Examples of the the word, acquaintance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( acquaintance ), is the 8405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Back to Paris, he met old friends from Warsaw, the Wodzińskis. He had made the, acquaintance ,of their daughter Maria, now sixteen, in Poland five years earlier, and fell in
  2. The gunboats were in support at the Battle of Omdurman, where Beatty made the, acquaintance ,of Winston Churchill who had become a cavalry officer in Beatty's father's
  3. Those who might suffer by ignorance. It cannot be too earnestly urged that an, acquaintance ,with real facts will, in the end, be better for all parties. Some time ago
  4. Custom House in Philadelphia with help from President Tyler's son Robert,an, acquaintance ,of Poe's friend Frederick Thomas. Poe failed to show up for a meeting with
  5. Ballerinas nicknamed Bar dot: Brochette Little Doe). At the invitation of an, acquaintance ,of her mother, she modeled in a fashion show in 1949. In the same year, she
  6. The University of Durham. He quickly became welcome at the parsonage. Anne's, acquaintance ,with William Weightman parallels the writing of a number of poems, which may
  7. To be known as the Patterson-Gimlin film. Many years later, Bob Harmonious,an, acquaintance ,of Patterson's, said that he had worn an ape costume for the making of the
  8. And English philosopher Herbert Spencer as well as being in correspondence and, acquaintance ,with most of the U. S. Presidents, statesmen,and notable writers. Carnegie
  9. Rap artist Big Lurch was convicted of the murder and partial consumption of an, acquaintance ,while both were under the influence of PCP. In February 2004,a 39 year-old
  10. 1762–1824),cousin of the U. S. statesman, who had acquired, when in India,an, acquaintance ,with Sanskrit, and had brought out, along with Angles, a descriptive catalog
  11. Through common use in writing, but few people today have this type of deep, acquaintance ,with ancient Chinese literature. Thus, many levels of subtext are potentially
  12. To the English government in London, early in 1673. There Leibniz came into, acquaintance ,of Henry Oldenburg and John Collins. After demonstrating a calculating machine
  13. And acquired so complete a training in philosophy that he became eager to make, acquaintance ,with the Persian philosophical discipline and that prevailing among the Indians
  14. Pace speaks of collateral experience, collateral observation, collateral, acquaintance , all in much the same terms. This typology classifies every sign according to
  15. Son. She tried to sell it to Banks, but he was no longer interested; instead an, acquaintance ,of his agreed to buy the collection. The acquaintance was a 24-year-old medical
  16. Lampoons include appealing to the authority of" a very knowing American of my, acquaintance ,in London" and" the famous Psalmanazar, a native of the island Formosa" (
  17. The King may have fronted some money for the voyage himself. Kidd and an, acquaintance , Colonel Robert Livingston, orchestrated the whole plan and paid for the rest.
  18. For this purpose he visited the Diet of Nuremberg in 1522,where he made the, acquaintance ,of the Reformer Andreas Slander, by whose influence Albert was won over to
  19. Is in Germany" ), and empirical knowledge acquired by direct participation or, acquaintance ,(such as" I know George Bush personally" or" I know Berlin, having visited
  20. That period, which did not go much beyond secondary instruction, with practical, acquaintance ,in French, English and German, and a certain amount of military drill. Rise to
  21. Interested in occultism, and studied magic and conjuring, having made the, acquaintance ,of the mathematician and astrologer John Dee that winter, to whom he wrote
  22. At first hand. Nansen was enthusiastic, and made arrangements through a recent, acquaintance , Captain Axel Creating, commander of the sealer Viking. Through the spring and
  23. Solo works. Bassist Domenico Dragnet was a prominent musical figure and an, acquaintance ,of Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven. His playing was known all the way from his
  24. Helping in the library, until he left for the Netherlands in 1722. Another, acquaintance , Montesquieu, already famous for his Persian Letters when he arrived in Vienna
  25. That Jade Fox has been posing as Jen's governess for many years. BO makes the, acquaintance ,of Inspector Tsai, a police investigator from the provinces, and his daughter
