Examples of the the word, mansion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mansion ), is the 8402 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stars ". * In India, it with σ and τ SCO were one of nakshatra (Hindu lunar, mansion ,), as Yeshiva" Oldest ", and Robin" Ruddy ". *In Renaissance astrology
  2. Financier and Liberal MP. Leon expanded the existing farmhouse into the present, mansion , The architectural style is a mixture of Victorian Gothic, Tudor and Dutch
  3. Drys dales. The Competes lived as they always had, even in their large, elegant, mansion , never abandoning their mountain attire or replacing the old rattletrap truck
  4. Not really explained, Elverna also moves into the Clamped Beverly Hills, mansion ,during the same period that Shorty does; both of them, however,are gone from
  5. Times, up to the early medieval period when the place is mentioned as a king's, mansion ,for the first time, not long before Charlemagne became ruler of the Germanic
  6. Park feature additional exhibits. Some are only open on specified days. * The, mansion ,itself is open for tours on Sundays. It is also open on other days when it is
  7. Goring defaulted on his rents; Henry Bennet,1st Earl of Arlington obtained the, mansion ,and was occupying it, now known as Goring House, when it burned down in 1674.
  8. A portrait of Cesare Borgia can be seen hanging in the dining room of the, mansion , Music Cesare Borgia is mentioned in the song" B. I. B. L. E. ", performed by
  9. 1924. Other landmarks in the borough include Addington Palace, an 18th century, mansion ,which became the official second residence of six archbishops, Shirley Windmill
  10. Manor of Eaton, included in the Domesday Book in 1086. Browne Willis built a, mansion ,in 1711,but this was pulled down by Thomas Harrison, who had acquired the
  11. Onegin has a couple of scenes with borzoi in a Russian landowner's country, mansion ,a) being led through snowy inner courtyard by one of the servants b) lounging
  12. At Pageant, one of Asolo's boroughs in the vicinity of the senator's, mansion , This took place whilst Canola was in his thirteenth year; and with Torrent he
  13. The rights to drill on his land. Patriarch Jed moves with his family into a, mansion ,next door to his banker (Wilburn Drysdale) in the wealthy Los Angeles County
  14. Told FBI agent Fred Duncan. With his inherited fortune, he uses his ancestral, mansion ,at 1407 Graymalkin Lane in Salem Center, Westchester County, New York as a base
  15. On Xavier's family estate. But the night Scott Summers moves into Xavier's, mansion , Amelia leaves him, believing Charles would have changed his view and that
  16. A wireless room was established at Bletchley Park. It was set up in the, mansion ,'s water tower and given the code name" Station X ", a term now sometimes
  17. After 25 years of marriage, with Shiver moving out of the couple's Brentwood, mansion , On May 16, 2011,the Los Angeles Times revealed that Schwarzenegger had
  18. Which she eventually recovers. She finds her old house which was a large, mansion , but it has since burnt down. Edward is a young, eccentric computer genius and
  19. Phantom of the Opera-like sewer home. Keaton hides in a castlelike, mansion , which perfectly mirrors its owner's inner remoteness. Comic strip purists
  20. Ordrupgaard Museum is an art museum located just north of Copenhagen in an old, mansion ,with an extension by Iraqi-British architect Zara Heidi. It features 19th
  21. Architect – Offshore lighthouse – Our – Ogre – Old Slab – One room, mansion ,– Operating theater – Oppositions – Opus reticulated – Oratory – Orchestra pit
  22. Those originally honored in 1961 caused some controversy. Chaplin's Swiss, mansion ,is to be opened as a museum tracing his life from the music halls in London to
  23. In 1937. In 1938 the site was sold to a builder, who planned to demolish the, mansion ,and build a housing estate. Before the demolition could take place, Admiral Sir
  24. Later met at a party and were married on November 4,1842,in the Springfield, mansion ,of Mary's married sister. While preparing for the nuptials and feeling
  25. Crazy about voluptuous girls half his age. Shorty later moves into the Clamped, mansion ,in Beverly Hills for a period. Shorty Vellum appears in 17 episodes in the
