Examples of the the word, displacement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( displacement ), is the 8390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The series number. The next two numbers traditionally represent the engine, displacement ,in cubic centimeters divided by 100. However, more recent cars use those two
  2. Solstices, the displacement in declination is zero. Likewise, the amount of, displacement ,in right ascension is zero at either equinox and maximum at the solstices. Note
  3. Missile cruisers. Their classification as battlecruisers arises from their, displacement , which is roughly equal to that of a World War I battleship, and the fact that
  4. At the solstices. Note that the effect of aberration is out of phase with any, displacement ,due to parallax. If the latter effect were present, the maximum displacement to
  5. North by an equal and opposite amount. At the June and December solstices,the, displacement ,in declination is zero. Likewise, the amount of displacement in right ascension
  6. Caused by two bulging discs in his back, a spondylolisthesis (vertebral, displacement ,) and a bone spur that interfered with the nerve, Agassi retired from
  7. Malformation is a malformation of the brain. It consists of a downward, displacement ,of the cerebellar tonsils and the medulla through the foramen magnum, sometimes
  8. Components on the celestial sphere, which therefore produce an apparent, displacement ,of a star's right ascension and declination, respectively. The former is
  9. New fifth-generation fighters as well as unmanned aerial vehicles and have a, displacement ,of up to 60,000 metric tons. While planning for new carriers, and carrying out
  10. Bromide:: H₂ + Br2 → 2HBr Bromine reacts with alkali metal iodides in a, displacement ,reaction. This reaction forms alkali metal bromides and produces elemental
  11. Could make a political comeback in the federal arena. Following Tony Abbott's, displacement ,of Malcolm Turnbull as federal leader of the Liberal Party in 2009,the
  12. The x in time t. He therefore gets the same expression for the mean square, displacement ,: \overlie. However, when he relates it to a particle of mass m moving at a
  13. Displacement due to parallax. If the latter effect were present, the maximum, displacement ,to the south would occur in December, and the maximum displacement to the north
  14. The larger aircraft. The large, modern of United States Navy carriers has a, displacement ,nearly four times that of the World War II–era, yet its complement of aircraft
  15. Non-vanishing, being given by: \overlie=2Dt. This expresses the mean square, displacement ,in terms of the time elapsed and the diffusivity. From this expression Einstein
  16. Periodically over the course of a year. The maximum amount of the aberrational, displacement ,of a star is approximately 20 arc seconds in right ascension or declination.
  17. Time elapsed and the diffusivity. From this expression Einstein argued that the, displacement ,of a Brownian particle is not proportional to the elapsed time, but rather to
  18. Fast battleships, and they were armored as heavily as possible as their light, displacement ,allowed. World War II Commerce raiding In the early years of the war the German
  19. As the tip) as it moves past the other (the sample) permits plotting of tip, displacement ,versus lateral separation for a constant current. The calculation shows the
  20. Follows from Stokes' formula for the mobility. By measuring the mean square, displacement ,over a time interval along with the universal gas constant R, the temperature T
  21. Navy referred to them as schlachtschiffe or battleship. At 31,500 tons standard, displacement , they were intermediate in size between Repulse or Renown and the 35,000-ton
  22. A competitive disadvantage to brown bears in open, unforested areas. Although, displacement ,of black bears by brown bears has been documented, actual interspecific killing
  23. From exceeding 10,000 tons or six 28.0 cm (11-inch) guns. Their 12,000-ton, displacement , somewhat exceeded that of a heavy cruiser, and their 11-inch main armament made
  24. In Canada). Previous X & Z vehicles had 'i' or 'is' following the engine, displacement ,number (denoted in liters). BMW is now globally standardizing this
  25. Center of mass is: \math bf=\franc\sum_i m_i \math bf_i. \, If we define RI as the, displacement ,of particle i from the center of mass, and vi as the velocity of particle i
  26. Diffusion constant to physically measurable quantities, such as the mean square, displacement ,of a particle in a given time interval. This result enables the experimental
  27. 298 kW) after modification. Before 1990,there were engines produced with a, displacement ,between 2.0 L and 2.3 L. This range of engine capacity allowed for both fuel
  28. The Goths to the Danube in the summer of 376. " Moreover, concerning the Huns, displacement ,of the Goths, ancient historian Minus Marcellus concluded," The seed-bed
  29. Violence which has resulted in the death of perhaps 250,000 people and the, displacement ,of about 800,000 others. Foods, medicines,and electricity remain in short
  30. Due to the extreme accuracy with which one would have to measure the water, displacement , Archimedes may have instead sought a solution that applied the principle known
  31. Velocity),there are simple formulas that relate the following quantities:, displacement , initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration,and time:: \math bf = \math bf +
  32. Hood was the largest ship in the Royal Navy when completed; thanks to her great, displacement , she in theory combined the firepower and armor of a battleship with the speed
  33. Be named and. They will be able to operate up to 40 aircraft, and will have a, displacement ,of around 65,000 tonnes. The two ships are due to enter service in 2016 and
  34. Through the influence of Irish (Scots),Norse and Germanic invaders. The, displacement ,of the languages of Brythonic descent was probably complete in all of this
  35. To" genocide" to denote not just ethnically motivated murder but also, displacement , though critics charge there is no difference. Slogan Milosevic, the
  36. Of Einstein and derives the same probability distribution \rho (x, t ) for the, displacement ,of a Brownian particle along the x in time t. He therefore gets the same
  37. Particles, in which the diffusion coefficient is related to the mean square, displacement ,of a Brownian particle, while the second part consists in relating the
  38. Of the star (that is, if angle θ in Figure 2 is 90 degrees),the angle of, displacement , θ − φ, would therefore be (in radians) the ratio of the two velocities, or
  39. The badging for recent V8 engines (N62 and N63) also does not indicate, displacement , as the 2006 750i and 2009 750i have 4800 cc (naturally aspirated) and 4400
  40. Shape of a macromolecule. Anisotropy measurements reveal the average angular, displacement ,of the fluoroscope that occurs between absorption and subsequent emission of a
  41. 280 to 300 mm) at its thickest. The class had a very marked increase in speed, displacement ,and firepower compared to the most recent armored cruisers, but no more armor
  42. Give a proper motion of 7 arc seconds/year, distance 30 light years, so the, displacement ,is 3 arc minutes and a half. This calculation also includes an allowance for
  43. Been used to support claims of extrasolar planet detection by measuring the, displacement ,the proposed planets cause in their parent star's apparent position on the sky
  44. The ships fulfilled the design requirement quite closely. The Invincible had a, displacement ,similar to that of the Dreadnought but twice the power to give a speed of. They
  45. The maximum displacement to the south would occur in December, and the maximum, displacement ,to the north in June. It is this apparently anomalous motion that so mystified
  46. ATP concentrations a thousandfold higher than the concentration of ADP. This, displacement ,from equilibrium means that the hydrolysis of ATP in the cell releases a large
  47. Mathbf | ^2= | \math bf | ^2 + 2 \, \math bf \dot \math bf where: \math bf =, displacement ,: \math bf = initial velocity: \math bf = final velocity: \math bf = uniform
  48. BMW 750iL is a fuel-injected 7 Series with a long wheelbase and 5.4 liters of, displacement , This badge was used for successive generations,E65 and F01. When 'L '
  49. Where a large dry dock, capable of launching vessels with more than 100,000 ton, displacement , is now being built. In his statement, Admiral Mason said that the general
  50. Of her as a bourgeois liberal, which together have resulted in the, displacement ,of a religiously inspired utopian radicalism by a secular, class-partisan

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