Examples of the the word, unpublished , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unpublished ), is the 8391 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dartmouth's students under their direction. The acronym is tied to the name of an, unpublished ,paper by Thomas Kurtz and is not a acronym, as is sometimes suggested in
  2. Another controversial American linguist). In a series of published and, unpublished ,studies in the 1930s,he argued that Mayan writing was phonetic to some degree.
  3. All the original Howard material known to exist at the time, some left, unpublished ,in his lifetime. The later volumes contain some stories rewritten by L. Prague
  4. Incoherence" was one source for the novel. Career Huxley completed his first (, unpublished ,) novel at the age of 17 and began writing seriously in his early 20s. His
  5. To destroy anything that was not fit for publication. He mentioned an early, unpublished ,History of Astronomy as probably suitable, and it duly appeared in 1795,along
  6. Not widely known till later. ) A. N. Whitehead, while reading some of Peirce's, unpublished ,manuscripts soon after arriving at Harvard in 1924,was struck by how Pace
  7. Systems that used the same semi-collectible approach, and was derived from the, unpublished ,Galactic Empires board game, based on the CCG of the same name—Companion Games
  8. Shrewd man can feather his nest. ". Susan Love Brown claims that this, unpublished , private letter, which does not distinguish between the anarchist socialism
  9. Not respond completely (229–31). NIN confirms that she is not bisexual in her, unpublished ,1940 diary when she states that although she could be attracted erotically to
  10. Less than 4 % who lock up deans in washrooms, who burn manuscripts of, unpublished ,books, who make combination pigpens and playpens of their universities. The
  11. 1,600 pages in their modern edition. His disputed questions after 1236 remain, unpublished , Alexander was also one of the first scholastic to participate in the
  12. And it was not performed in full until 1952. The full score remained, unpublished ,until 1966. From 1915 to 1918,Berg served in the Austrian Army and during a
  13. Which had been completed in 1676. Leibniz then began to plagiarize the as-yet, unpublished ,work when he returned to Germany. This meeting was described in Matthew Stewart
  14. Necessary to show superior efficacy to placebo. A review of both published and, unpublished ,trials submitted to the U. S. FDA found that the published trials had a 94 %
  15. 8 volumes, includes many published works, along with a selection of previously, unpublished ,work and a smattering of his correspondence. This long-time standard edition
  16. Elementary proofs of the prime number theorem, both using Selberg's then, unpublished ,asymptotic formula as a starting point. Circumstances leading up to the proofs
  17. Hooker, who decided to publish the essay in a joint presentation together with, unpublished ,writings which highlighted Darwin's priority. Wallace had not asked for
  18. Trials submitted to the U. S. FDA of 12 anti-depressants, published and, unpublished , from 1987 to 2004 was submitted to the FDA in 2004. In the published
  19. Appearance of the Mass but abandoned its theology. A. H. Curtain in a set of, unpublished ,Oxford University lectures from 1958 described it as a" bogus Mass ". Both
  20. Large folio volumes, are deposited in the Vatican Library and remained there, unpublished ,for more than 300 years and were brought to light, though only in part, by
  21. Being considered for treatment of vancomycin-resistant enterococcus. Although, unpublished , recent research suggests chloramphenicol could also be applied to frogs to
  22. Approval trials are not very suitable for evaluating effectiveness, that the, unpublished ,ones are poorer quality, that the meta-analysis authors came from a "
  23. Wired published the logs in full, stating that" The most significant of the, unpublished ,details have now been publicly established with sufficient authority that we no
  24. Journals have acquired importance as a counterbalancing perspective. Previously, unpublished ,works are coming to light in A Café in Space, the Anaïs NIN Literary Journal
  25. Be" public domain ", and " restored" versions based on manuscripts that were, unpublished ,in Howard's lifetime, for which current copyrights are easily defended. The
  26. 1650 unpublished manuscripts, totaling over 100,000 pages. Most of it remains, unpublished , except on microfilm. For more on the vicissitudes of Peirce's papers, see
  27. The King James Bible, The Wonders of Nature, View of the Hebrews, and an, unpublished ,manuscript written by Solomon Spalding. For some followers of the Latter Day
  28. And Bluetooth trademarks. Adopter members do not have early access to, unpublished ,specifications and may not participate in working groups or committees to
  29. Events On July 15, 2009,Life. Com released a photo gallery of previously, unpublished ,photos of the astronauts taken by Life photographer Ralph Morse prior to the
  30. De Port-Royal" (" Little Schools of Port-Royal" ). The work was, unpublished ,until over a century after his death. Here, Pascal looked into the issue of
  31. Book includes some material from the short story The Salesman's Tale, and some, unpublished ,material cut from Prince of Chaos, notably Coral's pregnancy by Merlin. Both
  32. First, but Leibniz published first. Newton claimed Leibniz stole ideas from his, unpublished ,notes, which Newton had shared with a few members of the Royal Society. This
  33. When Moses Jackson was dying in Canada, Housman wanted to assemble his best, unpublished ,poems so that Jackson could read them before his death. De Militia (about
  34. Which are central to the field of pattern formation. Later papers went, unpublished ,until 1992 when Collected Works of A. M. Turing was published. His contribution
  35. The Masque of the Manuscript, The Masque of Perusal, and the previously, unpublished ,The Masque of the Termination of Copyright (1930),together with related
  36. Another juvenile novel was written in his teenaged years—The Sword of Pagan (, unpublished ,until 2004). Like The Black Diamonds, it uses a medieval, Arabian Nights–like
  37. In 2005. The book was published in November 2008,and is reported to reveal, unpublished ,works in which Miller" bitterly attacked the injustices of American racism
  38. Began publishing in 1983. This collection of his shorter and previously, unpublished ,works is now up to 16 volumes, and many more are forthcoming. An additional
  39. Perhaps the reasons. He had finished some partial musical sketches and some, unpublished ,libretto for operas based on Poe's The Devil in the Belfry (Le viable days LE
  40. For the rest of their lives, Charles writing prolifically, much of it, unpublished ,to this day (see Works). Living beyond their means soon led to grave
  41. Order with all the remaining original Howard material, including that left, unpublished ,in his lifetime and fragments and outlines. These were completed by de Camp and
  42. In a written description of these principles found only, at this time, in the, unpublished ,treatise of Piero Della Francesca. He was also familiar with the 'abbreviated
  43. The pioneering geologist James Hutton. Smith left behind many notes and some, unpublished ,material, but gave instructions to destroy anything that was not fit for
  44. Of Mathematics by Charles S. Pace,4 volumes in 5,included many previously, unpublished ,Pace manuscripts on mathematical subjects, along with Peirce's important
  45. That the published trials had a 94 % success in treating depression while the, unpublished ,literature had below 50 % success. Combined, all studies showed 51 % efficacy -
  46. 19 operas and over 100 vocal-instrumental works. The resurrection of Vivaldi's, unpublished ,works in the 20th century is mostly due to the efforts of Alfredo Capella, who
  47. This Class did it become clear that Pace had left approximately 1650, unpublished , manuscripts,totaling over 100,000 pages. Most of it remains unpublished
  48. He was also deeply interested in the life and example of Gandhi, producing an, unpublished ,book-length manuscript on his life. During Jensen's period in San Diego he
  49. From an original standpoint. Those drafts and many others of his previously, unpublished ,mathematical manuscripts finally appeared Mathematics of logic class
  50. A penniless young man who proceeds to use it to rob and murder. Adapted from an, unpublished ,novel by Kurosawa in the style of a favorite writer of his, Georges Simenon, it

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