may have, intercourse ,with her naturally or unnaturally traditionally, this refers to anal and oral
  15. Or veteran, are said to have frequently practiced heterosexual anal, intercourse ,as a means of preventing pregnancy. The acceptability of anal sex thus varied
  16. Among a sample of men (n 1,299) and women (n 1,919) compared to anal, intercourse ,experience and found that 51 % of men and 43 % of women had participated in at
  17. Burton theorized that there is a geographical Static zone wherein penetrative, intercourse ,between men is particularly prevalent and accepted; moreover he was one of the
  18. Technique. A condom (or) is a barrier device most commonly used during sexual, intercourse ,to reduce the probability of pregnancy and spreading sexually transmitted
  19. Only permitted between a husband and wife, and thus premarital and homosexual, intercourse ,are forbidden. (See also Homosexuality and the Bahá'í Faith) * Adherence to
  20. Can in fact be the primary contributors to the experience of pain during anal, intercourse ,and that adequate communication between sexual partners can prevent it
  21. Extra stimulation to the male. Some women experience irritation during vaginal, intercourse ,with studded condoms. Boosting condom June 2011: An erection-enhancing condom
  22. Methods) For couples that use coitus interrupts correctly at every act of, intercourse , the failure rate is 4 % per year. In comparison, the pill has a perfect-use
  23. Gave to Aegis thus. This sword became the means by which the incestuous, intercourse ,between her and her father was discovered, whereupon she put an end to her own
  24. Developed supra mundane abilities including: a painless birth conceived without, intercourse ,; no need for sleep, food,medicine, or bathing, although engaging in such" in
  25. Of the sins against nature included bestiality, masturbation,oral and anal, intercourse , incest, adultery and rape. In addition to his battle against moral decay, Alan
  26. Seas. For a male citizen to take the passive (or receptive) role in anal, intercourse ,was condemned in Rome as an act of impudicitia (immodesty or chastity).
  27. Voyeurs a forum to indulge their inclinations without social opprobrium. Sexual, intercourse ,is taboo within most public BDSM play spaces or not often seen in others
  28. Seven times as many women as gay men said that they engaged in anal, intercourse , with this figure reflecting the larger heterosexual population size. According
  29. Greece, Paraguay and Suriname – have a higher age of consent for homosexual, intercourse , In the United Kingdom for example the age of consent was originally 21 for
  30. Issues Historically, a number of cultures have recorded the practice of anal, intercourse ,between men. Ancient and non-Western cultures The term" Greek love" has long
  31. To as versatile. Gay men who prefer anal sex may view it as" their version of, intercourse ," Some men who have sex with men prefer to engage in from or other forms of
  32. To drink alcohol or to take drugs, unless prescribed by doctors. * Sexual, intercourse ,is only permitted between a husband and wife, and thus premarital and
  33. Gender-age differential. In these jurisdictions, it is illegal to have sexual, intercourse ,outside of marriage so the de facto age of consent is the marriageable age. In
  34. Is permitted to him, he may act with her in any manner whatsoever. He may have, intercourse ,with her whenever he so desires and kiss any organ of her body he wishes, and
  35. And conviction * Affinity (canon law),a kinship arising from the sexual, intercourse ,of a man and a woman * Affinity (Christian organization),formerly known as
  36. Proteins based on their sequence information alone. Anal sex (or anal, intercourse ,) commonly refers to the sex act involving insertion of the penis into the anus
  37. Membranes. However, a reduction in the volume of bodily fluids exchanged during, intercourse ,may reduce the likelihood of disease transmission compared to using no method
  38. In this matter with levity and that he should sanctify himself at the time of, intercourse , ” Christianity In Christian countries, anal sex is sometimes referred to
  39. Brian Dodge and J. Dennis Roddenberry of Indiana University, although anal, intercourse ,is reported by fewer women than other partnered sex behaviors, partnered women
  40. Societies, an analogy is derived from the drilling of fire and sexual, intercourse , Vines were used as a flammable wood, where they were placed beneath a drill
  41. Incidence of pregnancy, teenage males were not permitted to engage in sexual, intercourse ,except with postmenopausal women until such time as they mastered the
  42. Majority of men (n 631) and women (n 856) who reported heterosexual anal, intercourse ,in the past 12 months were in exclusive, monogamous relationships: 69 % and 73
  43. Practice, and unprotected anal sex is the riskiest of all forms of sexual, intercourse ," The opening and closing of the anus is controlled by the internal and
  44. Of some heterosexuals" " For a certain number of heterosexuals, anal, intercourse , is pleasurable, exciting,and perhaps considered more intimate than vaginal sex
  45. Of unwanted pregnancy when not accompanied by vaginal intercourse , as anal, intercourse ,cannot lead to pregnancy unless sperm is somehow transported to the vaginal
  46. Carry a very low risk of unwanted pregnancy when not accompanied by vaginal, intercourse , as anal intercourse cannot lead to pregnancy unless sperm is somehow
  47. Of many parts of Africa, have much diminished with the increase of, intercourse ,with the interior. Game reserves have, however,been established in South
  48. Failed to afford protection to adolescent boys during vaginal and anal, intercourse , Family planning groups and the Swiss Aids Federation campaigned to have a
  49. Series have become sexually involved with each other, sometimes engaging in, intercourse ,in front of Big Brother's cameras. This recorded material is typically not
  50. Interprets as Athena:" They said that Athena was the daughter of Zeus not from, intercourse , but when the god had in mind the making of a world through a word (logos)

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