Examples of the the word, hans , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hans ), is the 8400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 3:49 #" Stormfull veils" ( Stormy Waltz) (AHL) - 3:25 #" Mr. Kaiser, hans , Constanze OG meg" - 3:41 Personnel * Above Often - Vocals, back-up choir
  2. Of Oregon: Norse: Fornaldarsögur norðurlanda: Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , ** http://saga.library.cornell.edu/saganet/? Rival /ManuscriptSagasB&language
  3. The sprawling complex consists of 12 major buildings and has 22 doors. Streets, hans , and gates The Grand Bazaar has four main gates situated at the ends of its two
  4. That the heads of these BYU (schools) would get a rice stipends from the, hans , total KOK (a unit of measurement used to calculate rice revenues and used to
  5. Som gar till hunger from!: Var honor roast och Hans ATT, : for krona PA, hans , hjässa last, : och all din trot ill honor salt, : Du folk av Freda star! 2. O
  6. Croft, The Woman He Chose) (1917) *The Outlaw and His Wife (Berg-Ejvind och, hans , hustru, Eyvind of the Hills, Love: The Only Law, You and I) (1918) *Sons of
  7. Behind a Hallelujah) - 1:59 #" Boris" ( Breeze) - 3:37 #" Mr. Kaiser, hans , Constanze OG meg" ( Mr. Kaiser, his Constance and I) - 3:29 International
  8. ROS. From the late 1980s continuing to the present (2005) the band" Stalin, hans , Jóns mins" or just" Stalin" has had a strong presence on the Icelandic rock
  9. Dub is narrated by Diego Frizzy. *The Norwegian (Locomotive Thomas OG benzene, hans , ),Polish TV4 (Tomek i przyjaciele),Portuguese (Thomas o Them Azul in
  10. Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , in Old Norse from hamstring. No **
  11. Ryukyu Han became Okinawa Prefecture of Japan in 1879,even though all other, hans , had become prefectures of Japan in 1872. In 1912,Okinawan's first obtained the
  12. Resistance" - 3:00 #" Boris" - 3:32 #" Deck born" - 3:37 #" Mr. Kaiser, hans , Constanze OG meg" - 3:28 Demo #" Resistance" - 3:15 #" MPA til Du Dr" -
  13. And published around the world which made it the most famous story from, hans , Commentaries and criticism In reviewing Hans Christian Andersen: A New Life by
  14. Links * English translations of the Old Norse Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , : ** The Saga of Rolf Khaki and his Champions. Trans. Peter Tun stall (2003).
  15. Veer ok Been ok Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND, hans , ( ON) Old West Norse The combinations -mp-,-NT-, and -NK- mostly merged to
  16. Teologi och förkunnelse,1988. Henning Thin, Lars Levi Læstadius och, hans , förkunnelse,1949 Gunnar Bismark, Lars Levi Læstadius’ van till den NYC
  17. Information,2010) * Andes Lassen - Demand OG sold at (Bartender hamlet AF, hans , moder Suzanne Lassen, København, Gyldendal,1949/ MeMe Media,2000) An
  18. Stats. Uwaterloo. Ca) * Axel V. Nielsen: Ole River. En Skidding AF, hans , Liv OG Genning. København,1944. Notes External links *
  19. Film, directed by Max Fleischer *The Outlaw and His Wife (Berg-Ejvind och, hans , hustru),directed by and starring Victor Rostrum - (Sweden) *The Sinking of
  20. Grecs de la Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. *1917: D. G. Moldenhawer OG, hans , haandskriftsamling, Copenhagen NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision independent
  21. Works of architecture and decorative arts. Among these, the caravansaries (or, hans , ),used as stops, trading posts and defense for caravans, and of which about a
  22. Deck (2010) - under Guy Hamper *the soft ashes of Berlin snowing on, hans , falladas nose (2010) - neugerriemschneider, Berlin Critical *Billy Childish a
  23. Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , in Old Norse from hamstring. No **
  24. At montage ham some dears leader. DET mitigate AF Hans severe reader heir været, hans ,værk on William Shakespeare, der blew oversaw til Engels AF William Archer OG
  25. Veer ok Been ok Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and, hans , ( ON): Veer ok Been ok Gunnar raised stain Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun
