Examples of the the word, ditch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ditch ), is the 8384 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or 6th century AD. The site was originally enclosed by a curvilinear bank and, ditch , which is still visible in the south-west corner. However, the other walls were
  2. Publicity. On the land side of the city he constructed the Fossa Rewriting,a, ditch ,fortification. He also built Rome's first prison, the Martine prison.
  3. On the towpath. There was only one towpath, generally on the north side of the, ditch , When canal boats met, the boat with right-of-way steered to the towpath side
  4. Passage, yet not compromise the security of the compound. Multiple wall and, ditch ,systems compounds the problem, leading to the necessity of a controlled
  5. Was cut from their bodies while they were alive, and they were thrown into a, ditch ,where they later died. " Another well-documented case occurred in Chichijima in
  6. Emir Al-Hakam I. In his youth he took part in the so-called" massacre of the, ditch ,", when from 700 to 5000 people come to pay homage to the prince were killed by
  7. The Stoke physiotherapist, Banks lost control of his car which ended up in a, ditch , He lost consciousness and was rushed to hospital. When he came round, he was
  8. Even though they are in the ditch . Similarly, if the jack is knocked into the, ditch ,it is still alive unless it is out of bounds to the side resulting in a" dead
  9. Became known as Hindenburg. The Roman walls were repaired and the defensive, ditch ,re-cut, while the bridge was probably rebuilt at this time. A second fortified
  10. Of the town. A wall was built (nowadays known as Charles V Wall); also a, ditch ,by the wall of the town and a drawbridge at the Land port (Puerto de Tierra).
  11. Of the HVAC system. Solar stills can efficiently produce drinking water from, ditch ,water or cistern water, especially high-efficiency multiple effect
  12. The early dawn the next day the Greeks take advantage of it to build a wall and, ditch ,around the ships. Zeus is watching in a distance. Duel with Achilles Another
  13. Was also constructed by Thomas Tel ford. The canal is nicknamed the" divorce, ditch , " It earned this nickname from the troubles that couples have to endure while
  14. Marietta had a minor car accident outside Milan in 1908 when he veered into a, ditch ,to avoid two cyclists. He referred to the accident in the Futurist Manifesto:
  15. The Hussite model consisting of wagons linked by a chain surrounded by a deep, ditch ,(tabor). Also, units of Rave neck and his subordinate, Kaspar Gnostic (
  16. Are marked with chalk and remain alive in play even though they are in the, ditch , Similarly, if the jack is knocked into the ditch it is still alive unless it is
  17. To under-valued companies, believing that 'it's hard to fall out of a, ditch ,'. The value comes from fundamental analysis. *Managers may use fundamental
  18. Drain a mine). In either case, the water had to be discharged into a stream or, ditch ,at a level where it could flow away by gravity. The introduction of the steam
  19. Junction. ** Beech Bottom Dyke – large scale Iron Age defensive or boundary, ditch ,** Verulamium – Roman town remains, including museum of Roman life and the
  20. As a solo artist. (The event was overrunning and Costello was asked to ", ditch ,the band ". ) Costello introduced the song as an" old northern English folk
  21. The accident in the Futurist Manifesto: the Marietta who was helped out of the, ditch ,was a new man, determined to end the pretense and decadence of the prevailing
  22. Muslim League was established in Dhaka in 1906. In spite of a last, ditch ,effort to form a United Bengal, when India gained independence in 1947,Bengal
  23. Beds are frequently drained with socked tile in addition to the perimeter, ditch , In addition to making it possible to hold water, the dykes allow equipment to
  24. Come to rest within the rink boundary to remain in play. Bowls falling into the, ditch ,are dead and removed from play, except in the event when one has" touched "
  25. Aka Tarzan's Jungle land, on US 1 in Titusville, Florida. It was a last, ditch ,effort to transform Florida Wonderland into something much bigger. It failed
  26. Geospatial Word 262A-33 turboprop enroute to Santa Maria, was forced to, ditch ,in Santa Monica Bay after experiencing engine problems upon takeoff from LAX.
  27. Because of this Frog Pond that the city decided in 1882 to build an artesian, ditch , which was later upgraded and developed into an artesian well in 1884 to combat
  28. Tumble stone and the Red Fork, and the third side fronts on a massive man made, ditch , which is flooded to create a moat when the castle is under siege. River run is
  29. 1981,the four members of Discipline had made the collective decision to, ditch ,their original name and to reactivate and use the name of King Crimson. Which
  30. Such as God's existence). As Blessing says it:" That, then,is the ugly great, ditch ,which I cannot cross, however often and however earnestly I have tried to make
  31. Led to a major drainage canal in Robin Hood Hills. A subsequent search of the, ditch ,revealed the bodies of three boys. They were stripped naked and had been
  32. High Dam, transformed the mighty river into a large and predictable irrigation, ditch , Lake Nasser, the world's largest artificial lake, has enabled planned use of
  33. The digraph ‹ sh › (two letters) represents the sound. In the word, ditch , the three letters ‹ TCH › represent the sound. Less commonly, a single letter
  34. Reportedly made the corner his own by hooking the inside tires into a drainage, ditch , As more concrete was uncovered and more competitors copied him, the trend took
  35. Of many experiments that tested the curvatures of water over a long drainage, ditch , followed by another called The inconsistency of Modern Astronomy and its
  36. After their occupation of the city (1830),built a rampart, parapet and, ditch , with two terminal forts, Bab About باب عزون to the south and Bab-el-Oued باب
  37. The creek, some of it twisted around sticks that had been thrust into the muddy, ditch ,bed. The clothing was mostly turned inside-out; two pairs of the boys '
  38. Summer of 1939,Göring and the rest of the Wilhelmina Imperialists made a last, ditch ,effort to assert their foreign policy program. Göring was involved in desperate
  39. For resident's recreation and relaxation. Water diverted through the city, ditch ,., a non-profit organization. Since 1974,Denver and the surrounding
  40. And rises to a height of. Surrounding the mound, at a distance of to is a, ditch ,up to wide. The grass mound hides a complex of passages and chambers built of
  41. Redeemer across the street demonstrated. This obviated the need for a defensive, ditch ,or Fosse since the line of the city wall would follow the south lip of the
  42. On http://pr.caltech.edu:16080/events/ ditch day/2010/ Ditch Day, the seniors, ditch ,school, leaving behind elaborately designed tasks and traps at the doors of
  43. Aided by the fleet of the Castilian Admiral Alonso More Tenor. Even a, ditch ,was dug across the isthmus. While laying the siege, the king was attacked by a
  44. Flood the flat, low areas of country on either side. It is simply the drainage, ditch ,of districts which are extensively overflowed in the rainy season. Captain Butt
  45. Least some villages were fortified for some time with a palisade and an outer, ditch , Settlements with palisades and weapon-traumatized bones have been discovered
  46. To him as well. However, a wall would imply the existence of a defensive, ditch ,outside it, so an earlier wall could not be immediately adjacent to site of the
  47. 11th and 12th centuries. A courtyard (called bailey) was protected by a, ditch ,and a palisade (strong timber fence). Often the entrance was protected by a
  48. Of the Greeks sinks down. The Trojans press the Greeks into their camp over the, ditch ,and wall and would have laid hands on the ships, but Agamemnon rallies the
  49. Argonauts, featuring an army of fighting skeletons, the film has fallen into a, ditch ,between parody and spectacle ". Awards Army of Darkness won the Saturn Award
  50. After Atari Corp. merged with JT Storage in a reverse takeover. In a last, ditch ,effort to revive the Jaguar, Atari Corp. tried to play down the other two

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