  26. Of the money, they essentially had no control over the project. Tweed bought a, mansion ,on Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street, and stabled his horses, carriages and sleighs
  27. Being erected, and initially the entire" shooting party" was crowded into the, mansion , its stables and cottages. These were too small, so Elmer's School, a
  28. And to Colorado Springs. After he made his fortune he declined to build a, mansion ,as the other gold rush millionaires were doing; instead, in later years, he
  29. 1753–78) The body of trustees decided on a converted 17th-century, mansion , Montage House, as a location for the museum, which it bought from the Montage
  30. The Pope in exchange the Church of St Eugenics of Vermicelli with the adjacent, mansion ,for a monastery. The Cessna Aircraft Company is an airplane manufacturing
  31. Alfred is eventually healed. Everyone agrees to let Barbara stay at the, mansion , Cast * George Clooney as Bruce Wayne / Batman: A billionaire industrialist who
  32. Spend Christmas at Aachen for the first time. He went on to remain there in a, mansion ,which he may have extended, although there is no source attesting to any
  33. Stands. In 1924,the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis bought the Walsh, mansion ,at 4510 Lindell Boulevard, and it has served as the local archbishop's
  34. Including its Naval, Military and Air Sections, was on the first floor of the, mansion , together with a telephone exchange, a teleprinter room, a kitchen and a dining
  35. Homer's Odyssey In Homer's Odyssey, Circe is described as living in a, mansion ,that stands in the middle of a clearing in a dense wood. Around the house
  36. Appears in 11 episodes in 1962–63; she moves with her mother to the Clamped, mansion ,later that season but occasionally is not seen in episodes during her stay in
  37. Grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Addington Palace is an 18th century, mansion ,in Addington which was originally built as Addington Place in the 16th century.
  38. School moved from the city center to the new Gibraltar Campus, named after the, mansion ,which owned the grounds, where it is now located. The Landholder College Campus
  39. Soldiers that he will use to conquer the earth. Their residence, an old, mansion , is guarded by a giant octopus of Dr. Vornoff's own creation which lives in
  40. The Fifth Star of the Net). In Hindu astronomy it is identified as the lunar, mansion ,Robin and as one of the twenty-seven daughters of Dasha and the wife of the
  41. To cross the river. Scott then built additions to the house and made it into a, mansion , building into the walls many sculptured stones from ruined castles and abbeys
  42. That he spends $20,000 a week on security at his Farmington, Connecticut, mansion , ” CNN reports that" ... Jackson's expenditures are in the lower end of what
  43. Of whom they were aware. Wayne made a brief cameo as himself after the Clamped, mansion ,was" attacked" by stuntmen dressed as Native Americans. Pearl and Granny
  44. S scheme had backfired in spectacular fashion. Around the same time, his, mansion , in Wisconsin was destroyed by a nor'Easter. On December 27, 1955,Fisher
  45. Some of Antonio Canvas sculptures and had them on display at his Jacobean, mansion ,house of Bank Hall in Brotherton. After the death of Left Keck in 1860 the
  46. Hills. Whenever he has anything on his mind, he sits on the curbstone of his, mansion ,and whittles until he comes up with the answer. Jed's full first name is never
  47. Catholic cathedral of Notre Dame d'Antique, the Bard Museum (a former Turkish, mansion ,), the old Bibliothèque National d'Alger—a Turkish palace built in
  48. Subtracting from the familiarity was the fact that the legendary Clamped, mansion ,was unavailable for a location shoot as the owners' lease was too expensive.
  49. Circa 1830 Admiralty House is a moderately proportioned, mansion ,to the south of the Ripley Building, built in the late 18th century as the
  50. Effort to revise the Batman comics. Additionally, Batman also moves from his, mansion , Wayne Manor into a penthouse apartment atop the Wayne Foundation building in

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