  26. Loki era Lop tr, sonr Barbara joins; movie Hans er Laura era NAL; bræðr, hans , eru are Bleat ok Helsinki. He is called Loki or Lop tr, son of the Johann
  27. Har, : och live PA var strand: DET gamma linnets art gen: hos sveakungen och, hans , män.: Och Lat din and Vila an: Stover Jordanian! Translation (Highly
  28. 1833) bears the inscription: Had DET Fordism AF Kraus, det himmelska lever i, hans , toner (which translates to: Here the earthly of Kraus; the heavenly lives in
  29. 1888 File: P S Prayer 1899 - Sommeraften led Ska gens strand. Kunstneren OG, hans , hustru. JPG|Summer evening on Skagen's beach, P. S. Prayer,1899 File: Prayer
  30. Here: An Illustrated History (1988) * Swedish: Here - Broken on Tintin och, hans , skapare (1983),was the lead ship of the two-vessel Pre-class battleship of
  31. Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , in Old Norse from hamstring. No **
  32. Sources * H. C. Berlin, Guvernør over Gdansk Destinies Gabriel Milan OG, hans , Efterkommere (Helping,1926) * Hauch-Fausbøll, Jødernes Færden OG Uphold i
  33. Christ before Pilate: An American Story ”, published in 1924) *Ob erst He OG, hans , Gutter (1916) (translation by Della Littleton Ca tuna, Clarence A. Clause
  34. Oförgätlig border, mannamodet UTI Hans vista sounder den 20 June 1810 Vietnam on, hans , dygder och sinners lung () Portrayal in popular culture *In 1938,on Fer sen
  35. Old Irish Weiss),Latin answer, Greek Chen, Albanian gate (heron),Sanskrit, hans , Avesta zoo, Polish GES, Russian гусь, Czech USA, Slovak Hus, and Persian
  36. Of his works as decorations. Sources * Liv Blissful, Johan Herman Vessel OG, hans , tid, Wesselakademiet,2000. ISBN 8292033017 (Norwegian). * Liv Blissful, Den
  37. Samfälld och en Henkel sang, : some gar till hunger from!: Var honor roast och, hans , ätt, : for krona PA Hans Hausa last, : och all din trot ill honor salt, : Du
  38. Of the city. There are a number of mosques, churches,madrasahs, masjids, hans , ( caravansaries) and Hamas (Turkish bath) in the city. Palace, the harbor
  39. Veer ok Been ok Gunnar Rasta stein Anna at Hausa, fǫður sign. Gun half OND, hans , (OWN): Veer ok Been ok Gunnar ræistu stæin Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun
  40. Of Oregon: Norse: Fornaldarsögur norðurlanda: Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , ** http://saga.library.cornell.edu/saganet/? Rival /ManuscriptSagasB&language
  41. And Helsinki: SA er Hefner Loki era Lop tr, sonr Barbara joins; movie, hans , er Laura era NAL; bræðr Hans era are Bleat ok Helsinki. He is called Loki
  42. Veer ok Been ok Gunnar raised stain Anna at Hausa, faður sign. Gun half and, hans , ( OG) The ON original text above is transliterated according to traditional
  43. tænkere, der var Irvine after at montage ham some dears leader. DET mitigate AF, hans , senere reader heir været Hans værk on William Shakespeare, der blew oversaw
  44. Are not daimyo themselves and therefore their fiefs are not considered, hans , However, a daimyo may create a second domain from his Han and invest one of
  45. Hormone young, on Harvard Clings, yfir Eystra-Gautland, er ATT height fair, hans , ok Grammar young. However, this contradicts both the legend of Hedge
  46. To her brother, with the inscription: At en oförgätlig border, mannamodet UTI, hans , sista sounder den 20 June 1810 Vietnam on Hans Ryder och sinners lung ()
  47. 1852–1857) was edited by H. Lassen, the author of Henrik England OG, hans , Samtid (1866),and the editor of his Breve (" Letters ",1867). England
  48. Links * English translations of the Old Norse Holds saga drama ok kappa, hans , : ** The Saga of Rolf Khaki and his Champions. Trans. Peter Tun stall (2003).
  49. Startsida%20&e e001&DocumentId 90&Avdelning 017&Meny=001 En var gunge och, hans , majblommor ETT par radar on en fingered skilsmässa, ett suit rainfall, en
  50. Konungs, er wiki TOK entire four sign at Uppsala; hand var RIR young. Á, hans , dögum host til wikis í Noriega Harald Harari, er first km invalid í Oreg

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