Examples of the the word, adjustable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adjustable ), is the 8388 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rest, but putting some of this pressure on the armrests. Armrest needs to be, adjustable ,in height to assure shoulders are not over stressed. Organizations The
  2. An example of a jerk equation is:: \franc+A\franc+\franc-|x|+1=0. Where A is an, adjustable ,parameter. This equation has a chaotic solution for A=3/5 and can be
  3. A high blood glucose level. * a basal dose that is pumped continuously at an, adjustable ,basal rate to deliver insulin needed between meals and at night. Bolus shape An
  4. Versions: the MP5K,MP5KA4,MP5KA1,MP5KA5,where the first two variants have, adjustable , open-type iron sights (with a notched rotary drum),and the two remaining
  5. Omega-0.17131848\, \omega^2+0.0196554\, \omega^3 where \, \kappa_1 is an, adjustable ,pure component parameter. Stryker and Vera published pure component parameters
  6. Indoors and outdoors (wheelchairs/scooters) * Vehicles modified with Height, adjustable ,suspension, to allow wheelchair entry to the vehicle * Robot-aided
  7. Has a higher quality (than original SP, not improved SP) backlit display with, adjustable ,brightness. In the United States and Canada, except for the 20th Anniversary
  8. Provided with carriages that allowed firing at comparatively high angles, and, adjustable , propellant cartridges. In other words, there was a marked tendency for
  9. Easy to obtain. The crystal detector in these early radio sets consisted of an, adjustable ,wire point-contact (the so-called" cat's whisker" ) which could be manually
  10. A steady tempo by sounding out a certain number of beats per minute. They are, adjustable ,to fit the tempo of the piece. Many models can also produce a tuning pitch of
  11. Mathematics. Range of floating-point numbers By allowing the radix point to be, adjustable , floating-point notation allows calculations over a wide range of magnitudes
  12. Is quieter than the other braked flywheel types. The braking resistance is, adjustable ,and energy can be accurately measured on this type of rower.: Air Resistance
  13. The broad rim of the flywheel. Weights hanging from the strap ensured that an, adjustable ,and predictable friction could be calculated. The cord from the handle
  14. Capacity (weighing 0.12 kg) or a 30-round capacity (0.17 kg empty). The, adjustable ,iron sights (closed type) consist of a rotating rear diopter drum and a front
  15. To a pole, or one rope to the middle of another *Taut-line hitch for forming an, adjustable ,loop that keeps its size under tension * freedom knot for joining two pieces of
  16. Such as mice and keyboards specifically for gaming. Such mice may feature, adjustable ,weights, high-resolution optical or laser components, additional buttons
  17. Shells. Many, for the sake of simplicity and rapidity of fire, dispensed with, adjustable ,propellant charges. The Bus gun was an early form of howitzer in the Ottoman
  18. In 1998 on the basis of the states' population and GDP, but the key is, adjustable , Shares in the ECB are not transferable and cannot be used as collateral. All
  19. Components, additional buttons, ergonomic shape, and other features such as, adjustable ,CPI. Many games, such as first- or third-person shooters, have a setting named
  20. Design, longer battery life, and brighter, higher-quality displays, with, adjustable , brightness. It is also able to connect wirelessly with Nintendo's Wii console.