  26. Efforts for poetry for more than a decade. In his later youth, Smith made the, acquaintance ,of the San Francisco poet George Sterling through a member of the local Auburn
  27. Knowledge by description" ( a form of knowledge that) and" knowledge by, acquaintance ," in Problems of Philosophy. Gilbert Role is often credited with emphasizing
  28. A letter (18 September 1607) to the English arch priest George Blackwell,an, acquaintance ,from Flanders many years previously, reproaching him for having taken the oath
  29. He could" stimulate them to a public declaration of what every one of their, acquaintance ,privately knows to be ... their sentiments ". Therefore, on 3 August 1791 Burke
  30. Advises him to obtain a noble title to protect himself. He cultivates the, acquaintance ,of the influential Lord Wend over (André Morel) with this goal in mind
  31. Louis Armstrong, whom he called" my brother ". Shortly afterwards he made the, acquaintance ,of a young violinist with very similar musical interests—Stéphane Grapple. In
  32. Eugene had a relationship with one woman, Eleonora Bethany. Much of their, acquaintance ,remains speculative (Eugene never mentions her in any of his surviving letters
  33. Rite. From Adam Clarke: The occasion of writing the epistle: … Paul had made, acquaintance ,with all circumstances of the Christians at Rome … and finding that it was …
  34. Olaf Christian Dietrichson, an army officer, and Kristian Kristiansen,an, acquaintance ,of Sverdrup's. All had experience of outdoor life in extreme conditions, and
  35. Found myself obliged to it through God’s bidding and nature. – Now it was of my, acquaintance , that inasmuch as God had let me be born a prince, such as I then am born, then
  36. Look for so much left of our days as to bestow upon another, neither the long, acquaintance ,and kind familiarizes wherewith she did use us we are not ever to expect from
  37. The detective either stumbles across the murder or is called upon by an old, acquaintance , who is somehow involved. Gradually, the detective interrogates each suspect
  38. A writer. Early in the autumn of 1927 he moved to London. Ruth Bitter, a family, acquaintance , helped him find lodgings, and by the end of 1927 he had moved into rooms in
  39. Executive at one time and was forced out of Enron by Ken Lay. Daintier was an, acquaintance ,of Warren Buffett. NNG continues to be profitable today. Former management and
  40. Or something) named Godot who never arrives. They claim Godot to be an, acquaintance ,but in fact hardly know him, admitting they would not recognize him if they saw
  41. Also cautiously suggested that Aboriginal legends" perhaps had stemmed from an, acquaintance ,with prehistoric bones or even living prehistoric animals themselves ... When
  42. After a brief sojourn in Germany, Bopp travelled to London where he made the, acquaintance ,of Sir Charles Wilkins and H. T. Holbrook. He also became friends with
  43. Interested; instead an acquaintance of his agreed to buy the collection. The, acquaintance ,was a 24-year-old medical student, James Edward Smith, who bought the whole
  44. And Paris In England, he settled back in the family home at South wold, renewing, acquaintance , with local friends and attending an Old Estonian dinner. He visited his old
  45. Farm. The nearest neighbor lived half a mile (800 m) away, but he was more an, acquaintance ,to Barks' parents than a friend. The closest school was about two miles (3 km
  46. No necessary derogatory connotations. (OED n. definition 2. a. " A familiar, acquaintance , friend, chum ", supported by references from 1361 to 1873). It commonly
  47. Film was cancelled, but it made her consider becoming an actress. Moreover, her, acquaintance , with Vadim, who attended the audition, influenced her further life and career.
  48. And Wolfgang Pauli. Knowledge that, knowledge how, and knowledge by, acquaintance ,In this article, and in epistemology in general, the kind of knowledge usually
  49. Perspective of a lonely and socially inept man. Invariably involving the man's, acquaintance ,'Susie ', but in different capacities each time, Morris paints a picture of
  50. Abraham was in the Basilica system, as our authorities often show no direct, acquaintance ,with the doctrines of Basil ides himself. As an arc hon In the system described

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