  21. Braille typewriter supports a maximum of 42 cells per line (its margins are, adjustable ,), and typical paper allows 25 lines per page. A large interlining Stains by has
  22. In fer rite and are referred to as" shielded ". Some inductors have an, adjustable ,core, which enables changing of the inductance. Inductors used to block very
  23. Musical scales and keys. The instrument can record a repeating loop of, adjustable ,length, set to any tempo, and new loops of sound can be layered on top of
  24. In 1986 (PRSV) significantly improved the model's accuracy by introducing an, adjustable ,pure component parameter and by modifying the polynomial fit of the centric
  25. Ruler is replaced by a rod with a pencil holder (point C) at one end, and two, adjustable ,side pins (points A and B) that slide into two perpendicular slots cut into a
  26. Shoulder strap and a right-hand thumb strap. All accordions have a (mostly, adjustable ,) leather strap on the left-hand manual to keep the player's hand in position
  27. e.g. by a TV repair shop) if necessary. On some CRTs, additional fixed, adjustable ,magnets are added for dynamic convergence and/or dynamic purity at specific
  28. Many inductors used in radio applications (usually less than 100 MHz) use, adjustable ,cores in order to tune such inductors to their desired value, since
  29. Depending on model. To stabilize the right hand, many bassoonists use an, adjustable ,comma-shaped apparatus called a" crutch," or a hand rest, which mounts to the
  30. MOA in the same direction. Most target scopes designed for long distances are, adjustable ,in quarter () or eighth () MOA increments or clicks. One eighth MOA is equal
  31. Button. On almost all modern electric guitars, the bridge has saddles which are, adjustable ,for each string so that intonation stays correct up and down the neck. If the
  32. To support audio shifting) *National LMC 1992 audio controller chip, allowing, adjustable , left/right/master volume and bass and treble EQ via a" Microwire" ( 3-bit
  33. Leather piece on each end. It is made to hold a guitar via the shoulders, at an, adjustable ,length to suit the position favored by the guitarist. Guitars have varying
  34. Also explicitly added the distance between the two electrons. With up to 13, adjustable , parameters they obtained a result very close to the experimental result for the
  35. Machine. The length of the rower handles on this class of rower is typically, adjustable , however, during the row the handle length is fixed which in turn fixes the
  36. Europe. World Traveler offers a 31" seat pitch, lumbar support, and fully, adjustable ,headrests, seat-back entertainment systems, a free bar-service and
  37. Adjustable, and is calibrated in hundreds of meters. The front sight is a post, adjustable ,for elevation in the field. Wind age adjustment is done by the armory before
  38. Kindle and tablet computers, such as the iPad, which offer text-to-speech and, adjustable ,font size features. * Adjustable task lamp, using a fluorescent bulb, shines
  39. The empty product is 1. Rational Bézier curves The rational Bézier curve adds, adjustable ,weights to provide closer approximations to arbitrary shapes. The numerator is
  40. Required for VFR flight in addition to: Heading indicator, Sensitive Altimeter, adjustable ,for Barometric Pressure, Clock with a sweep-second pointer or digital
  41. Floor panels. An armrest was mounted between the seats, and each seat had, adjustable ,footrests and a Velcro seat belt. A large mesh dish antenna was mounted on a
  42. Constructed of an elastic polymer in various sizes. It is fitted with various, adjustable ,straps which may be tightened to secure a good fit. Crucially, it is connected
  43. The end pin and propagated its use. Modern end pins are retractable and, adjustable ,; older ones were removed when not in use. (The word" end pin" sometimes also
  44. A truss rod, which is incorporated into the neck to strengthen it and provide, adjustable ,counter-tension to the stress of the strings. Typically, a steel-string
  45. Conditions to which it has been exposed. The notched rear tangent iron sight is, adjustable , and is calibrated in hundreds of meters. The front sight is a post adjustable
  46. Omega^3 where \, \kappa_1,\, \kappa_2,and \, \kappa_3 are, adjustable ,pure component parameters. PRSV2 is particularly advantageous for VLE
  47. Diopter drum and a front post installed in a hooded ring. The rear sight is, adjustable ,for both wind age and elevation with the use of a special tool; the drum
  48. Electing to take the budget cap would be granted greater technical freedom, adjustable ,front and rear wings and an engine is not subject to a rev limiter. That ‘ they
  49. LED-based aquarium fixtures also have the advantage of being manually, adjustable ,to emit a specific color-spectrum for ideal coloration of corals, fish,and
  50. Propulsion either the engine must be run backwards or the ship will utilize an, adjustable ,propeller. At least three cylinders are required with two-stroke engines and at

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